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Communicating. Chapter 15 Bateman and Snell. Learning Objectives. After studying Chapter 15, you will know: important advantages of two-way communication communication problems to avoid when and how to use the various communication channels
Communicating Chapter 15 Bateman and Snell
Learning Objectives • After studying Chapter 15, you will know: • important advantages of two-way communication • communication problems to avoid • when and how to use the various communication channels • ways to become a better “sender” and “receiver of information • how to improve downward, upward, and horizontal communications • how to work with the company grapevine
Interpersonal Communication • Communication • the transmission of information and meaning from one party to another through the use of shared symbols • sender - initiates the process by conveying information • has a meaning s/he wishes to communicate • encodes the meaning into symbols • transmits the message through some channel • receiver - person for whom the message is intended • decodes the messages • attempts to interpret the sender’s meaning • may provide feedback by encoding a message in response • noise- interference in the system that blocks understanding
Person A Person B Sender 1. Intended meaning 2. Encoding Receiver 4. Decoding 5. Perceived meaning 3. Communication channel 10. Intended meaning 9. Decoding (receiver) Sender 6. Intended meaning 7. Encoding 8. Communication channel Two-way communication if B sends feedback to A One-way communication A Model Of The Communication Process
Interpersonal Communication (cont.) • One-way communication • process in which information flows in only one direction • no feedback from the receiver • faster and easier for sender • Two-way communication • process in which information flows in two directions • receiver provides feedback • basis for constructive exchanges • more difficult and time consuming • more accurate
Interpersonal Communication (cont.) • Communication pitfalls • errors can occur in all stages of the communication process • perceptual and filtering processes create misinterpretation • perception - process of receiving and interpreting information • filtering - process of withholding, ignoring, or distorting information • cannot assume the other person means what you think s/he means or understands the intended meanings • e.g., problems arise because of differemces in communication style
Interpersonal Communication (cont.) • Mixed signals and misperception • people do not attend to everything going on around them • people inadvertently send mixed signals • can avoid these problems by taking the time to: • ensure that the receiver attends to the message • consider the receiver’s frame of reference and convey the message from that perceptual viewpoint • take concrete steps to minimize perceptual errors and improper signals • send consistent messages
Interpersonal Communication (cont.) • Oral channel • advantages - questions can be asked and answered • feedback is immediate and direct • receiver can sense the sender’s sincerity • more persuasive • disadvantages • can lead to spontaneous, ill-considered statements • there is no permanent record of the communication
Interpersonal Communication (cont.) • Written channel • advantages – • message can be revised • provides a permanent record • message stays the same when sent to several receivers • receiver has more time to analyze the message • disadvantages – • sender has no control over where, when, or if the message is read • sender does not receive immediate feedback • receiver may not understand parts of the message • message must be longer to answer anticipated questions
Interpersonal Communication (cont.) • Electronic media • computers ‘talk’ with others electronically • teleconferencing - groups of people in different locations interact • audioconferencing - using telephone lines • videoconferencing - see one another on television monitors • advantages - sharing of more information • speed and efficiency in delivering routine messages • inexpensive • disadvantages - difficulty in solving complex problems • e-mail most appropriate for routine messages • unsuitable for confidential information
Interpersonal Communication (cont.) • Virtual office • a mobile office in which people can work anywhere, as long as they have the tools to communicate with customers and colleagues • many benefits in the short run • questions remain about long-term effect on productivity and morale • Managing the electronic load - sheer volume of communication can be overwhelming • reliance on teams promotes increased communication • must separate important messages from the routine • discourage people from sending too many e-mail messages
Interpersonal Communication (cont.) • Media richness • degree to which a communication channel conveys information • the richest media: • are more personal than technological • provide quick feedback • allow lots of descriptive language • send different types of cues • Efficiency and effectiveness • rely on multiple channels when necessary • people must know how to use each channel properly
Improving Communication Skills • Improving sender skills • Presentation and persuasion skills • redundancy - state your viewpoint in a variety of ways • powerful messages are simple and informative • Writing skills - require clear, logical thinking • strive for clarity, organization, readability, and brevity • first draft rarely is as good as it could be • be critical of your own writing • Language - word choice can enhance or interfere with communications • consider the receiver’s background and adjust your language • learn something about foreign language for overseas business
Improving Communication Skills (cont.) • Nonverbal skills • signals other than those that are spoken or written • can support or undermine the stated message • nonverbal cues may make a greater impact than other signals • can send a positive message with nonverbal signals by: • using time wisely • arranging the office to foster open communication • body language • facial expression and tone of voice • Nonverbal signals in different countries • need to correctly interpret the nonverbal signals of others
Improving Communication Skills (cont.) • Improving receiver skills • Listening - good listening is difficult and not nearly as common as needed • reflection - process by which a person states what s/he believes the other person is saying • listening begins with personal contact • good listening leads to development of trust • Reading - reading mistakes are common and costly • read memos as soon as possible • note important points for later referral • read materials outside of your immediate concerns
Improving Communication Skills (cont.) • Improving receiver skills (cont.) • Observing • effective communicators able to observe and interpret nonverbal signals • personally visiting plants and other locations to get a first-hand view of operations • must accurately interpret what is observed • Effective supervision • communicate more information • prefer asking and persuading to telling and demanding • are sensitive to people’s feelings and needs • are willing, empathic listeners
Organizational Communication • Downward communication • information that flows from higher to lower levels in the organization’s hierarchy • problems: • information overload • lack of openness - withhold information even if sharing is important • filtering - some information is left out • message can be distorted by adding personal interpretation • the fewer the number of authority levels through which communication must pass, the less information will be lost or distorted
Organizational Communication (cont.) • Downward communication (cont.) • Coaching - important form of downward communication • dialogue with a goal of helping another be more effective and achieve her/his full potential on the job • used to deal with performance problems or to help person change behavior • coaches for executives sometimes hired from outside the firm • often incumbent on managers to coach themselves • Downward communication in difficult times • communication important during mergers and acquisitions • full communication helps employees deal with anxiety • signals care and concern for employees
Organizational Communication (cont.) • Downward communication (cont.) • Open-book management • practice of sharing with employees at all levels of the organization vital information previously meant for management’s eyes only • practice is controversial • done properly, complete communications system makes sense to people on the shop floor just as it does to the top executives • potentially impacts motivation and care for business results
Organizational Communication (cont.) • Upward communication • information that flows from lower to higher levels in the organization hierarchy • important for several reasons • managers learn what’s going on • employees gain from the opportunity to communicate upward • facilitates downward communication • problems similar to those for downward communication • Managing upward communication • managers should facilitate upward communication • managers must motivate people to provide valid information • upward communication can use informal channels
Organizational Communication (cont.) • Horizontal communication • information sharing among people on the same hierarchical level • has several important functions • Managing horizontal communication • direct contact among managers • integrative roles, task forces, and project teams • management information systems • create a culture of openness, honesty, trust, and mutual obligation
Organizational Communication (cont.) • Formal and informal communication • formal communication - official, organization-sanctioned episodes of information transmission • informal communication - more unofficial • grapevine - the social network of informal communications • helps people to interpret the organization • conveys information that the formal system leaves unsaid • Managing informal communication • managers need to work with the grapevine • talk to the key people • prevent rumors from starting • neutralize rumors once they have started