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CanSat 2014 Critical Design Review (CDR) Outline Version 1.0

CanSat 2014 Critical Design Review (CDR) Outline Version 1.0. Your Team Number Here Your Team Name Here. Presentation Outline. Provide a simple outline of the presentation If possible, indicate the team member(s) who will be presenting each section Terms:

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CanSat 2014 Critical Design Review (CDR) Outline Version 1.0

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  1. CanSat 2014 Critical Design Review (CDR)OutlineVersion 1.0 Your Team Number Here Your Team Name Here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  2. Presentation Outline • Provide a simple outline of the presentation • If possible, indicate the team member(s) who will be presenting each section • Terms: • Container refers to the Re-entry Container component of the CanSat • Payload refers to the Science Payload component of the CanSat IMPORTANT PRESENTATION GUIDELINE: Teams should only present charts with this star icon during the teleconference. Other charts should be skipped to save time; they will be reviewed by the judges off line. Presentations are to be 30 minutes in length. Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  3. Team Organization • Single slide listing the team members and their roles • If possible, please include year (freshman, sophomore, etc.) for reference • This only needs to be provided once for team members showing up multiple times on the org chart • Good format is the use of an organization chart, such as below: Sample CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  4. Acronyms • Provide a list of acronyms used throughout the presentation • During presentations, do not read through these acronyms • These are for reference only Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  5. The purpose of this section is to introduce the reviewer to the overall requirements and configuration of the CanSat. This provides a basis for the details presented in the subsystem sections. System Overview Presenter Name(s) Go Here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  6. Mission Summary • Overview of the mission objectives • Indicate which one (1) selectable objective is being attempted • Describe selection rationale • Include any external objectives (personal, laboratory or sponsor, class, etc.) relevant to the design Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  7. Summary of Changes Since PDR • Overview design changes since PDR • Details of the changes are discussed in subsequent sections Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  8. System Requirement Summary • Overview of system (mission) level requirements • Use bullets or a table to demonstrate an understanding of the mission requirements • This chart may be expanded to multiple charts as needed • The purpose of the chart is to demonstrate the team understands the system-level requirements Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  9. System Concept of Operations • 1 to 3 slides providing overview of CanSat operations • Should include • Pre-launch activities • Launch and descent operations • Post-launch recovery and data reduction • Focus on launch day activities • Team member roles and responsibilities on launch day • Simple flow diagrams and cartoons are a good way to present the CONOPS CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  10. Physical Layout • Diagram(s) showing physical layout of selected CanSat configuration • Make sure to include: • Dimensions • Placement of major components • Relevant configurations • Container, payload, launch configuration, deployed, etc. • The goal is to present the physical idea of what the CanSat will look like for reference prior to getting into details of the CanSat design Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  11. Launch Vehicle Compatibility • Discussion of how the CanSat is integrated into the rocket payload section • Discussion of how the CanSat compatibility will be verified prior to launch day • Include a dimensioned drawing that shows clearances with the payload section • Focus on launch configuration (Container + Payload) • Include all descent control apparatus (no sharp protrusions) • At CDR this should include measured and/or prototype dimensions • Notes: • In past years there were a large number of CanSats that did not deploy from the payload sections of the rocket because of protrusions or because the CanSat was too wide to fit in the rocket Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  12. Sensor Subsystem Design Presenter Name(s) Go Here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  13. Sensor Subsystem Overview • One slide providing an overview of the CanSat sensor system • Include summary of the selected sensors (type & models) • Include brief discussion of what the sensors are used for • Focus on selected component (not all components trades) • Include overview of both Container and Payload sensors, as applicable Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  14. Sensor Changes Since PDR • One slide providing an overview of the CanSat sensor system changes since PDR • Include rationale • Clearly explain why changes were made, including things like: • Power limitations • Testing • Component size • Availability CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  15. Sensor Subsystem Requirements • Overview of sensor subsystem requirements • Use bullets or a table to demonstrate an understanding of the requirements for this subsystem • This chart may be expanded to multiple charts as needed • The purpose of the chart is to demonstrate to the judges an understanding of the requirements that apply to the subsystem • Clearly indicate: • Which Competition Guide Requirements are allocated to this subsystem • Any derived requirements for the subsysytem Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  16. Altitude Sensor Summary • Summary of altitude sensor selection and characteristics • Include: • Sensor accuracy and data format • Overview of data processing (including equations, as appropriate) • Include both Carrier and Payload, as applicable Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  17. Air Temperature Sensor Summary • Summary of air temperature sensor selection and characteristics • Include: • Sensor accuracy and data format • Overview of data formats (including equations, as appropriate) • Include both Carrier and Payload, as applicable Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  18. 3-Axis Accelerometer Sensor Trade & Selection • SELECTABLE OBJECTIVE – ONLY REQUIRED IF SELECTED See slide discussing trade studies Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  19. Light Sensor Camera Trade & Selection • SELECTABLE OBJECTIVE – ONLY REQUIRED IF SELECTED See slide discussing trade studies Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  20. Descent Control Design Presenter Name(s) Go Here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  21. Descent Control Overview • One slide providing an overview of the Container and Payload descent control system • Include overview of the selected configurations and components necessary • Include diagrams outlining descent control strategy for various flight altitude ranges CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  22. Descent Control Changes Since PDR • List changes since the PDR • Include rationale • Prototype testing CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  23. Descent Control Requirements • Overview of subsystem requirements • Use bullets or a table to demonstrate an understanding of the DCS requirements • This chart may be expanded to multiple charts as needed • The purpose of the chart is to demonstrate to the judges that the team understands the system-level requirements • Clearly indicate: • Which Competition Guide Requirements are allocated to this subsystem • Any derived requirements for the subsystem Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  24. Container Descent Control Hardware Summary • Summary of DCS component selection and characteristics • Shock force survival • Preflight Review testability • For passive components, discuss: • Component sizing • Key design considerations • Color selection(s) • For active components, discuss: • Sensor accuracy and data formats • Overview of sensor data processing • Actuator control, command rates, and data formats CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  25. Payload Descent Control Hardware Summary • Summary of DCS sensors and actuator selection and characteristics • Include deployment trigger and mechanism • For passive components, discuss: • Component sizing • Key design considerations • Color selection(s) • For active components, discuss: • Sensor accuracy and data formats • Overview of sensor data processing • Actuator control, command rates, and data formats CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  26. Descent Rate Estimates • Present estimates for the following CanSat configurations • Container + Payload post separation (prior to deployment of the Payload) • Container following deployment of the Payload • Payload following separation from the Container • Include discussion of • Calculations used • Assumptions • This discussion can carry over to multiple slides if necessary Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  27. Mechanical Subsystem Design Presenter Name(s) Go Here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  28. Mechanical Subsystem Overview • One slide providing overview of the mechanical subsystem • Include overview of major structural elements, material selection, and interface definitions • Include Container and Payload mechanical configurations CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  29. Mechanical Subsystem Changes Since PDR • Highlight mechanical changes since PDR. Details should be discussed on subsequent slides CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  30. Mechanical Sub-System Requirements • Overview of mechanical sub-system requirements • Use bullets or a table to demonstrate an understanding of the mission requirements • This chart may be expanded to multiple charts as needed • The purpose of the chart is to demonstrate to the judges that the team understands the requirements that apply to this sub-system • Clearly indicate: • Which Competition Guide Requirements are allocated to this subsystem • Any derived requirements for the subsytem Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  31. Egg Protection Overview • Details of how the egg will be protected during flight and landing CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  32. Mechanical Layout of Components • Dimensioned diagrams showing: • Major structural elements • Overall dimensions of the CanSat • Component presentation Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  33. Material Selections • Discussion of what materials will be used for the mechanical components and why Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  34. Container - Payload Interface • Describe how the Payload will be connected to and released (mechanically) from the Container • Include: • Discussion of how descent control apparatus will be accommodated • Diagrams • Method of operation Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  35. Structure Survivability • As applicable for the Container and Payload, discuss: • Electronic component mounting methods • Electronic component enclosures • Acceleration and shock force requirements and testing • Securing electrical connections (glue, tape, etc.) • Consider required judge verification during pre-flight check in • Descent control attachments Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  36. Mass Budget • Table(s) providing the following: • Mass of all components • Mass of all structural elements • Sources/uncertainties – whether the masses are estimates, from data sheets, measured values, etc. • Total mass compared to requirement(s) • Margins • Must clearly distinguish between Container and Payload masses • Include allocated mass for egg payload Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  37. Communication and Data Handling Subsystem Design Presenter Name(s) Go Here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  38. CDH Overview • One slide providing overview of the CDH subsystem • Should include selected components (with brief mention of what each component is for) CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  39. CDH Changes Since PDR • List changes to the CDH since PDR. Details of the changes should be discussed in subsequent slides Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  40. CDH Requirements • Overview of CDH sub-system requirements • Use bullets or a table to demonstrate an understanding of the mission requirements • This chart may be expanded to multiple charts as needed • The purpose of the chart is to demonstrate to the judges that the team understands the requirements that apply to this sub-system • Clearly indicate: • Which Competition Guide Requirements are allocated to this subsystem • Any derived requirements for the subsystem Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  41. Processor & Memory Selection • Include processor speed • Include data interfaces (types and numbers) • Include memory storage requirements, if applicable Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  42. Real-Time Clock • Describe design for payload and container real-time clock functions • Hardware or software • Reset tolerance Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 PDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  43. Antenna Selection • Description and characteristics of the antenna selected for the CanSat • Discuss: • Performance • Mass CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  44. Radio Configuration • Demonstrate an understanding of the protocol and configuration (e.g., mode and NETID) required to initialize and utilize the XBEE radio module • Provide description of the impact those requirements have on the CanSat design • Include transmission control • How is this managed during each mission phase? • Note: • Communications failures have occurred often over the past several years of the competition • You are encouraged to use your radios in all of your development and testing to better ensure mission success • Ideally you have started working with the radio and communications protocol Start Radio Prototyping and Testing Early! Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  45. Telemetry Format • What data is included? • Include fields for bonus objectives • Data rate of packets? • Continuous or burst • How is data formatted? • Include example frames with complete descriptions • Does the presented format match the Competition Guide requirements? Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  46. Electrical Power Subsystem Design Presenter Name(s) Go Here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  47. EPS Overview • ONE slide providing overview of EPS components (with purposes) • Include a diagram Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  48. EPS Changes Since PDR • List changes to the EPS subsystem since PDR. Details of changes should be discussed in subsequent slides. CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  49. EPS Requirements • Overview of EPS subsystem requirements • Use bullets or a table to demonstrate an understanding of the mission requirements • This chart may be expanded to multiple charts as needed • The purpose of the chart is to demonstrate to the judges that the team understands the requirements that apply to this sub-system • Clearly indicate: • Which Competition Guide Requirements are allocated to this subsystem • Any derived requirements for the subsystem Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

  50. Electrical Block Diagram • High-level schematic (not down to the resistor level) showing power connections • Include required voltages • Include all major components • Include overview of how power will be controlled and verified externally without disassembling the CanSat • I.e., an easily accessible external switch • Include diagrams for Container and Payload in one or two slides • Umbilical power source for use in test and safety inspection Presenter: Name goes here CanSat 2014 CDR: Team ### (Team Number and Name)

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