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The Italian Education and Professional Training System. An overview of ENIPG’s point of view of the Graphic Sector. The Italian Education and Formation System. Significant transformation in the last decade
The Italian Education and Professional Training System An overview of ENIPG’s point of view of the Graphic Sector
The Italian Education and Formation System Significant transformation in the last decade The decentralization policy (C. L. n. 3/2001): the State is no longer the only actor Greater autonomy for the local Institutions (Regions, Commons, Provinces, Metropolitan Cities)
The Italian Education and Formation System • Local Institutions cooperate with Scholastic Institutions • More attention to the needs and specificities of the local territories • The Scholastic Institutions can realize, with autonomy of planning, more personalized typologies of learning
The Italian Education and Formation System • The most recent legislative reforms, to be coherent to the Community principle, promote and guarantee Life Long Learning • The Italian Education and Formation System (L. n. 53/2003 - Art. 6) gives every individual the right to education and training
Nursery School Nursery School First cycle Primary School (5 years) Primary School (5 years) Middle School (3 years) Middle School (3 years) State examination State examination Second cycle High School (5 years) Professional Education (4-5 years) ENIPG State examination State examination Higher Education and Superior Formation Degree (3 years) Specialistic Degree (2 years) IFTS Vocational and Professional Formation Apprenticeship
Since 1955 ENIPG has promoted and increased Professional Training in the Graphic Sector for young people ENIPG has recognized over 30 Schools and Graphic Institutes based on specific norms underwritten in the contracts for jobs in the sector What is the role of ENIPG?
Arese (MI), Asti, Bergamo, Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia, Città di Castello (PG), Como, Firenze, Genova, Milano, Modena, Napoli, Reggio Emilia, Roma, Saronno (VA), Torino, Trento, Mestre (VE). ENIPG Graphic Institutes are located in major Italian cities:
What is the role of ENIPG? • ENIPG cooperates with its Graphic Institutions in the contents of courses and in the organization of training projects. • Two kinds of Scholastic Institutions: • Professional Formative Centers (CFP) • Professional Institutes (IPSIA) • Industrial Technical Institutes (ITI)
Professional Figures • Graphic planner • Pre-Print Operator • Typographer • Bookbinder • Production Manager
Other ENIPG’s activities ENIPG also looks after: • BASIC TRAININGfor the unemployed and post graduates • CONTINUOUS TRAINING:employees can up-date their knowledge and/or re-train
A new way of Learning-on-the-job • Simulator for printing (Synapse Graphic International): it is a software for pc that simulates in a video the total printing process. • Employees can update their knowledge interacting with a teacher and remaining in their work places.
Thank you for your attention! D.ssa Valentina Zancla Candido
OUR CONTACTS: • Denomination: ENIPG - Ente Nazionale per l’Istruzione Professionale Grafica • Address:Via Oslavia, 50 – 00195 – Roma • Phone:(+39) 06 3612197 • Fax: (+39) 06 3612606 • E-mail:enipg@enipg.it • Web site:www.enipg.it