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NSDI Strategic Plan Update. NGAC Meeting September 4, 2013. NSDI Strategic Plan – Purpose/Scope. Purpose: Develop a concise, updated strategic plan to guide the Federal government’s activities toward the further development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Scope:
NSDI Strategic PlanUpdate NGAC Meeting September 4, 2013
NSDI Strategic Plan – Purpose/Scope Purpose: • Develop a concise, updated strategic plan to guide the Federal government’s activities toward the further development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Scope: • Validate and build consensus around a shared vision of the NSDI • Define the role of the Federal government to further the development of the NSDI • Collaboratively define the roles and relationships among Federal agencies and non-Federal partners and stakeholders • Identify a small set of strategic goals, informed by the geospatial community, for the Federal government to pursue in the next 3 years • Develop follow-up implementation plans and performance measures to achieve these goals
NSDI Strategic Plan High-level Timeline *Opportunities for public/partner input September 2013
NSDI Strategic Visioning Workshop Tuesday, March 5, 8:30 – 5:00, South Interior Auditorium Participation • Key Federal geospatial leaders and managers • 35 participants representing 22 Federal agencies and offices Purpose • Begin discussions focusing on the role and contributions of the federal geospatial community in furthering the development of the NSDI
NSDI Leaders Forum Thursday, March 7, 10:00 – 12:30, Interior Department Participation • Leaders of key geospatial organizations and professional associations • 18 participants representing 16 professional associations and geospatial organizations Purpose • Begin discussions focusing on the role and contributions of the federal geospatial community in furthering the development of the NSDI
NGAC Input into Strategic Plan • April 2013 FGDC Guidance to NGAC: • Provide input to review, validate, and provide perspectives to help develop a shared vision of the NSDI. • Provide input to help define the current and future role of the Federal government in advancing the development of the NSDI, and provide input to help collaboratively define the roles and relationships among Federal agencies and non-Federal partners and stakeholders. • Provide input to help define key external factors and trends in the geospatial community which will have an impact on the continued development of the NSDI. • Initial NGAC subcommittee input – April/May 2013
NSDI Strategic Plan – Draft v1 (6-5-13) Multiple inputs in development of Version 1: Federal managers workshop, NSDI Leaders Forum meetings, industry/professional conferences, NGAC input, multiple FGDC meetings, weekly core team meetings, etc. Distributed to FGDC agencies and NGAC for review and comment on June 7 (responses due June 24) 220 comments received from 12 agencies and 11 partner organizations (through NSDI Leaders Forum)
NGAC Input into Strategic Plan • Extensive discussion at June 11-12 NGAC public meeting • NGAC paper, “Toward A New Strategic Vision for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure” completed in July: http://www.fgdc.gov/ngac/meetings/june-2013/ngac-nsdi-plan-paper-final-7-31-13.pdf
Significant changes – v1 to v2 Added Executive Summary Refined vision and guiding principles Streamlined introductory section Revised Roles and Responsibilities and Challenges and Opportunities sections Refined goals/objectives/actions Identified outcomes for each objective Added Appendix
NSDI Plan – Public Comment Version (v2) Released for public comment on July 31 Distributed via mail lists, communications with partners, Federal Register Notice, etc. Comments due by August 21, 2013 Draft plan posted at: www.fgdc.gov/nsdi-plan Received 136 comments from 28 groups and individuals
Public Comment Period – Major Themes Positive Feedback • Improvements from initial draft of plan (addition of Executive Summary, identification of outcomes, etc.) • Plan does a good job describing Federal role and direction in continued development of the NSDI • Well thought-out and written • Appreciate the outreach and opportunities to engage in planning process and provide input • Support for Federal geospatial leadership and outreach
Public Comment Period – Major Themes Areas Needing Additional Consideration Federal-centric nature of the strategic plan Level of detail regarding the interaction between Federal agencies and non-Federal partners Roles and responsibilities do not describe roles of non-Federal sector Difference of opinion on level of detail needed in plan Level of detail on strategies for specific data themes (e.g. parcels, elevation, framework themes) Governance issues – establishment of Federal GIO, need for enabling legislation, etc. Concerns that funding and budget issues not adequately addressed Concerns with associating geospatial activities with IT operations. Level of detail on metrics Concerns with geolocation privacy issues
Next Steps • NSDI Leaders Forum webinar – held on August 26 • Summary and discussion of comments at: • Sept 4-5 NGAC Meeting • Sept 12 FGDC Steering Committee Meeting • NSDI Core Team will review comments/feedback and prepare final draft version of plan (v3) • Final draft (v3) will be submitted to Steering Committee for approval and NGAC for endorsement – Oct/November • Following adoption of Strategic Plan, FGDC Executive Committee will oversee development of project plans for goals and objectives in plan
Comments &Questions www.fgdc.gov/nsdi-plan