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IL SISTEMA SCOLASTICO ITALIANO. The Italian School System. IL LICEO “A. ORIANI” CORATO. The Italian school is committed to taking care of the continuous formation of each student, Italian, or foreigner, because it considers education as a right and a duty of fundamental
The Italian school is committed to taking care of the continuous formation of each student, Italian, or foreigner, because it considers education as a right and a duty of fundamental importanceto a person. The Italian law states that schoolattendanceiscompulsory up to the age of 16.
DIFFERENT KINDSOF SCHOOLS Day Care – (Nest) Municipal and private day cares are educational services offered to children of the age ranging from three months to three years, whose aim is also to assist parents in childcare; they are usually open from 7.30am to 5.30pm, from Monday to Friday with the possibility of a flexible timetable. Attendancerequires some monthlypayment, whichdepends on family income and the selected Timetable.
Nursery Schools This service is offered by state, and private schools, which admit children aged three to six years. Children who celebrate their 3rd birthday before December 31st can be registered into nursery schools, and in special circumstances, children turning three by 30th April of the followingyear. Majority of schools operate from Monday to Friday, 8 to 9 hours a day, and a fee is required for the mealsprovided, depending on one’s income. Families that earn a very low income are exempted from paying.
PrimarySchools The primary school has a duration of five years. It is compulsory for children turning six by 31st December. Children turning six by 30th April of the following year can also be registered. Schools are usuallyorganized in the following way: • Standard teachinghours: from Monday to Saturday, with a morningtimetablethatvaries from 24 to 30 hours a week; • Full time: from Monday to Friday, withanafternoontimetable, with a total of 40 hours a week. A fee is required for the meals provided, depending on the income, exceptforverylow-incomefamilies.
First Level SecondarySchool First Level Secondary School has a duration of three years and it is compulsory for students that have completed the five years of Primary school. Schools are normallyorganized in: • Standard time-table: five to six days a week with a total of 30 hoursmorningschedules; • Extended timetable: five to six days a week with a total of 36 to 40 hours, with morning and afternoon schedules, mealsprovided. In the first level secondary schools, English and a second foreign language are taught (French, German or Spanish).
High School After eight years of education (five in Primary school and three in first levelsecondaryschool), students can register for the first level of High school to get a High school diploma, which lasts for five years, or a professional diploma which lasts for a minimum of three years. Compulsory education, up to 16 years of age, can also be accomplished byattendingexperimental courses in professional training.
IL SISTEMA DEI LICEI (HIGH SCHOOL SYSTEM) LICEO CLASSICO (Classic/HumanisticGrammarSchool) LICEO SCIENTIFICO (Maths/Science High School) LICEO DELLE SCIENZE UMANE (PaedagogicalGrammarSchool LICEO ARTISTICO (Art High School) LICEO MUSICALE (Music High School) LICEO LINGUISTICO (High SchoolforForeignLanguages) Modello schema 4 9
Liceo Oriani, founded in 1923, is the oldesthigh school inCorato. Ithaseducatedseveralgenerationsofstudents and stilltodayitisanimportant cultural referencefor the whole community of Corato Thankstoitsmoderntechnologicalequipment (Science labsforChemistry and Physics, Languagelab, LIM -multimedia interactiveboard) in eachclassroom, itcombinestradition and innovation
AREE ED INDIRIZZI Areas and courses
CLASSICO Classic PSICOLOGICO-SOCIALE Psychological-SocialCourse BENI CULTURALI Cultural Management SCIENTIFICO Science/ Maths COMUNICAZIONE Communication
ATTIVITA’ E PROGETTI CURRICULARI Activities and curricularprojects
Interventi in favore di alunni diversamente abili e/o in situazione di svantaggio – Actionstosupportdisabled or disadvantagedpupils • Giornata della Memoria e del Ricordo – MemoryDays (tohonour the victimsofpoliticalviolence) • Educazione alla Salute – HealthEducation • Educazione all’Ambiente – EnvironmentalEducation • Il Quotidiano in classe – Commenting on newspapers • Viaggi d'istruzione e visite guidate – Schooltrips
Carnevale – Carnivalactivities • Young day – creative activities • Comenius • Alternanza scuola-lavoro – Stages • Attività sportive e campionati studenteschi – Sport activities and schoolchampionships • Olimpiadi della matematica – National Mathscompetitions • Certamina – Latin Translationcompetitions