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District Evaluation Advisory Committee Office of Accountability. Ms. Brenda Patterson, Chief Accountability Officer Mr. Sham Bacchus, Interim Executive Director Dr. Burnie Bristow, Interim Director Dr. Vanessa Serrano, Interim Supervisor Tammy Williams, Program Coordinator
District Evaluation Advisory CommitteeOffice of Accountability Ms. Brenda Patterson, Chief Accountability Officer Mr. Sham Bacchus, Interim Executive Director Dr. Burnie Bristow, Interim Director Dr. Vanessa Serrano, Interim Supervisor Tammy Williams, Program Coordinator Evelyn McLeod, Confidential Secretary DEAC Meeting-April 23, 2013-Dr. Burnie Bristow
Welcome District EvaluationAdvisory Committee DEAC Meeting-April 23, 2013-Dr. Burnie Bristow
AGENDA • Office of Accountability • DEAC Committee Meeting • April 23, 2013 Facilitator: Dr. Burnie Bristow, NBCT • 90 Delaware Avenue Cafeteria, 2:30-4:30 pm • Thoroughly Trained • 2:30-2:40 Meet and Greet • 2:40-2:50 Revisit Roles and Responsibilities of the DEAC Committee • 2:50-3:05 Steering Committee Updates • Sub-Committee • Student Information System • 3:05 AchieveNJUpdates • 3:05-3:20 Non-Tested Grades and Subjects • Developing Student Growth Objectives (Teacher Focus) • 3:20-3:35 Tested Grades and Subjects • Student Growth Percentiles (Teacher Focus) • Developing Student Growth Objectives (Teacher Focus) • 3:35-3:40 Summer Professional Development Opportunities for Teachers • 3:40-4:00 Exemplary Teacher Training • -Dave Roudebush, Ph.D., Curriculum Focal Point • 4:00-4:25 How will the Paterson Public School District define “THOROUGHLY TRAINED”? • 4:25-4:30 Action Items: • Next steps • Deliverables • Next meeting date DEAC Meeting-April 23, 2013-Dr. Burnie Bristow
Roles and Responsibilities of the DEAC Committee The DEAC committee (formed Dec. 2011) functions as an advisor to the Paterson Public Schools in the implementation of the TEACH NJ Act. Embedded in the TEACHNJ Act is a requirement to revise the Principal and Teacher Evaluation System. Membership on the DEAC Committee provides an opportunity for committee members toprovide feedback on the performance rubrics, program development and implementation at the school and community level. The DEAC committee is comprised of teachers, principals, central office staff, school board members and parents. DEAC Meeting-April 23, 2013-Dr. Burnie Bristow
Teacher Effectiveness and Accountability for the Children of New Jersey (TEACHNJ) Act.” The goal of this legislation is to raise student achievement by improving instruction through the adoption of evaluations that provide specific feedback to educators, inform the provision of aligned professional development, and inform personnel decisions; DEAC Meeting-April 23, 2013-Dr. Burnie Bristow
Cross-Departmental Steering Committee Update on the Student Information System Sham Bacchus DEAC Meeting-April 23, 2013-Dr. Burnie Bristow
Current Data Sources/Systems that directly impact new Evaluation Instrument Currently requires human input from schools and central office. (Error Laden) - 17 Currently gets data from other systems. (Preferred) - 5 Brenda Patterson, Chief Accountability Officer, PPS
Data Integration There was a need for an internal review of the programs, processes and technical components required to effectively support the implementation of the new Principal and Teacher Evaluation. This review of our infrastructure necessitated a cross departmental collaboration to integrate various systems. DEAC Meeting-April 23, 2013-Dr. Burnie Bristow
Communications, Business, HR Assessment, MIS, Technology • Merging platform ALIO and MIS • Support to assessment • Develop data platform to record and keep track of teacher and school achievement data • Teacher E-board / blog /Dropbox Collaborative Teams as Decision Makers: Communications/Technology/MIS, Business, Reform - Assessment/HR/PD, C & I, Special Programs and Accountability
April, 2013 Student Growth ObjectivesIntroduction to the Guidebookw/ Sham Bacchus
Charlotte –Mecklenburg SLO study Key findings: • The higher the quality of the SLO, the more likely it is to be attained • The quality of SLOs increases significantly in just two years • Students whose teachers had higher quality SLOs achieve higher scores on math and ELA tests • Students whose teachers met their SLOs achieve higher scores on math and ELA tests
Charlotte –Mecklenburg SLO study What principals said about SLOs “The way of doing business in the school is the SLO process. It adds to the spirit of cooperation.” “Developing SLOs forces teachers to target low performing kids and then work harder to pull those kids up.” “We have moved from a priority school to a high growth school, and I give a lot of credit for this change to the SLO process.”
Charlotte –Mecklenburg SLO study What mattered most in the SLO process • Analyze student baseline data, for use in planning and teaching • Set individual student growth targets, for both more informative and accurate assessment of student learning • Participate in collegial collaboration in the development of SLOs
Shift in Practice Student Growth Objectives DEAC Meeting-April 23, 2013-Dr. Burnie Bristow Brenda Patterson, Chief Accountability Officer, PPS
What is an SGO? • A Student Growth Objective is a long-term academic goal that teachers set for groups of students and must be: • Specific and measureable • Aligned to New Jersey’s curriculum standards • Based on available prior student learning data • A measure of student learning between two points in time • Ambitious and achievable Page 3
NTGS 101: Student Growth Objective Overview Different types of Student Growth Objectives: Student Growth Objectives can take many different forms 17
NTGS 101: Specific Student Growth Objective Specific Objective: Examples The word “specific objective” would likely be used to identify anything that does not cover your general population or is not a cumulative test 18
SGOs in Achieve NJ - requirements • A teacher develops SGOs in consultation with his or her principal. • All teachers who receive an SGP score must set between 1 and 2 SGOs. • Teachers who do not receive an SGP score must set 2 SGOs. • SGOs must be aligned to NJCCCS or CCSS and measure student achievement and/or growth. • SGOs must be specific and measurable and based on available student learning data.
NTGS 101: Pilot Districts Student Achievement Goals (SAGs): Pilot Districts were given the recommendation to use SAGs for the 2012 – 2013 school year DEAC Meeting-April 23, 2013-Dr. Burnie Bristow
NTGS 101: SGO – a high school biology example SGO Components: General Timeline August November
NTGS 101: SGO – a high school biology example SGO Components: General Timeline January June
Teacher Evaluation: Summative Rating Timeline • At summative conference, all available component scores (i.e. teacher practice, SGO results) will be discussed. • SGP data will be available on the following timeline. Teacher Practice Student Growth Percentile Student Growth Objective Sum. Rating
5 Steps • Step 1: Choose or develop a quality assessment aligned to NJCCCS or CCSS. • Step 2: Determine students’ starting points. • Step 3: Set ambitious and achievable SGOs with the approval of the principal/supervisor. • Step 4: Track progress, refine instruction. • Step 5: Review results and score in consultation with your principal/supervisor. Page 8 – Quick Start Guide
Develop assessments collaboratively. • Align all assessments with NJCCCS or CCSS. • Align all assessments with district, school and department goals. • Make sure all the content in your SGO is covered in the assessment. • Incorporate test items that vary in levels of difficulty. • Include a sufficient number of test items to ensure rigor. • Collaboratively determine possible modifications to meet the needs of students. • Develop rubrics to assess essay responses. • Make sure content- and skill-based rubrics are specific and address multiple levels of proficiency. Page 11
SGO Guidebook Development Continuous improvement with information from the field • Modification and addition of forms • Clarity of language • Models of SGOs • More guidance on assessments, including portfolios
Summer Professional Development Dr. Vanessa Serrano
Principal and Teacher Evaluation System Training Discussion Dr. Dave Roudebush, Focal Point April 23, 2013
Teacher Evaluation System • Performance Standard #1: Preparation for Instruction • Establishing a culture of high expectations for learning and achievement • Uses district adopted curriculum and content knowledge to design coherent lessons • Post aligned lesson objectives and plan for demonstration of learning
Teacher Evaluation System • Performance Standard #2: Use of Data to Inform Instruction • Focus on improving instruction using data • Use a variety of assessment methods when designing classroom assessments • Involve students in assessing their own learning
Teacher Evaluation System • Performance Standard #3: Delivers Quality Instruction • Instruct bell to bell • Use a variety of instructional strategies to focus instruction • Engages students in learning • Continually checks for understanding • Deliver rigorous and relevant content • Integrate 21st Century Skills in instruction • Provides feedback about student proficiency
Teacher Evaluation System • Performance Standard #4: Interventions to Meet Diverse Needs • Differentiate instruction based on student needs and background • Implements interventions with fidelity and adjusts interventions based on results • Adapt and modify instruction for the unique needs of learners
Teacher Evaluation System • Performance Standard #5: Classroom Environment • Contribute to a safe and orderly learning environment • Use effective classroom management procedures • Effectively manage student behavior • Foster collaboration and self-regulation in students • Promote positive and respectful rapport
Teacher Evaluation System • Performance Standard #6: Leadership • Understand their role and responsibility for professional growth and positive leadership • Promote the concept of Professional Learning Communities through collaboration and purposeful involvement • Continue professional growth
Teacher Evaluation System • Performance Standard #7: Professional Responsibilities • Adhere to Federal laws, state statutes and regulation pertaining to education, Board of Education policies, Memoranda of Understanding and school rules • Demonstrates professionalism • Effectively communicates and solves problems
Teacher Evaluation SystemProfessional Development Opportunities • Two Major Professional Development Strands • Curriculum Alignment/Instructional Strategies • The Teacher Evaluation Performance Rubric
Professional Development Opportunities • Aug. 18-19, 2011 * Aug. 25-27, 2011 • Sep. 19-21, 2011 * Oct. 8, 2011 • Aug. 21-30, 2012 * Sep. 4-5, 2012 • Oct. 12, 2012 * Feb. 15, 2013 To Date 2,300 teachers have been trained Approximately 202 teachers need to be trained
Thoroughly Train Teachers: Stop. Reflect and Discuss: Think about what you have seen presented here, How will the Paterson Public School District define “THOROUGHLY TRAINED”? Please write down and discuss your thoughts and ideas at your table. Please be prepared to share your most salient ideas with the committee. DEAC Meeting-April 23, 2013-Dr. Burnie Bristow
Next Steps DEAC Meeting-April 23, 2013-Dr. Burnie Bristow
THANK-YOU DEAC Meeting-April 23, 2013-Dr. Burnie Bristow