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Learning Conditional Abstractions (CAL)

Use machine learning to compute abstraction conditions from traces to create abstractions by generalizing simulation data.

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Learning Conditional Abstractions (CAL)

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  1. Learning Conditional Abstractions (CAL) Bryan A. Brady1* Randal E. Bryant2 SanjitA. Seshia3 1IBM, Poughkeepsie, NY 2CS Department, Carnegie Mellon University 3EECS Department, UC Berkeley *Work performed at UC Berkeley FMCAD 2011, Austin, TX 1 November 2011

  2. Learning Conditional Abstractions Learning Conditional Abstractions (CAL): Use machine learning from traces to compute abstraction conditions. Philosophy: Create abstractions by generalizing simulation data.

  3. Abstraction Levels in FV • Term-level verifiers • SMT-based verifiers (e.g., UCLID) • Able to scale to much more complex systems • How to decide what to abstract? Term Level ??? Designs are typically at this level Bit Vector Level Bit Blast • Most tools operate at this level • Model checkers • Equivalence checkers • Capacity limited by • State bits • Details of bit-manipulations Bit Level

  4. Motivating Example • Equivalence/Refinement Checking = fB fA • Difficult to reason about some operators • Multiply, Divide • Modulo, Power Design B Design A • Term-level abstraction • Replace bit-vector operators with uninterpreted functions • Represent data with arbitrary encoding x1 x2 xn f(...) * / % ^

  5. Term-Level Abstraction Fully uninterpreted Example Precise, word-level instr := JMP 1234 out1 out2 1 0 out1:= 1234 UF ALU out2:= 0 16 = Need to partially abstract 16 16 16 20 4 JMP instr 19 15 0 instr

  6. Term-Level Abstraction Fully uninterpreted Precise, word-level Partially-interpreted out out out 1 1 0 0 UF ALU 16 16 UF = = 16 16 16 16 16 20 4 4 JMP JMP instr 19 15 0 19 15 0 instr instr

  7. Term-Level Abstraction • Manual Abstraction • Requires intimate knowledge of design • Multiple models of same design • Spurious counter-examples Perform Abstraction RTL Verification Model • Automatic Abstraction • How to choose the right level of abstraction • Some blocks require conditional abstraction • Often requires many iterations of abstraction refinement

  8. Outline • Motivation • Related work • Background • The CAL Approach • Illustrative Example • Results • Conclusion

  9. Related Work

  10. Outline • Motivation • Related work • Background • ATLAS • Conditional Abstraction • The CAL Approach • Illustrative Example • Results • Conclusion

  11. Background: The ATLAS Approach • Hybrid approach • Phase 1: Identify abstraction candidates with random simulation • Phase 2: Use dataflow analysis to compute conditions under which it is precise to abstract • Phase 3: Generate abstracted model Compute Abstraction Conditions Identify Abstraction Candidates Generate Abstracted Model

  12. Identify Abstraction Candidates • Find isomorphic sub-circuits (fblocks) • Modules, functions = fA fB Design B Design A Replace each fblock with a random function, over the inputs of the fblock a a a RFa RFa a a a b RFb b b b b RFb b c RFc RFc c c c c c • Verify via simulation: • Check original property for N different random functions x1 x2 xn

  13. Identify Abstraction Candidates Do not abstract fblocks that fail in some fraction of simulations = fA fB Intuition: fblocks that can not be abstracted will fail when replaced with random functions. Design B Design A a a a a Replace remaining fblocks with partially-abstract functions and compute conditions under which the fblock is modeled precisely b UFb UFb b c c c c Intuition: fblocks can contain a corner case that random simulation didn’t explore x1 x2 xn

  14. Modeling with Uninterpreted Functions interpretation condition g = fA fB c 1 0 Design B Design A UF b a a a a UFb b UFb b c c c c x1 x2 xn y1 y2 yn

  15. Interpretation Conditions Problem: Compute interpretation condition c(x)such that∀x.f1⇔f2 D1,D2 : word-level designs T1,T2 : term-level models x : input signals c : interpretation condition = = f1 f2 Trivial case, model precisely: c = true Ideal case, fully abstract: c = false T2 D2 D1 T1 Realistic case, we need to solve: ∃c ≠ true s.t. ∀x.f1⇔f2 This problem is NP-hard, so we use heuristics to compute c x c

  16. Outline • Motivation • Related work • Background • The CAL Approach • Illustrative Example • Results • Conclusion

  17. Related Work Previous work related to Learning and Abstraction • Learning Abstractions for Model Checking • Anubhav Gupta, Ph.D. thesis, CMU, 2006 • Localization abstraction: learn the variables to make visible • Our approach: • Learn when to apply function abstraction

  18. The CAL Approach • CAL = Machine Learning + CEGAR • Identify abstraction candidates with random simulation • Perform unconditional abstraction • If spurious counterexamples arise, use machine learning to refine abstraction by computing abstraction conditions • Repeat Step 3 until Valid or real counterexample

  19. The CAL Approach Random Simulation RTL Modules to Abstract Abstraction Conditions Simulation Traces Generate Term-Level Model Invoke Verifier Valid? Yes Done Learn Abstraction Conditions Counter example Spurious? Generate Similar Traces No Yes No Done

  20. Use of Machine Learning Learning Algorithm Concept (classifier) Examples (positive/negative) In our setting: Learning Algorithm Interpretation condition Simulation traces (correct / failing)

  21. Important Considerations in Learning • How to generate traces for learning? • What are the relevant features? • Random simulations: using random functions in place of UFs • Counterexamples • Inputs to functional block being abstracted • Signals corresponding to “unit of work” being processed

  22. Generating Traces: Witnesses Modified version of random simulation = Replace allmodules that are being abstracted with RF at same time fA fB Design B Design A Verify via simulation for N iterations a a RFa a a a RFa a RFa RFa RFb b RFb b b b b b Log signals for each passing simulation run RFb RFb c RFc c c c c RFc c RFc RFc • Important note: initial state selected randomly or based on a testbench x1 x2 xn

  23. Generating Traces: Similar Counterexamples Replace modules that are being abstracted with RF, one by one = fA fB Verify via simulation for N iterations Design B Design A Log signals for each failing simulation run a RFa RFa a a a a a b RFb RFb b b b b b Repeat this process for each fblock that is being abstracted c c RFc c c c RFc c • Important note: initial state set to be consistent with the original counterexample for each verification run x1 x2 xn

  24. Feature Selection Heuristics • Include inputs to the fblock being abstracted • Advantage: automatic, direct relevance • Disadvantage: might not be enough • Include signals encoding the “unit-of-work” being processed by the design • Example: an instruction, a packet, etc. • Advantage: often times the “unit-of-work” has direct impact on whether or not to abstract • Disadvantage: might require limited human guidance

  25. Outline • Motivation • Related work • Background • The CAL Approach • Illustrative Example • Results • Conclusion

  26. Learning Example Example: Y86 processor design Abstraction: ALU module Unconditional abstraction  Counterexample Sample data set bad,7,0,1,0 bad,7,0,1,0 bad,7,0,1,0 bad,7,0,1,0 bad,7,0,1,0 good,11,0,1,-1 good,11,0,1,1 good,6,3,-1,-1 good,6,6,-1,1 good,9,0,1,1 {0,1,...,15} Attribute, instr, aluOp, argA, argB Abstract interpretation: x < 0  -1 x = 0  0 x > 0  1 {Good, Bad} {-1,0,1}

  27. Learning Example Example: Y86 processor design Abstraction: ALU module Unconditional abstraction  Counterexample Sample data set bad,7,0,1,0 bad,7,0,1,0 bad,7,0,1,0 bad,7,0,1,0 bad,7,0,1,0 good,11,0,1,-1 good,11,0,1,1 good,6,3,-1,-1 good,6,6,-1,1 good,9,0,1,1 Feature selection based on “unit-of-work” Interpretation condition learned: InstrE = JXX ∧ b = 0 Verification succeeds when above interpretation condition is used!

  28. Learning Example Example: Y86 processor design Abstraction: ALU module Unconditional abstraction  Counterexample Sample data set bad,0,1,0 bad,0,1,0 bad,0,1,0 bad,0,1,0 bad,0,1,0 good,0,1,-1 good,0,1,1 good,3,-1,-1 good,6,-1,1 good,0,1,1 If feature selection is based on fblock inputs only... Interpretation condition learned: true Recall that this means we always interpret! Poor decision tree results from reasonable design decision. More information needed.

  29. Outline • Motivation • Related work • Background • The CAL Approach • Illustrative Example • Results • Conclusion

  30. Experiments/Benchmarks • Pipeline fragment: • Abstract ALU • JUMP must be modeled precisely. • ATLAS: Automatic Term-Level Abstraction of RTL Designs. B. A. Brady, R. E. Bryant, S. A. Seshia, J. W. O’Leary. MEMOCODE 2010 • Low-power Multiplier: • Performs equivalence checking between two versions of a multiplier • One is a typical multiplier • The “low-power” version shuts down the multiplier and uses a shifter when one of the operands is a power of 2 • Low-Power Verification with Term-Level Abstraction. B. A. Brady. TECHCON ‘10 • Y86: • Correspondence checking of 5-stage microprocessor • Multiple design variations • Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective. Prentice-Hall, 2002. R. E. Bryant and D. R. O’Hallaron.

  31. Experiments/Benchmarks Pipeline fragment Low-Power Multiplier

  32. Experiments/Benchmarks Y86: BTFNT Y86: NT

  33. Outline • Motivation • Related work • Background • The CAL Approach • Illustrative Example • Results • Conclusion

  34. Summary / Future Work Summary • Use machine learning + CEGAR to compute conditional function abstractions • Outperforms purely bit-level techniques Future Work • Better feature selection: picking “unit-of-work” signals • Investigate using different abstraction conditions for different instantiations of the same fblock. • Apply to software • Investigate interactions between abstractions

  35. Thanks!

  36. NP-Hard 0 1 0 1 Need to interpret MULT when f(x1,x2,...,xn) = true Checking satisfiability off(x1,x2,...,xn) is NP-Hard = MULT MULT +2 +5 +1 +10 f ... x1 x2 xn x 0

  37. Related Work

  38. Term-Level Abstraction Function Abstraction: Represent functional units with uninterpreted functions  f ALU ALU • Data Abstraction: • Represent data with arbitrary integer values • No specific encoding x0 x1  x xn-1

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