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Too Much Pain: Female Genital Mutilation & Asylum in the EU - A Statistical Overview

Detailed statistical analysis of women seeking asylum from FGM-practicing countries in the EU, highlighting trends and challenges. Advocates for data collection and tailored responses to address the issue effectively.

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Too Much Pain: Female Genital Mutilation & Asylum in the EU - A Statistical Overview

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  1. End fgm network training on FGM1- 2 June 2016 UNHCR Statistical overview of FGM & asylum in the EU (2016) UNHCR Bureau for Europe

  2. FGM = persecution

  3. Complements 2013 EIGE report on FGM in the EU and Croatia 1st comprehensive analysis of FGM and asylum in the EU (regularly updated) and available on www.refworld.org Support advocacy at EU and CoE level on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and FGM in asylum systems Tool for advocacy at national level (FR, UK, BE, DE, NL), (SE, FI) (IT, MT), main asylum countries for women and girls from FGM-practising countries of origin Aim of the statistical overview

  4. Steady increase in women seeking asylum from FGM practicing countries in the EU • Between 2008 and 2011 on average 20,000 women and girls from FGM practicing countries sought asylum in the EU • In 2013 > 25,000 women and girls from FGM practicing countries sought asylum in the EU • In 2014 their number had risen to over 34,000. • In 2015 over 65,000 women and girls from FGM practicing countries applied for asylum with over 24,000 potentially already affected.

  5. Total number of femaleasylumapplicantsfromfgm-practising countries of origin

  6. Estimated number of female asylum seekers potentially affected by FGM

  7. Estimatednumber of femaleasylum-seekerspotentiallyaffected by FGM in relation to the total number of femaleasylumapplicantsfrom FGM-practising countries of origin

  8. Estimated number of female asylum seekers potentially affected by FGM

  9. ConClusion • While the number of women coming from FGM practising countries has considerably increased since 2013, prevalence rates of FGM in EU asylum systems have decreased from ca. 62% in 2013, 57% in 2014 to 38% in 2015. • Contributing factors include: • Prevalence rates went down in some COO, Egypt, Eritrea, Guinea and Mauritania and Yemen (UNICEF 2016 report) • Stark increase in number of applications from women from Iraq where the prevalence rate is only 8%. • Notwithstanding the decreasing prevalence rates, the numbers debunk the still all too common view that the practice is so insignificant in the asylum system as not to merit dedicated attention and specific responses. • The fact that only a handful of states collect data on the grounds on which applications are made and decided limits our ability to better understand the extent of this phenomenon. • In UNHCR’s view Gathering better statistical data on FGM in European asylum systems should be a priority; data should include the number of FGM survivors assisted in European asylum centres as well as the number of asylum claims involving FGM issues.

  10. Too Much PainFemale Genital Mutilation & Asylum in the EUA Statistical Overviewavailable on UNHCR Refworld at:http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/512c72ec2.html UNHCR Bureau for Europe Andrea Vonkeman vonkeman@unhcr.org

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