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Osamu Yasuda

Model independent analysis of New Physics interactions and implications for long baseline experiments. Osamu Yasuda. Tokyo Metropolitan University. INTERNATIONAL NEUTRINO FACTORY AND SUPERBEAM SCOPING STUDY MEETING  26 April 2006 @RAL.

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Osamu Yasuda

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  1. Model independent analysis of NewPhysics interactions and implications for long baseline experiments Osamu Yasuda Tokyo Metropolitan University INTERNATIONAL NEUTRINO FACTORY AND SUPERBEAM SCOPING STUDY MEETING  26 April 2006 @RAL

  2. Based on a work with Hiroaki Sugiyama(KEK) & Noriaki Kitazawa (TMU) Without referring to specific models, assuming the maximum values of the New Physics parameters which are currently allowed by all the experimental data, the values of oscillation probabilities are estimated for future long baseline experiments.

  3. NP effects in propagation(NP matter effect) na nb f f additional potential Aeab the same f (f=e, u, d) potential due to CC int SM NP

  4. na lb f f’ NP effects at source and detector (Charged Current) NP (source) SM NP (detector)

  5. F F’ f f’ SM+mn flavor eigenstate to energy eigenstate propagation in energy eigenstate energy eigenstate to flavor eigenstate la lb nb na nj

  6. F F’ f f’ NP ng nd la lb nj

  7. 1 1 Present talk For simplicity, here we discuss the case where Us=Ud=1,i.e.,NP exists only in propagation. For simplicity, we’ll also neglect all complex phases.

  8. n Our starting point: two constraints on eab Davidson et al (’03): Constraints from various n experiments

  9. Friedland-Lunardini (’05): Constraints from atmospheric neutrinos 95%CL 99%CL 3sCL With some modifications:

  10. : Points used as reference values Large values, if any, come from, eee , eet, ett:

  11. n Phenomenology with eee , eet, ett ~ O(1) In high energy limit (|DEjk |<< A), it reduces to Nn=2 case analytical result In low energy limit (|DEjk |>> A), reduces to vacuum oscillation analytical result En ~10MeV ~a few 10GeV In between ( |DEjk |~ A ), analytical treatment is difficult numerical result

  12. In high energy limit |DEjk |<< A (E>a few 10 GeV), it reduces to Nn=2 case: if this factor~1, Pet~ O(1) !! AL/2~ L/4000km

  13. In low energy limit |DEjk |>> A (E< 10 MeV), it reduces to vacuum oscillationsreactors have no sensitivity to NP (because AL<<1) (reactor) indistinguishable

  14. In between 10 MeV <E< a few 10 GeV ( |DEjk |~ A ), analytical treatment is difficult. numerically calculated • MINOS (nmgne) (L=730km, 0<E<25GeV) • T2K(K) (nmgne) (L=295km, 0<E<1GeV) (L=1050km, 0<E<5GeV) • n factory (negnm,negnt) (L=3000km, 0<E<50GeV) (L=730km, 0<E<25GeV) Plot for SM+mn has k30% uncertainty because 0.9<sin22q23<1.0. NeverthelessNPeffects can be distinguishable even with this uncertainty, except for T2K. NB

  15. MINOS may see NP! MINOS(ne appearance)

  16. T2K(K)(ne appearance)

  17. n factory(channel) golden

  18. n factory(channel) silver Amazing!!!

  19. Summary • Assuming the maximum values of the NP parameters which are currently allowed by all the experimental data, the values of oscillation probabilities are estimated (taking into account NPin propagationonly) for future long baseline experiments. • There is a chance that MINOS (nmgne), T2K(K) (nmgne), n factory (negnm,negnt) see a signal of NP which could be larger than what is expected from the CHOOZ limit on q13 in SM+mn.

  20. The (for NF) (negnm) and ne appearance (for SB) (nmgne) channels are also powerful to detect the effects of New Physics (because of large q23 mixing nmnnt). golden • The channel (negnt) is the most powerful to detect the effects of New Physics for larger value of eet allowed by natm . silver • The probability to see the effects of New Physics depends both on the baseline and En, and combination of a reactor, T2K, NF is necessary to identify the source of the oscillation.

  21. NP Future work (in progress) • Analytical treatment of probabilities • Inclusion of NP at source (Us) & detector (Ud) • Us and Ud only change the magnitudes of P (the oscillation lengths are not modified). • The best way to measure Us and Ud is to take the limit Lg0. • For SB/BB, processes of production and detection are both hadronic,so Ud = UsSB/BBwithLg0is useless. • For NF, production process is leptonic while detection process is hadronic, so Udm UsNFwithLg0is useful!

  22. In case of Nn=2 using Grossman’s notation • At source NF (leptonic) SB/BB (hadronic) • At detector (hadronic)

  23. Backup slides

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