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Incident Reporting

Incident Reporting. What is an incident?. An incident is: any unusual occurrence that results in potential or actual injury to a resident, staff, visitor or property. The Cottages Policy: Section 3, pgs 12 & 13 State of Idaho Rule16.

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Incident Reporting

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  1. Incident Reporting

  2. What is an incident? • An incident is: any unusual occurrence that results in potential or actual injury to a resident, staff, visitor or property. • The Cottages Policy: Section 3, pgs 12 & 13 • State of Idaho Rule16. Incident. An Event that can cause Resident Injury.

  3. Incident Reporting • Why do I have to do an incident report? • When do I complete an incident report? • Who completes the incident report?

  4. Why do I have to do an incident report? • An incident report should be completed to report any incident, situation, or unusual occurrence that involves potential injury or harm to a resident, visitor or staff. • Required for regulatory compliance. • Assists with resolving resident care issues. • Improves quality with resident care. • Identifies training needs for staff. • Damage to company property.

  5. When do I complete an incident report? • Incident reports should be completed for the following reasons: • Resident issues: falls, elopements, unexplained bruising… • Employee issues: staff member falls, any injury that occurs on the job, needle sticks/exposure to biohazardous waste or body fluids… • Medication issues: medication errors: wrong resident receives the wrong drug, med not available…

  6. Who completes the incident report? • The first person to become aware of the incident must complete the incident report.

  7. Incident Report Instructions nSection 1: • Date of Report (This should be on the same day of the Incident) • Date & Time of Incident • Resident Name

  8. Incident Report Instructions nSection 2: Vital Signs • Complete Set of Vital Signs should be Records • If Unable to get Vital Signs document why • Blood Glucose is mandatory/Nurse may recommend if Diabetic to rule out contributing factor.

  9. Incident Report Instructions nSection 3: Person’s Notified • Family • Physician • Nurse • Administrator needs to be added to IR Form

  10. Incident Report Instructions nSection 4: Incident/Behavior Details • Location • Witnessed & Unwitnessed • Description of Incident • Name of staff involved • Measures Taken • Offsite Medical Treatment Yes or No • Reported BY • Title of Reporter • Staff Signature

  11. Incident Report Instructions nSection 5: ACTIONS TAKEN • Description of Actions Taken • Results • Actions Completed BY…this applies the Caregiver’s Signature

  12. Incident Report Instructions nSection 6: Possible Contributing Factors • New Medications? Side Effects of Medications? • Medications Missed/Refused • Physical Notified (aware) of Side Effects? • Corrective Action….This is where the bulk of the Follow-up Documentation is entered. Don’t forget to tell the “rest of the story”. Initials/Date can by typed right in the box if both the Administrator and RN are documenting in this section. • INCIDENT Signatures!

  13. THE END Remember Accidents/Incidents happen…what matters is what WE DO about them!

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