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Ubi . maps. GeoWeb Applications, the easy way. Ubimaps. What is it? A framework composed of a set of classes, helpers and interaction concepts that allow an agile development of geo-centric web applications , while providing high quality user interaction experience. Motivation (1).
Ubi.maps GeoWeb Applications, the easy way
Ubimaps What is it? • A framework composed of a set of classes, helpers and interaction concepts that allow an agile development of geo-centric web applications, while providing high quality user interaction experience
Motivation (1) Why was it created? • There are bigamountsofgeo-basedinformation (justthinkaboutanylistofitemsthathaveanaddressfield) that are notbeingexploitedthegeo-way. • Withthe overall evolution of mapping technologies, the widspread of content mappingbegan, butitstillwasn’teasy to capitalize thiskindofinformation • Tough the mapping of content with google maps as evolved and widspread, this is usually an add on to an existing web application, embedding a small map with little interest and poor interaction abilities.
Motivation (2) What does it do? • Ubimaps, will allow developers to create real geo-centric web applications, where map interface is king, while providing interaction models and architectural solutions that allow building complete, fully functional, web applications on top of maps. • Those who have developed geo-centric web applications know that there are great challenges on • deciding how to put together in a consistent way, client and server side logic, connecting it all together on top of a map engine. • developing and organizing code on the client side (javascript) as ajax based web applications gain terrain. • designing user interaction centered on location
Branding Features Personalize Look and Feel • Markers (items) icons • Balloon structure • map buttons • colors • dialog windows • effects • logos • scroll bars Templates based engine • Use your own HTML code as base for graphical elements (list, balloons, etc.), in a clean, and organized way. Multi Language Support • Multi language support from scratch
Navigation Features (1) Base search and filtering • Base filtering and searching based on location Extend search and filtering • Ability to extend items search with your desired criteria, filtering on date of insertion, type name, values, etc. Intelligent “jump to location” • Jump to location functionality, which auto zooms in the most appropriate way
Navigation Features (2) Items List View • Items list view, proving user with a quick eye scan tool • List pagination • Bounding with map results: cliking on list items, connects to map items, and vice-versa Items media visualization • Pictures and videos, navigation and slideshow controls for an item available. Items aggregation on map • Too many near items, aggregate into sets of items, preventing items hiding Browser History Control • Browser history control, and back control, for ajax based applications
Performance Features Lightweight Communication • Client-server JSON data interchange • Items information partial loading , and loading as needed
Data Import/Export Features GeoRss Compatible • Attach a geoRss feed as data source of the application • Generate geoRss from application data Images • Upload and crop system Printing • Item information printing
Browser Compatibility Features Compatibility with: • Internet Explorer 6+; • Firefox 2+; • Google Chrome; • Safari; • Opera.
Ubimaps In Action (1) Eureka Virtual Guide (eureka.ubimaps.com) • VGuide for the Portuguese Chairmanship of the pan-European network for market-oriented, industrial R&D.
Ubimaps In Action Casasnomapa.com (www.casasnomapa.com) • Real estate classifieds searching and announcing tool