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Understanding Photon and Electron Probes for Analysis in Different Imaging Modes

Explore the principles and applications of photon and electron probes, including techniques like SEM, TEM, spectroscopy, and diffraction. Learn about probe-specimen interactions, wave characteristics, and more for advanced imaging.

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Understanding Photon and Electron Probes for Analysis in Different Imaging Modes

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  1. Photon Electron Probes used for analysis • Neutron UiO IFE Waves/particles Amplitude and phase Wave length Coherence Monochromatic MENA3100

  2. Imaging/microscopy Visible light/Optical Electron SEM STEM TEM Diffraction X-rays Electrons Neutrons Spectroscopy EDS X-rays EELS Electrons XPS, AES Electrons (surface) Sample preparation Mechanical grinding/polishing Chemical polishing/etching Ion bombardment Crunching etc…… What to learn about Different imaging modes. Mapping of elements or chemical states of elements. The same basic theory for all waves. MENA3100

  3. Spherical aberration x r2 y-focus r1 α y x-focus v - Δv v Waves and lenses r2 r1 α Chromatic aberration S1 S2 Back focal plane Astigmatism f 1. image Object Thin lens http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/refrn/u14l5f.cfm MENA3100

  4. Probe-specimen interactions Probe dependent • Wave length dependence • Diffraction • Z- and structure dependence • Scattering factors • Orientation dependence • Energy dependent • Ineleastic scattering/ energy transfere electron photon neutron MENA3100

  5. Valence M 3d6 M 3p4 L 3d4 3s2 2p4 3p2 K Electron shell 2s2 2p2 1s2 L K Basic principles, electron probe Electron Auger electron or x-ray Characteristic x-ray emitted or Auger electron ejected after relaxation of inner state. Low energy photons (cathodoluminescence) when relaxation of outer stat. Secondary electron MENA3100

  6. Valence M Electron shell L K Basic principles, x-ray probe X-ray Auger electron Secondary x-rays M L K Characteristic x-ray emitted or Auger electron ejected after relaxation of inner state. Low energy photons (cathodoluminescence) when relaxation of outer stat. Photo electron MENA3100

  7. Photon Visible light Optical microscopy (OM), Ch. 1 X-ray X-ray diffraction (XRD), Ch. 2 X-ray photo electron spectroscopy (XPS), Ch. 7 Neutron Neutron diffraction (ND) (IFE) Electron Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Ch. 4 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Ch. 3 Electron diffraction (ED), Ch. 3 Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), Ch. 6 Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), Ch. 7 Probes MENA3100

  8. Basic principles X-rays Electrons You will learn about: - the equipment -imaging -diffraction -the probability for different events to happen -energy related effects -element related effects -etc., etc., etc…….. (SEM) (XD) X-rays X-rays (EDS) (XPS) BSE PE AE SE AE SE E<Eo (EELS) E=Eo (TEM and ED) MENA3100

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