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GENDER ISSUES ACADEMIC YEAR 2013-2014. Measuring gender inequalities: the global gender gap report of the WEF ( E.Chiappero-Martinetti ). First report on 2006 National gender gaps and country rankings on: economic , political , education health-based criteria
GENDER ISSUESACADEMIC YEAR 2013-2014 Measuring gender inequalities: the global gender gap report of the WEF (E.Chiappero-Martinetti)
First report on 2006 • National gender gaps and country rankings on: • economic, • political, • education • health-based criteria • Scope: to create greater awareness among a global audience of the challenges posed by gender gaps and the opportunities created by reducing them. http://www.weforum.org/issues/global-gender-gap
Features • Three mainfeatures: • Itmeasures gaps ratherthanlevels => GGI isindependent of the level of development • Itcaptures gaps in outcomevariablesratherthan gaps in input variables (achievementinstead of means/resources) => where M & W stand with regard to some fundamentaloutcomevariablesrelated to human rights • Itrankscountriesaccording to gender equalityratherthanwomen’sempowerment => whether M & W gaps declined; itneitherrewardsnorpenalizes gaps
4 pillars and 14 indexes • Economicparticipation and opportunity (5 var) • Participation gap: 1 var (W/M labour force participationrates) • Remuneration gap: 2 var (ratio of estimatedfemale-to-male earnedincome + W over M ratio of wage for similar work) • Advancement gap 2 var (W/M amonglegislators, senior officials and managers; W/M amongtechnical and professionalworkers) • Educational attainment(4 var) • W/M Literacy; W/M enrolmentatprimary, secondaryattertiarylevel • Politicalempowerment (3 var) • W/M Seats in parliament; W/M atministeriallevel; no. of years with a W head of state or government in the last 50 years over male value • Health and survival: (2 var) • W/M healthy life expectancy • Sex ratio atbirth (converted to W/M ratio)
Index construction Foursteps: • Step #1: data are converted to female/male ratio (ex. 20% of W in ministerial position:; 20/80=0,25) => gaps instead of level • Step #2: data are truncatedat the «equality benchmark»; usually =1 (M=W), exceptionfor sex ratio atbirth (eq.bench.=0,944; normal sex ratio is 1.06 males for everyfemaleborn) and healthy life expectancy set to 1.06 (according to UNDP 87.5/82.5)
Index construction (2) • Step #3: Subindexscores: weightedaveragewithineachsubindex, first normalizing the variables in terms of equalizingtheir standard deviations (sd). They first calculatesd for eachvarand then divide 0,01/sd: thisvalueisusedasweight fo calculate the weightedaverageacrossvar. i.evar with small variability (small sd) gets a largerweightin the subindex. Country with a larger gap will be penalized
Index construction (3) • Step #4: finalscores are calculated. For (almost) allsubindex the highest score is 1 (equality) and the lowestis 0 (inequlality) [butnot for health for which the highestvalueis just close to 1 (=0,9796)]. The final score is the un-weightedaverage of eachsubindex score and itsrangeis 0-1
Global Gender Gap Index (GGI) • Country coverage: 135 countries (over 90% of the population) • Almost 96% of health gap hasbeencovered; • 93% of education; • only 60% of the economic gap • Only 20% of the political gap
Best performers (top 10): (Italyranks 80°) Worstperformers (bottom 10):
Letusnowchooseseveralcountries to compare and discuss with ref to the global indexaswellaseach sub-index and anyotherrelevant variables