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Unlocking CII Knowledge

Unlocking CII Knowledge. Applying CII Knowledge Improves Project Performance. Project Performance. Early. Frequent. Many. Practice Use. Key to Unlock the Knowledge. CII Knowledge. Project Teams. Education Modules. Read/Evaluate Research Products. YOU. Implement CII Practices.

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Unlocking CII Knowledge

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unlocking CII Knowledge

  2. Applying CII Knowledge Improves Project Performance Project Performance Early Frequent Many Practice Use

  3. Key toUnlock the Knowledge CII Knowledge

  4. Project Teams Education Modules Read/Evaluate Research Products YOU Implement CII Practices University Short Courses Technology Assisted Learning Committee Participation Conferences & Meetings CII Learning Opportunities

  5. Project Teams Education Modules Education Modules Read/Evaluate Research Products Read/Evaluate Research Products Implement CII Practices Implement CII Practices University Short Courses University Short Courses Technology Assisted Learning Committee Participation Committee Participation Conferences & Meetings Conferences & Meetings CII Learning Opportunities Project Teams YOU

  6. Project Teams Education Modules Read/Evaluate Research Products Individual Implement CII Practices University Short Courses Technology Assisted Learning Committee Participation Conferences & Meetings Sources of Knowledge

  7. CII Knowledge Structure CII Knowledge Area CII Proposed Best Practices —Pending Validation CII Best Practices Information Areas • Tools • Supporting Products • References • Tools • Supporting Products • References • Supporting Products • References

  8. Project Teams Education Modules Read/Evaluate Research Products CII Knowledge Area Implement CII Practices University Short Courses CII Proposed Best Practices —Pending Validation CII Best Practices Information Areas • Tools • Supporting Products • References • Tools • Supporting Products • References • Supporting Products • References Technology Assisted Learning Committee Participation Conferences & Meetings Collection of Knowledge

  9. CII Knowledge Structure • Overall CII body of knowledge arranged in a topological form. • Currently 13 Knowledge Areas comprised of: • 11 Best Practices • 13 Proposed Best Practices – Pending Validation • 26 Information Areas

  10. CII Knowledge Structure Please refer to Proceedings Appendix See CII Web site construction-institute.org Select “Catalog”

  11. Pre-Project Planning Alignment Constructability Design Effectiveness Materials Management Team Building Partnering Quality Management Change Management Disputes Resolution Zero Accidents Techniques CII Best Practices

  12. New Publication Implementation Model + Knowledge Structure GuideImplementation Resource 166-2 • Describes organization, content, and use of Knowledge Structure • Brief description of Implementation Model

  13. New Publication CII Best Practices Guide: Improving Project PerformanceImplementation Resource 166-3 • CII Best Practices information in a single document. • Self-assessment tools for each Best Practice.

  14. Guides to the Knowledge Implementation Resource 166-2 Implementation Model + Knowledge Structure Guide Implementation Resource 166-3 CII Best Practices Guide: Improving Project Performance

  15. Key toAccessthe Knowledge CII Knowledge

  16. Project Teams Read/Evaluate Research Products CII Knowledge Area Implement CII Practices CII Proposed Best Practices —Pending Validation CII Best Practices Information Areas • Tools • Supporting Products • References • Tools • Supporting Products • References • Supporting Products • References Committee Participation Conferences & Meetings Sources of Knowledge

  17. Mail • Books and printed materials • CD-ROM • Annual snapshot of CII products “Free” Delivery Methods

  18. Online Access “Free” Delivery Methods • Products Online • Members Only • Continual Updates • Available Before Printing… • 24/7, Worldwide • Free to Members

  19. User Name Password Your Keys to Products Online

  20. Products OnlineComparative Usage Data Which organization is yours? Online Power Normal Number of Admin Users Users Downloads Member Company A 1 3 18 248 Member Company B 1 0 0 0

  21. 80 80 80 80 GREENLAND GREENLAND 70 70 70 70 60 60 60 60 E U R O P E 50 50 50 50 NORTH A S I A 40 40 40 40 AMERICA PACIFIC OCEAN 30 30 30 30 TROPIC OF CANCER TROPIC OF CANCER A T L A N T I C 20 20 20 A F R I C A P A C I F I C 10 10 10 I N D I A N EQUATOR EQUATOR O C E A N O C E A N SOUTH O C E A N 10 10 10 10 10 AMERICA 20 20 20 20 20 TROPIC OF CAPRICORN TROP OF CAPRICORN AUSTRALIA 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 ANTARCTICA 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 Case Study

  22. CII Knowledge Area CII Proposed Best Practices —Pending Validation CII Best Practices Information Areas • Tools • Supporting Products • References • Tools • Supporting Products • References • Supporting Products • References Sources of Knowledge Education Modules University Short Courses Technology Assisted Learning

  23. Education Modules • Print Version • Complete Training Solution • Short Courses • Campus-based • Group Training • Networking • Technology Assisted Learning • 24/7 • Worldwide Additional Member Benefits(with investments)

  24. The Key to Education Modules Catalog listing available online: See CII Web site construction-institute.org Select “Catalog” To order, contact CII: • Phone 512-232-3016 • E-mail s.shinn@mail.utexas.edu

  25. The Key to Short Courses Course information and schedule via CII Web Page construction-institute.org/ programs/cesc.htm

  26. The Key to Technology Assisted Learning EduNeering Subscription Contact Joanne Vest at 281-709-0917 or jvest@eduneering.com See Proceedings Appendix

  27. CII Knowledge Area CII Proposed Best Practices —Pending Validation CII Best Practices Information Areas • Tools • Supporting Products • References • Tools • Supporting Products • References • Supporting Products • References Now You KnowWhere to Find CII Knowledge construction-institute.org CII Knowledge Structure

  28. CII Products Online User Name and Password to access and to download • Technology Assisted Learning • Contact Joanne Vest at EduNeering • Phone 281-709-0917 • email jvest@eduneering.com Now You KnowHow to Obtain the Knowledge

  29. Now You KnowHow to Use the Knowledge • Implementation Resource 166-2 • Implementation Model + Knowledge Structure Guide • Implementation Resource 166-3 • CII Best Practices Guide

  30. The Challenge Give your people the “Keys”

  31. Implementation Session Invitation • Wed., 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. • Thurs., 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. • Torrey’s Peak I & II • Learn How to Use the Keys!! RSVP

  32. Implementation Session Presentations: • Introduction 3 minutes • Demo – Knowledge Structure 10 minutes • Demo – Products Online 5 minutes • Case Studies – Testimonials 12 minutes • Distributing the Keys • Making Use of the Keys • Discussions 30 minutes

  33. Implementation Panel Joint: • Education Committee • Knowledge Committee Moderator: Freddie Wong, Aramco Services Panel: • Jerry Eyink, Anheuser-Busch • Virgil Barton, Bechtel • Larry Scott, U.S. Steel

  34. Early Frequent Many Use the KeysImprove Project Performance Project Performance Practice Use

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