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Multi-Wavelength Data Fusion for Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys. Mattia Vaccari - University of Padova mattia@mattiavaccari.net www.mattiavaccari.net Alberto Franceschini & Giulia Rodighiero Anna Feltre & Gabriele Mainetti & Lucia Marchetti EuroVO AIDA2 Talk – ESAC – 19 Nov 2009.
Multi-Wavelength Data Fusionfor Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys Mattia Vaccari - University of Padova mattia@mattiavaccari.netwww.mattiavaccari.net Alberto Franceschini & Giulia Rodighiero Anna Feltre & Gabriele Mainetti & Lucia Marchetti EuroVO AIDA2 Talk – ESAC – 19 Nov 2009 Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys
Multi-Wavelength Data Fusionfor Long-Wavelength EG Surveys • 25 years ago IRAS first hinted at the rapidly evolving properties of Infrared Galaxies in the Local Universe • In the late 1990s the careful analysis of COBE revealed a diffuse CBR at IR wavelengths which ISO and SCUBA were able to resolve in individual sources in the MIR & SMM • Since 2003 Spitzer MIR/FIR EG surveys have shed further light on the dust-obscured Cosmic SFH, bridging the gap between MIR & SMM surveys and turning a fledgling discipline into a standard tool for galaxy evolution studies • Herschel now promises to provide the FIR/SMM resolution and sensitivity required to put our knowledge of this spectral range on a par with Spitzer’s & SCUBA(2)’s Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys
Breaking Down the CIRB COB CIRB CIRB ~ COB Lagache+05 A full understandingofgalaxyformation and evolutionprocessesrequiresresolving the CIRB intoitsconstituentsources at differentwavelengths Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys
IR Luminosity (SFR) Densityas a function of redshift Soifer+ 2008 ISO IRAS Spitzer Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys
HerMES Blank Fields (~70 deg2) BG : IRAS 100 micron Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys
Revealing the MIR/FIR Local UniverseBuilding the SWIRE-SDSS Database • SWIRE (MIR/FIR photometry) & SDSS (Optical Spectro-Photometry) provide well-matched depths for studies of the MIR/FIR Local Universe • SWIRE-SDSS covers ~ 22.5 deg2 (35 deg2 including non-SWIRE fields) • We cross-correlated the (recently completed) SWIRE 24/70/160 micron catalogs with a wealth of data spanning the UV-to-FIR spectral range • We thus produced the largest database of Spitzer 24/70/160 micron sources with a spectroscopic and/or photometric redshift measurement, placing stronger constraints on the evolution and modeling of IR sources 6 SWIRE Fields ~ 50 deg2 Gold Standard ofLarge-AreaExtragalacticSurveyFields Full broad-band photometriccoveragefrom UV/Opt/NIR to MIR/FIR/SMM (and soondeeper/wider FIR/SMM withHerschel & SCUBA2)
A Multi-Wavelength EG Catalog of Spitzer Sources in Wide-Area Fields • Spitzer Public Catalogs (SWIRE, Bootes, COSMOS, XFLS) • IRAC-selected • MIPS 24/70/160 always available • MIPS 24 source density generally well-matched with beam size • MIPS 70/160 larger beams increase ambiguity of XID process • Nearest MIPS 24 source is chosen as most likely counterpart • GALEX always available • SDSS available in the North (Astro/Photo Calibration) • Miscellaneous Optical Imaging (SWIRE, NDWFS, WFS…) • 2MASS always available (Spitzer Astro Calibration) • UKIDSS available in XMM/LH/EN1 but little else in NIR • Spec-Z available (if poorly documented) from NED • Extra Spec-Z ( LH by Owen+ 09 – ES1 by Sacchi+ 09 ) Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys
MIPS-160 Positional XID ReliabilityIndications for HerMES Bright Sources Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys
MIPS-160 Positional XID ReliabilityIndications for HerMES Bright Sources Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys
Spitzer Data Fusion as of 30/10/09 • Lots of COSMOS and EGS and GOODS-N/S public data are also available (but perhaps best left to the field’s experts?) • Sparse multi-wavelength public data available within ADFS • Even if deeper Opt/NIR imaging is available, SDSS/2MASS data are useful to calibrate astrometry and photometry Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys
Star-Galaxy Separation Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys
Color-Color Diagrams • Exploiting Diagnostic Power of multi-wavelength information • Up to 2 UV + 5 Opt + 3 NIR + 7 Spitzer = 17 bands • (Above)IRAC Color-ColorPlots by Lacy+ 04 and Stern+05 Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys
Catalog Strengths (& Weaknesses) • It is a most useful first attempt at a multi-wavelength catalog supporting HerMES early (and later) science • It is already available and reasonably well-documented • It is being validated/improved (e.g. through Phot-Z work) • It isn’t a replacement for a catalog extracted on images smeared to a common PSF and/or benefiting from expert knowledge about combined databases at all wavelengths Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys
What the VO can do for us • We plan to use VO tools to improve our catalog as follows: • Increasing the range of quantities it provides • Improving the ‘connectivity’ between its tables • Enabling its easy updating by scripting most of its workflow • Putting in place stringent checks on its VO-compliancy • We plan to use VO tools to exploit our catalog as follows: • … • … • … Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys
What we can do for the VO • Our group has got a long-standing experience in the planning and exploitation of MIR/FIR observations by ISO & Spitzer • Unrestricted access to SWIRE and SERVS Spitzer datasets • Heavily involved in PEP/HerMES/ATLAS Herschel Key Programs • We are thus in the best position to • Exploit Spitzer/Herschel data in a timely way • Further ‘advertise’ VO and its tools within the MIR/FIR community Spitzer/Herschel EG Surveys