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Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011. Significance of N on-formal and Informal Education within the Training of Vocational Teachers in Lao PDR Heribert Hinzen hinzen@dvv-international.la www.dvv-international.la. Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011.
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 Significance of Non-formal and Informal Education within the Training of Vocational Teachers in Lao PDR Heribert Hinzen hinzen@dvv-international.la www.dvv-international.la
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 Thank you for the invitation Curriculum revision is important Sharing for learning Good to have a wider look I am still new in Lao PDR Long time with dvvinternational in headquarters and projects Research + teaching: Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Hungary
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 Regional Director, dvvinternational Office for South- and South East Asia Lao German Development Cooperation Teaching at the Royal University of Phnom Penh, Master of Education Member, EFA EDN Group, Goal 3 + 4 Member, EFA Reference Group on Higher Education Vice-President, International Council for Adult Education
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 Non-formal and informal education literacy learning and vocational skills training livelihood, work and employment What to learn from the current debate for curriculum development?
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 International debate on skills looks at different areas in development Poverty reduction Reaching the marginalized Small and medium enterprises Farming and non-farming sector Employment and Employability Self-employment and income generation
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 Education for All = EFA 2000 : World Education Forum Goals 3: “ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life-skills programs Goal 4 Global Monitoring Report 2012 : Skills development
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 New Non-formal Education Policy 2010 for Lao PDR Contribution to National Growth and Poverty Eradication Strategy NGPES “… providing literacy, and continuing education and vocational skills training and lifelong learning opportunities”. “… learning and skills needs to develop self-reliant productive and empowered citizens through engaging in income generating and life skills related activities.”
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 UNESCO Regional Office Bangkok End-of-Decade-Note on Learning and Life skills of Young People For each country and region Possible indicators Countries with clear policies Participation of youth in NFE Youth literacy rate 15-24 Guidelines on life skills and TVET Relevant programs and projects
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) www.aspbae.org Study: The Status of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Life Skills for Youth in the Asia-Pacific Region Forum, April, Melbourne: Re-thinking VET and Life Skills for Global Citizenship Feed into EFA GMR on Skills
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 Developments in Lao PDR BAFIS = Vocational Training for the Informal Sector (from … to) IVET = Integrated Vocational Education and Training (since 2010) Policy for inclusive education: Reaching the marginalized Vocational teacher training prepares for formal and non-formal approaches Background paper EFA GMR on Skills?
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 National Human Development Report Employment and Livelihoods Lao PDR, 2009 National, Province, District, Village How to reach those who have a diversity of training needs Training and service centers Mobile training facilities Travelling trainers NHDR, p 184
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 “Informal training programmes , lasting a few weeks to a few months, need to be targeted a low-income rural and urban youth … The courses should be short, practical, inexpensive, accessible, flexible, and spread regionally… Training could be in schools, by instructors who could make visits to target sites, or though mobile training devices… The timings of these courses should be flexible… NHDR, 2009, p 186
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 “Such training would assist in strengthening both self-employment and wage employment outside family farms, in rural and urban areas alike. Private sector partnership should also be sought in these training programmes. The target should be to train about 10.000 to 12.000 persons per year.” NHDR, 2009, p 186
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 Tradional Nong
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 We have many names for education, learning and training which is not in school or university non-formal education out-of-school education adult and post literacy youth skills training continuing education and several others – a very rich and divserse field And then there is lifelong learning l‘education permanente recurrent education lifelong education learning throughout life (Delors, 1995) lifewide, lifedeep ... creating lifelong learning systems (Shanghai, 2010) A new virtual platform: www.lifelongadultlearning.org
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 There is no doubt early childhood education primary schooling are very important for lifelong learning But at the same time youth and skills training adult education and learning non-formal and informal education are not less important for the individual and society
Improving…, Skills…, NUOL, FE, VTTD, 2011 Improvements are not easy ! Let us get a clear understanding on what is needed and wanted Let us join hands with partners in our own and other countries Let us cooperate more on a regional level – following better comparative researches Let us cooperate more on a European and Asian information and exchange level Thank you !