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Pakistan Conference on Sanitation 28-29 May 2009. Status of sanitation in Northern Areas. By Northern Areas LG&RDD. Background.
Pakistan Conference on Sanitation28-29 May 2009 Status of sanitation in Northern Areas By Northern Areas LG&RDD
Background • Overall sanitation of Urban & Rural settlements in Northern Areas are becoming worst with the passage of time due to population growth, changing in life style, influx of national and International tourists. Sanitation situation in the urban centre is even worst due to migration of rural population towards big towns and cities due to provision of better job opportunities, main centre for trading (National and international level), administrative head offices and provision of better health facilities are the vital amongst others. • Northern Areas administration is fully committed to improve sanitation coverage in line with National Sanitation Policy and Millennium Development Goals. In this context Northern Area draft sanitation strategy has been formulated by the local Govt. department in collaboration with UNICEF, Northern Areas Environmental Protection Agency and IUCN through a process of intensive consultations with a wide range of stakeholders and key partners by organizing workshops in various districts of Northern Areas.
Background • Existing sanitation and drainage system in Northern Area cannot cope with current volume of Waste water and sewerage. Owing to rapid socio economic development almost every household in urban settlements to have a poor flush latrine. Due to lack of proper sewerage system on-site disposal (Soak Pits ) is a common practice. This situation is common to all the settlements of Northern Areas, however, the degree of intensity is much lower in case of certain areas where use of pour flush latrines are not so common. • People are still using their traditional latrines i.e local pit system as “Chukan” for defecation because the use of human excreta as manure is a common practice. WASEP-PRA studies conducted in 400 villages of northern areas reveals that due to socio-economic up-lift and the increasing literacy rate the use of Chukan is reduced up to 30% and in future will be phased out.
Background • Due to absence of proper municipal solid waste disposal system, majority of house-holds in the urban areas as well rural areas dispose of solid waste in the nearby open fields or plots. Dumps of house-hold solid waste could also be seen in front of houses / streets. However in the main towns where facility of dustbins are available, people dispose off wastes in the dustbins. In Gilgit town houses situated along the water channels dispose of garbage directly into the nearby water channels. • According to a survey conducted by IUCN the average MSW generation in Gilgit town is around is 0.4 Kg of waste per person. In an another survey conducted by IUCN in 1998 estimated MSW generation only in Gilgit town is around 70-80 tons per day. The estimated figure of MSW generation might be double in summer due to increase of tourist influx.
MEASURES ADOPTED • Northern Areas Sanitation Strategy has been drafted with UNICEF support through a consultative process. • Govt. has established a separate organization of WASA in the Works Department to manage the affairs of water supply, sanitation and sewerage in the towns of Northern Areas. • Funds allocated to the sanitation sector during the period 2004-05 to 2007-08 under LG&RD sector is Rs. 67.52 million • Two pilot projects one for urban and one for rural arras for community based solid waste management approved at a cost of 5 million • Northern Areas water and sanitation coordination committee comprising key government departments and NGOs have been constituted
MEASURES ADOPTED • The Local Govt. Department with the support of UNICEF & AKRSP has carried out under mentioned activities related to sanitation:- • Toilets with drinking water and hand washing facilities have been constructed in 90 girls primary schools benefiting 15,000 students • 500 school teachers trained on child to child approach in hygiene education. 200 PTA members and school care takers have been trained on health & hygiene education • 6500 households (50,000 persons) reached improved hygiene messages through awareness meetings at community schools and religious centre level in five Union Councils. • 181 community mobilizers trained on social mobilization tools and techniques, in community led total sanitation (CLTS) as a result 2157 traditional house hold latrines have been converted into improved latrines. • 52 villages comprising 5106 house- holds have been declared ODF. • Two water quality labs have been established with the assistance of UNICEF. The Monitoring Officers of the labs have screened 1500 water sources to determine existence of bacterial contamination. The result is 42% having 0/100 E.coli is fit for human consumption, while 52% having 1/100 ml E.coli is unfit for human use. (According to WHO guide lines).
PIPLE LINE PROJECTS • Finalization of Northern Area sanitation strategy • Apart from the activities being carried out by WASA to improve the sanitation system in the towns of Northern Areas, the Local Govt. & Rural Development Department has prepared a PC-I costing to Rs.198.000 million for provision of water supply, sanitation, slow sand filtration system, community led total sanitation (CLTS) and health & hygiene practices in Northern Areas. • Feasibility study, including MIS, of the subject schemes is being carried out by the consultant.
ISSUES AND CHALLENGES • Lack of accurate data – no baseline survey has been undertaken • Lack of resources • Lack of coordination between line departments and partners • Capacity issues