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5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, January 06-09, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA “A Study of Admission Requirements, Curricula, and Program Requirements of Ph.D. Programs in Human Resource Development/Similar Fields at U.S. Universities” by
5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, January 06-09, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA “A Study of Admission Requirements, Curricula, and Program Requirements of Ph.D. Programs in Human Resource Development/Similar Fields at U.S. Universities” by Vichet Sum, M.M.S, M.T.D, PH.D. (in process) http://www.vichetsum.com
[ Outline ] • Abstract • Introduction • Highlight of Literature Review • Methodology • Findings • Conclusion and Recommendations • Questions & Comments
[ Abstract ] • Admission requirements, curricula and program requirements. • An important reference. • Ph.D. program development assistance.
[ Introduction ] • HRD is a “bread and butter activity”. (Gray, 1997) • Strong demand for advanced degrees in HRD. (Gray, 1997) • Ph.D. program development.
[ Introduction (Cont’d) ] The Purpose of this Study To collect crucial information regarding admission requirements, curricula, program requirements of Ph.D. programs in HRD/similar fields.
[ Introduction (Cont’d) ] Significance of this Study An important reference for the creation of the Ph.D. program in HRD/similar fields.
[ Introduction (Cont’d) ] Research Questions 1. What are the current admission requirements for a Ph.D. program in HRD/similar fields? 2. What courses are offered in Ph.D. programs in HRD/similar fields? 3. What are the program requirements of Ph.D. programs in HRD/similar fields?
[ Introduction (Cont’d) ] Delimitation Limited to Ph.D. programs in HRD/similar fields from U.S universities that are currently offering a Ph.D. program in this field.
[ Introduction (Cont’d) ] Limitation The universities’ websites may not contain all the information related to admission requirements, courses and program requirements.
[ Highlight of Literature Review ] • Development of HRD programs.(Kuchinke, 2001; Gaudet & Vincent, 1993) • Offering of certificates and degrees in HRD. (Chalofsky & Larson-Dougherty, 1996) • Profiling professors of HRD.(Peterson and Provo, 1996) • Recent changes in HRD programs.(Milton, Watkins, Spears & Burch, 2000)
[ Highlight of Literature Review (Cont’d) ] • HRD curriculum development. (Hatcher, 1998; Gay, 1997; Willis & Kahnweiler, 1995; Baylen, Bailey, & Samardzija, 1996; Leach, 1993; Dare & Leach, 1999; Kuchinke, 2002) • HRD Definitions.(McLagan, 1989; Swanson, 1995; Watkins & Marsick, 1993; Kuchinke, 1999; McLean & Mclean, 2001) • History and Institutional Characteristics of HRD programs. (Kuchinke, 2002)
[ Methodology ] Target Population Ph.D. programs in human resource development/workforce development, career development, organizational development, and/or training and development. Sample Doctoral programs in HRD/similar fields in U.S. universities.
[ Methodology (Cont’d) ] Sampling Procedure Purposive sampling is a non-probability method that follows specific criteria to collect information. (Cooper & Schindler, 1998) Data Collection - University Websites were accessed and scanned. - Selection criteria were degree title and program name. - 14 Ph.D. programs were examined and considered.
[ Methodology (Cont’d) ] Data Source http://www.hre.uiuc.edu/ucwhre(The University Council for Workforce and Human Resource Education) and http://www.gradschools.com. Data Analysis - Conceptual content analysis. (Krippendoft, 1980; Palmquist, Carley, & Dale, 1997) - Summarization of important data in each of the programs examined. (Stewart & Shamdasani, 1990)
[ Findings ] Fourteen Universities: • Barry University (BU)- Boston University (BOU) • Colorado State University (CSU) • Florida International University (FIU) • George Washington University (GWU) • Georgia State University (GSU) • Ohio State University (OSU) • Pennsylvania State University (PSU) • Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC) • University of Georgia (UG) • University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UI) • University of Louisville (UL), • University of Minnesota (UM), • University of North Texas (UNT)
[ Findings (Cont’d) ] Admission Requirements (Table 1)
[ Findings (Cont’d) ] Curricula Number of Core Courses
[ Findings (Cont’d) ] Curricula Number of Research Courses
[ Findings (Cont’d) ] Curricula Number of Elective Courses
[Findings (Cont’d) ] Common Attributes of Required Courses
[ Findings (Cont’d) ] Program Requirements (Table 4)
[ Conclusion and Recommendations ] • Similar admission requirements among the universities. • An institution can study and assess these criteria to determine admission requirements for its Ph.D. program in HRD.
[ Conclusion and Recommendations (Cont’d) ] • Development of Ph.D. program of study based on the attributes of human resource development/similar category, educational theories/philosophy organizational studies, research methods, and statistics. • Table 4 shows program requirement criteria at the universities. • An institution can adopt these criteria in developing its Ph.D. program requirements.
[ Conclusion and Recommendations (Cont’d) ] A few directions for future study include: • The development of an accrediting agency for the HRD field. • The impact of admission requirements on applicants’ success in the Ph.D. program in HRD. • 3. The comparison, effectiveness and accountability of • programs of study in a Ph.D. program in HRD. • 4. The challenges of the development and creation of a Ph.D. program in HRD.
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