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SWP 2019-2023

Explore the key strategic orientation and themes for 2019-2023 IESBA meeting in Livingstone, Zambia. Discuss the restructured Code, ethical requirements, digital transformations, and global adoption strategy.

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SWP 2019-2023

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  1. SWP 2019-2023 IESBA Meeting Livingstone, Zambia December 4-8, 2017 Stavros Thomadakis, IESBA Chairman Ken Siong, Technical Director

  2. Context Now • Fully restructured and substantively revised Code at end of current planning horizon (2018) • Major changes to architecture (Structure) and logic of the Code (enhanced CF, safeguards) • Enhanced ethical requirements and guidance for PAIBs (Part C) • Robust upgrades (NOCLAR, Long Association, Inducements) • Enhanced guidance (Prof Skepticism/Prof Judgment (short term))

  3. Context Now Environmental Factors • Rapid spread of digital technologies, “data economy” transformations • More liquid workforce, use of “contingent workers” • Continuing regulatory pressure: • Steer Code to meet needs of audit inspection authorities • Timely standard setting • Heightened stakeholder expectations re SSB coordination • Joint Sept 2017 IAASB-IESBA discussion re seek SWP alignment along dimensions of time, substance and due process

  4. SWP Survey Responses Sept 2017 CAG and Board Discussions • CAG broadly aligned with PC analysis re top 6 standard-setting priorities • Board also broadly supportive of PC analysis but… • Keep post-implementation review of restructured Code high on forward agenda • E-Code and implementation should be central to future strategy • Outreach and global adoption important axes re restructured Code • Reflect on what should be success factors in 2023, esp. relevance, quality and global adoption • Maintain some reserve capacity to address emerging issues

  5. Strategic Orientation for 2019-2023 Proposed Vision for the Code A Code that will: • Guide the ethical conduct of PAs worldwide in a way that is robust, relevant and fit for purpose; • Reflect, and will be enabled by, developments in technology; and • Be recognized worldwide as a high ethical benchmark for the global accountancy profession.

  6. Strategic Orientation for 2019-2023 Matter for Consideration Do Board members support Planning Committee’s proposed vision for the Code?

  7. Strategic Orientation for 2019-2023 Strategic Themes • Striving to ensure a modern, relevant and readily accessible Code • Raising the ethical bar for PAs globally, including strengthening auditor independence • Increasing global adoption of the Code and facilitating its effective implementation • Proactively engaging and seeking cooperative avenues with key stakeholders

  8. Strategic Orientation for 2019-2023 Strategic Themes • Striving to ensure a modern, relevant and readily accessible Code • Respond to ethical implications of technological transformations • Leverage digital technology to broaden reach and increase access to Code • Respond to regulatory and other developments internationally • Raising the ethical bar for PAs globally, including strengthening auditor independence • Continue to enhance auditor independence provisions, with particular focus on definitions of PIE/listed entity, and concept of materiality • Respond to public concerns re ethical dimensions of tax planning services

  9. Strategic Orientation for 2019-2023 Strategic Themes • Increasing global adoption of the Code and facilitating its effective implementation • Imperative to promote global adoption and implementation of restructured Code • In due time, assess whether IESBA objectives met re post-implementation review • Proactively engaging and seeking cooperative avenues with key stakeholders • Major axis of cooperation and coordination with IAASB • Proactively engage with other important stakeholder groups, including regulatory community, investors/TCWG, NSS, PAIBs and SMPs, firms, academia, etc

  10. Strategic Orientation for 2019-2023 Matter for Consideration Do Board members support Planning Committee’s recommendations regarding strategic themes?

  11. Developing the Work Plan Criteria Influencing Development of Work Plan • Benefits to public interest of undertaking particular action • Enhance public trust in Code and profession • Promote ethical mindset for professional judgment • Support public interest outcomes • Increase global adoption of the Code • Pervasiveness of the matter • Degree of urgency • Global relevance • Feasibility within realistic timeframes

  12. Developing the Work Plan Managing Delivery of SWP • Key focus areas • Strength of Board reputation and global acceptance of the Code • Capacity at leadership, volunteer and staff levels • Operational effectiveness and stability • Robust outreach and communication with stakeholders

  13. Developing the Work Plan Matter for Consideration Do Board members support criteria for developing work plan and approach to managing its delivery?

  14. Pre-commitments

  15. Future Standard-setting Initiatives Top 6 Priorities (Factoring CAG and Board Support)

  16. Future Standard-setting Initiatives Topics with Less Significant or Weak Support

  17. Future Standard-setting Initiatives – Relevant Considerations Technology and Innovation • Particular PIOB interest • Establish WG to explore and scope out issues? Involve external experts? • Given fast pace of change, begin exploratory work without awaiting SWP finalization? • Potentially pervasive • New patterns of social behavior in data economy, “always on” culture? • Impact on definitions of terms and concepts in the Code, e.g. independence of mind when relying on AI?

  18. Future Standard-setting Initiatives – Relevant Considerations Technology and Innovation • Broad scope – PAPPs and PAIBs • Potential for multiple work streams? • Linked to topic of service delivery models • Initial deliverables • Thought piece/discussion paper? • Staff alerts/FAQs? • Likely need to coordinate response with IAASB/IAESB • Track work of IAASB Data Analytics WG?

  19. Future Standard-setting Initiatives – Relevant Considerations Developments in Models of Service Delivery • Broad scope – PAPPs and PAIBs • Implications for definitions or descriptions of key concepts such as “office,” “engagement team,” “employee?” • Other questions related to “outsourcing,” both from clients to firms, and from firms to shared service centers • Linked to topic of technology and innovation • Initial deliverable – Discussion paper? Staff alerts/FAQs? • Likely need to coordinate response with IAASB/IAESB

  20. Future Standard-setting Initiatives – Relevant Considerations Tax Planning and Related Services • Broad scope – consider roles of both PAPPs and PAIBs • Central Q: how to clearly define ethical boundaries for such services • Much research and thinking already done by policy-makers, think tanks, international/regional organizations, IFAC member bodies • E.g., OECD, Accountancy Europe, ICAEW • Views/attitudes across jurisdictions diverse • Challenge to keep politics out of debate but opportunity for IESBA to take leadership role? • Deliverables?

  21. Future Standard-setting Initiatives – Relevant Considerations Definitions of PIE and Listed Entity • Robustness of current PIE definition a central concern for IOSCO, Basel Committee and IAIS • Wide variation of definitions around the world • SMP concerns re scoping in small entities in PIE definition • Distinction re PIE/non-PIE for independence still justifiable? • Listed entity definition has raised questions of interpretation in EU • Scope will be PAPPs and independence standards • Likely need to coordinate with IAASB

  22. Future Standard-setting Initiatives – Relevant Considerations Materiality • Scope: mainly independence standards but also touches other parts of the Code (e.g. in relation to breaches) • A specific IOSCO concern re adequacy of guidance • Linked to NAS initiative • Deliverable: enhanced guidance in the Code • Potential need to coordinate with IAASB?

  23. Future Standard-setting Initiatives – Relevant Considerations Post-implementation Review (Excl. NOCLAR and LA) • Assess whether restructured Code met objectives of Structure project? • What about substantive revisions from Safeguards? • Whole restructured Code or targeted areas? • When and how? Timeline? • Interaction with NOCLAR and LA post-implementation reviews? • Opportunities for synergies in work effort? • Deliverable – report of findings to IESBA? • Lessons from IAASB’s post-implementation review for clarified ISAs?

  24. Future Standard-setting Initiatives Other Proposed Initiatives • Subject to availability of resources: • Communication with TCWG • Documentation • Reserve some capacity for general maintenance of the Code

  25. Developing the Work Plan Adoption and Implementation • Strong support from survey respondents for indicated activities • Major effort on outreach and communication re release of restructured Code • Develop and execute robust communication strategy • Pursue proactive outreach agenda • Track and report on progress of global adoption of the Code • Commission development of appropriate staff publications • Pursue cooperation opportunities with key stakeholders, including NSS, regulators, firms, and IFAC SMP and PAIB Committees • Speak out on ethics-related developments

  26. IFAC SMP Committee Comments on Agenda Material Start monitoring implementation of restructured Code from Q3 2022 Support for rollout initiatives re restructured Code; consider doing more Re NAS – be cautious about “regulatory creep”; Code must remain principles-based and globally operable Focus on evidence-based standard setting and appropriate research of issues

  27. Developing the Work Plan Matters for Consideration • Views on : • Proposed 2019-2023 Work Plan re content and timing? • Individual identified priority actions? • Views on proposed 2018 Work Plan?

  28. Other Identified Topics Matter for Consideration • Input from IOSCO – Agenda Item 6-B • Do Board members agree with PC responses?

  29. Other Identified Topics Matter for Consideration • Matters identified for future Board attention during current or recently completed projects – Agenda Item 6-C • PC recommendation to consider under general maintenance initiative • Do Board members agree?

  30. Future Strategy and Work Plan Forward Timeline

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