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„ Bottom-up” cluster development and cooperation in Hungary Hungarian Confederation of Clusters and Networks. Conference on cluster-cooperation in the V4 countries Budapest, 14 May 2009. Peter Lenkey Vice President. Clustering in Hungary Hungarian Confederation of Clusters and Networks
„Bottom-up” cluster development and cooperation in HungaryHungarian Confederation of Clusters and Networks Conference on cluster-cooperation in the V4 countries Budapest, 14 May 2009 Peter Lenkey Vice President
Clustering in Hungary • Hungarian Confederation of Clusters and Networks • Global Economic Crisis: challenge and chance for a cluster based-economy Conference on cluster-cooperation in the V4 countries Budapest, 14 May 2009
Clustering in Hungary • Clustering driven by founding Szechenyi Plan (2001-2001) National Development Plan (2004-2006) New Hungary Development Plan (2007-2013) • Clustering without founding? • Cluster mapping studies: how much clusters are there in Hungary? 20 or 200 • Sectorial approach Conference on cluster-cooperation in the V4 countries Budapest, 14 May 2009
Cluster creationand development • Top-down approach doesn’t work! • Bottom-up but not spontaneous initiatives • The core: interest-groups, business interests, be cooperative • The management: motivate, facilitate, coordinate • Competitiveness and innovation Conference on cluster-cooperation in the V4 countries Budapest, 14 May 2009
Clustering in Hungary • Hungarian Confederation of Clusters and Networks • Global Economic Crisis: challenge and chance for a cluster based-economy Conference on cluster-cooperation in the V4 countries Budapest, 14 May 2009
Members Clusters: • Biotechnológiai Innovációs Bázis • EnIn Környezetipari Klaszter • Magyar Medikai Gyártók és Szolgáltatók Klaszter • OmniPack Első Magyar Csomagolástechnikai Klaszter • Bioenergetikai Innovácós Klaszter • Első Magyar Nyelviskola Klaszter • Magyar Anyagtudományi és Nanotechnológiai Klaszter • Záhony Térségi Logisztikai Klaszter Conference on cluster-cooperation in the V4 countries Budapest, 14 May 2009
Members Supporting organisations: • European Conformity Check Vállalkozásfejlesztési Tanácsadó Intézet • INNOVITAS Kutatási- Fejlesztési és Innovációs Központ • Munkaadók és Gyáriparosok Országos Szövetsége • Észak-Magyarországi Gyáriparosok Szövetsége • TrueBlue Systems • Észak-Magyarországi Gyáriparosok Üzletviteli és Tanácsadó Kft. Conference on cluster-cooperation in the V4 countries Budapest, 14 May 2009
Objectives Besides representing the interests of its members, other important objectives are to: • contribute to the development of new clusters in Hungary • strengthen the already existing ones and prepare them for future challenges • promote new forms of management needed by clusters and networks • increase the international visibility of Hungarian clusters • promote international partnerships and inter-cluster co-operations Conference on cluster-cooperation in the V4 countries Budapest, 14 May 2009
International activities • International network of partner organisations especially in Central Europe with Czech ,Slovakian and Polish Partners • Contacts all over Europe with Europa InterCluster (Agency for cluster cooperation based in Brussels) • Several cluster related actions of the PRO INNO Europe initiative of the European Union’s CIP (Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme) • Leader of a Visegrad Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) project on cluster management Conference on cluster-cooperation in the V4 countries Budapest, 14 May 2009
Cluster Europa Club Cluster 10 o’clock 1. event:23 April 2009., Hotel Intercontinental Budapest Dr. Buzás Norbert, European Cluster Policy Group: Klaszterek az Unió jövőképében: a „European Cluster Policy Group” feladata és tevékenysége Polgárné Májer Ildikó, ValDeal Innovációs Zrt. ISC Group: Tudás-intenzív szolgáltatásokkal a klaszterek fenntarthatóságáért Nicholas Széchényi, Europa InterCluster: Klaszterek integrált együttműködése Conference on cluster-cooperation in the V4 countries Budapest, 14 May 2009
Clustering in Hungary • Hungarian Confederation of Clusters and Networks • Global Economic Crisis: challenge and chance for a cluster based-economy Conference on cluster-cooperation in the V4 countries Budapest, 14 May 2009
Chance • Leading sectors • Interdisciplines, intersectorial solutions • Chance for SME’s • Value of knowledge • Regions Conference on cluster-cooperation in the V4 countries Budapest, 14 May 2009
Thank You for Your kind attention! Magyar Klaszterek és Hálózatok Szövetsége H-1055 Budapest, Kossuth L. tér 6-8. Tel:+36-30/625-76-37 E-mail:mkhsz@mkhsz.eu Web:www.mkhsz.eu Conference on cluster-cooperation in the V4 countries Budapest, 14 May 2009