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Imperial College London 2014 Staff Survey. Presentation of Research Findings. Ted Turner July 2014. Introduction. Imperial College London 2014 Staff Survey. A total of 4589 Imperial employees completed the survey 3 rd Feb - 26 th Feb 2014
Imperial College London 2014 Staff Survey Presentation of Research Findings Ted Turner July 2014
Introduction Imperial College London 2014 Staff Survey A total of 4589 Imperial employees completed the survey 3rd Feb - 26th Feb 2014 Response achieved from 7607 valid e-mail addresses, giving a response rate of 60% Differences of 2% compared with the 2011 survey are significant statistically and differences of 3% are likely to represent a real change
Introduction Guide to how the findings are presented Five point rating scales have been condensed for ease of reading and colour coded as shown in the table below
Your working life Q1 Please give your level of agreement with the following statements about your role at Imperial. (slide 1 of 3) % Base: All Staff (4554) Ref. Q1
Your working life Q1 Please give your level of agreement with the following statements about your role at Imperial. (slide 2 of 3) % Base: All Staff (4554) Ref. Q1
Your working life Q1 Please give your level of agreement with the following statements about your role at Imperial. (slide 3 of 3) % Base: All Staff (4554) Ref. Q1
Your working life Q2 Please indicate the extent to which you are satisfied or dissatisfied with each of these factors in your job. (slide 1 of 4) % Base: All Staff (4439) Ref. Q2
Your working life Q2 Please indicate the extent to which you are satisfied or dissatisfied with each of these factors in your job. (slide 2 of 4) % Base: All Staff (4439) Ref. Q2
Your working life Q2 Please indicate the extent to which you are satisfied or dissatisfied with each of these factors in your job. (slide 3 of 4) % Base: All Staff (4439) Ref. Q2
Your working life Q2 Please indicate the extent to which you are satisfied or dissatisfied with each of these factors in your job. (slide 4 of 4) % Base: All Staff (4439) Ref. Q2
Your working life Q3. Please TICK those that are most important to you. (You may tick as many as you wish) Slide shows top 11 from list of 21 % Base: All Staff (4393) Ref. Q3
Your working life Q4. During the last 12 months have you experienced a level of pressure at work that you consider to be unreasonable? Please choose ONE only % Base: All Staff (4227) Ref. Q4
Your working life Q5. What would you say was the cause of the unreasonable levels of pressure at work you have experienced? (Answered by 77% of staff) % Base: All Experiencing Pressure (3260) Ref. Q5
Development and Progression Q6. To what extent do you agree or disagree in relation to the following statements on Development and Progression? (slide 1 of 4) % Base: All Staff (4298) Ref. Q6
Development and Progression Q6. To what extent do you agree or disagree in relation to the following statements on Development and Progression? (slide 2 of 4) % Base: All Staff (4298) Ref. Q6
Development and Progression Q6. To what extent do you agree or disagree in relation to the following statements on Development and Progression? (slide 3 of 4) % Base: All Staff (4298) Ref. Q6
Development and Progression Q6. To what extent do you agree or disagree in relation to the following statements on Development and Progression? (slide 4 of 4) % Base: All Staff (4298) Ref. Q6
Development and Progression Q7 Why do you feel recruitment and selection processes are not applied fairly and consistently? (Slide shows answers given by 5% or more of those answering the question) % Base: All who disagree that confident that recruitment and selection processes and procedures are applied fairly and consistently (581) Ref. Q7
Development and Progression Q8 What, if anything, prevents you from being able to attend the training you feel you need for development? % Base All disagreeing they are able to attend training that supports my aspirations for development and promotion (422) Ref. Q8
Development and Progression Q9 Do you feel any of the following has affected your progression at Imperial? % In 2014 this question asked of all staff Base: All Staff (3903) Ref. Q9
Equality Q11 Discrimination. All staff are required by law not to discriminate. Discrimination is defined as one person, or a group of persons, being treated less favourably than another on the grounds of: age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation. During the last three years, or during your time working at the College if shorter than three years, have you personally experienced discrimination at Imperial? % Base: All Staff (3908) Ref. Q11
Equality Q12 What sort of discrimination have you experienced in the last 3 years? (Answered by 7% of staff) % Base: All Staff experiencing discrimination (334) Ref. Q12
Equality Q14. Harassment. Men and women have a right not to be subjected to harassment at work or work in an intimidating environment. Legally, it is defined as occurring where an individual engages in unwanted conduct which has the purpose or effect of violating another person's dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading or offensive environment for that person. Please note that an individual may feel harassed or offended even when the inappropriate comment or conduct is not made towards or about the individual personally. During the last three years, or during your time working at the College if shorter than three years, have you personally experienced harassment at Imperial? % In 2011 harassment and bullying were not measured separately and definitions were not provided Base: All Staff (3967) Ref. Q14
Equality Q16Bullying. The exercise of power over another person through persistent, negative acts or behaviour that undermines an individual, personally and/or professionally. Bullying can be threatening, insulting, abusive, disparaging or intimidating behaviour placing inappropriate pressure on the recipient which can affect self-confidence and self-esteem or has the effect of isolating or excluding them. Bullying can take the form of persistent shouting, sarcasm or derogatory remarks; it can be criticism, without constructive support, to assist a member of staff to address performance concerns; it may also include cyber bullying, ie. using the internet and related technologies to harm another person in a deliberate, repeated and hostile manner. During the last three years, or during your time working at the College if shorter than three years, have you personally experienced bullying at Imperial? % In 2011 harassment and bullying were not measured separately and definitions were not provided Base: All Staff (3958) Ref. Q14
Equality Q18 Who did you inform about any discrimination, harassment or bullying problems? % Base: All experiencing or witnessing discrimination, harassment or bullying (1219) Ref. Q18
Equality Q19 How effectively did the _________ deal with your situation? % Base: All reporting to person/department shown) Ref. Q19
Equality Q20/Q21 Why did you not inform your line manager/senior manager/HR about any discrimination, harassment or bullying problems? % Base: All not reporting discrimination, harassment or bullying (472) Ref. Q20/Q21
Equality Q22 Over the last three years, or during your time working at the College if shorter than three years, how would you say the College has progressed in terms of promoting equality and eliminating discrimination based on...? % Base: All Staff (451) Ref. Q22
Equality Q23 How has promoting equality and eliminating discrimination by the College got better? (Answered by 28% of staff. Slide shows answers given by at least 3%) % Base: All Staff experiencing discrimination (1281) Ref. Q23
Equality Q28 How much, if anything, do you know about the following initiatives and schemes? % Base: All Staff (4173) Ref. Q28
Communications Q29 Taking everything into account, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (slide 1 of 2) % Base: All Staff (4134) Ref. Q29
Communications Q29 Taking everything into account, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (slide 2 of 2) % Base: All Staff (4134) Ref. Q29
Communications Q32 How useful do you find each of the following as a way of keeping informed of College news and events? (slide 1 of 3) % Base: All Staff (4083) Ref. Q32
Communications Q32 How useful do you find each of the following as a way of keeping informed of College news and events? (slide 2 of 3) % Base: All Staff (4083) Ref. Q32
Communications Q32. How useful do you find each of the following as a way of keeping informed of College news and events? (slide 3 of 3) % Base: All Staff (4083) Ref. Q32
Safety in the workplace Q36. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Slide 1 of 2) % Base: All Staff (4028) Ref. Q36
Safety in the workplace Q36. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Slide 1 of 2) % Base: All Staff (4028) Ref. Q36
Your comments Q37. What, for you, is the single best thing about working for Imperial? (Slide shows answers given by 2% or more) % Base: All Staff answering (3933) Ref. Q37
Your comments Q38. If it were possible, what one thing would you change about working at Imperial? (Slide shows answers given by 3% or more) % Base: All Staff answering (3708) Ref. Q38
Conclusions Conclusions - 1 The pattern of findings in 2014 is very similar to that seen in the 2011 survey Understanding of Imperial's objectives and how one's role fits within those objectives remains high At least three-quarters of staff feel they have all the information they need to do their job and would know who to talk to if they had any work concerns Whilst two-thirds continue to feel confident in expressing their views without fear of negative consequences, it remains true one in five do not feel this way In 2011 at least three-quarters felt well informed at faculty and departmental level and there has been a 3% improvement on these measures Over 85% remain satisfied with their relationship with colleagues, that they have interesting work and that they work with people they respect Over two-thirds of staff include these three areas amongst the aspects of work they consider 'most important'
Conclusions Conclusions - 2 Workplace conditions remain satisfactory to two-thirds, but a sixth are dissatisfied For recognition of contribution and achievement around six out of ten give positive feedback whereas up to a fifth remain dissatisfied Nearly three in 10 are dissatisfied with their career and promotion prospects (unchanged from 2011) Job security is 9% higher The proportion of staff feeling a level of pressure at work they feel is unreasonable at least some of the time has fallen from 50% in 2011 to 46% in 2014 Whilst workload is the most common cause, conflicting priorities, lack of decision-making authority and lack of consultation are contributory in at least one in five cases The majority of staff (88%) feel motivated to do their job well. Only 5% disagree Feedback on learning and development is generally favourable
Conclusions Conclusions - 3 Opinion remains divided on PRDP: half think it useful, a quarter disagree Opinion also remains similarly divided in the area of promotion reviews At least three-quarters feel their progress has NOT been affected by factors such as age, gender, accent, ethnic origin, having caring responsibilities etc 91% said they had NOT personally experienced any discrimination in the last 3 years (or since joining if this was less than three years ago) • 88% have NOT personally experienced harassment • 86% have NOT personally experienced bullying The proportion satisfied with their job remains 79%. Around one in eight are dissatisfied.
2014 Imperial College Staff Survey James Stirling, Provost Louise Lindsay, Director of HR Stephen Richardson, Associate Provost