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R ecent developments in database management and standardization in the GEOMIND project

R ecent developments in database management and standardization in the GEOMIND project. László Sőrés (ELGI, Hungary) Mikael Pedersen (GEUS, Danmark) Valdas Rapsevicius (ITG, Lithuania) Klaus Kühne (GGA, Germany) Jörg Kuder (GGA, Germany). Budapest, 2008.02.28. Standardization in Geophysics.

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R ecent developments in database management and standardization in the GEOMIND project

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  1. Recent developments in database management and standardization in the GEOMIND project László Sőrés(ELGI, Hungary)Mikael Pedersen (GEUS, Danmark)Valdas Rapsevicius (ITG, Lithuania)Klaus Kühne (GGA, Germany)Jörg Kuder (GGA, Germany) Budapest, 2008.02.28

  2. Standardization in Geophysics Introduction • Metadata standardizationThe Geomind Metadata Profile • 2. Geophysical data standardizationGeneral Geophysical Data Model • 3. Implementation possible database architectures & internet services

  3. Standardization in Geophysics Why ? Geophysical information is extremely polymorphic. Data access, exchange and use is limited due to the diversity of storage systems, data formats and the lack of general standards.(Though, geophysical methods related to oil industry do have specific standards) For who ? - individuals, who want to access geophysical data on the WEB- institutions, which want to provide geophysical data on the WEB - institutions, which want to have well organized data systems - interpreters, who works with many different methods - data experts, who wants to use more data types simultaneously (joint inversion)

  4. Standardization in Geophysics How ? Geomind project, WP6 :Specifications of standards for digital geophysical content Metadata level: Extend the ISO 19115 standard for geographic datasets >>> Geomind Metadata Profile Detailed data level: Create a General Geophysical Data Model >>> GGDMand a new XML based geophysical markup language >>> G.??ML(GML, GeoscienceML, WellLogML, WITSML, seismic XML is being defined )

  5. Metadata Standardization dataType1 Appl.1 dataType2 Appl.2 dataType3 App.3 dataType4 Appl.4 Without standards, all data types must be handled differently by different specific applications

  6. Metadata Standardization dataType1 MD dataType2 MD Appl. dataType3 MD MD dataType4 With standards, all data types can be handled in a uniform way

  7. Metadata Standardization What is metadata ? Metadata is data about data

  8. Metadata Standardization Modification of the ISO19115 metadata standard (the GEOMIND profile) • Extensions: • Added metadata classes (GO, GOS, REP, etc.) • Added codelist elemens (roles, dates, hyerarchy level, etc.) • New metadata section (geophysicalInfo) • New codelists (object types, object set types,devices etc.) GEOMIND Profile ISO19115 Meatadata for geographic datasets ISO19115 core Geophysical extensions

  9. Metadata Standardization Modification of the ISO19115 metadata standard (the GEOMIND profile) ISO19115 MD_Metadata GE_GeophysicalInfo GG_Instrumentation GE_GeophObject GG_MeasuringConditions New metadata section GE_GeophObjectSet New specified classes GG_parameterSet GG_parameterCatalogue GE_Report

  10. Metadata Standardization Geophysical Object Abstraction for geophysical information handled as a natural unit. Measurement, Model (1D, 2D, 3D, 4D) Geophysical Object Set Collection of geophysical objects, grouped by common properties or constraints Project, Campaign, Coverage Report Any kind of documentation related to geophysical objects or object sets. Map, Profile, Sounding, Text UML diagram of the three main classes

  11. Data Standardization Why are geophysical data systems so different ? Usually geophysical data systems are optimized for storage space, and performance. Geophysicists use different simplifications. Simple data structures do not require very sophysticated solutions and finally, it makes a big mess. Is it necessary ? With the increasing computing and storage resources size and speed optimization is not so crucial anymore. If we describe the measuring systems with more details it can be more general.

  12. Data Standardization What is common in measurements ? Real world data model entities Take the gears … instrumentation, devices Go out to the field … localCRS, origin, azimuth, elevation Position your equipments … layout, layoutComponent, box Start up the gears, collect data … parameterSet,recording, Processing & interpretation … measurement, model, inversion Document your work … metadata, geophObject, campaign, project

  13. General Geophysical Data Model measurement localCRS azimuth Originspheric, chartesian elevation parameterSet layout s parameterSet layoutComponent recording boxsize, position, orientation domainSetregularSequence, irregularSequence rangeSetmeasDataArray Devicetype, name, description parameterSet

  14. General Geophysical Data Model VES sounding Gravity station & a link of stations The Big Puzzle A GGDM structure is very flexible. It can be as simple as a gravity station and as complex as a seismic profile TDEM sounding & sounding profile Borehole logs ( nG & VSP ) Seismic profile legend

  15. General Geophysical Data Model GGDM and XML • A GGDM relational database would contain about 80 tables • GGDM is object oriented and defined by XML schema definitions • Geophysical data can be transfered and stored as XML files, and can be validated against the GGDM schema. • XML aware database systems support XPATH indexing and provide fast document search. (Oracle, PostGIS, MySql, Apache Derby, Lucene) • Conversions to and from existing data formats can easily be done by XSL stylesheets. • Developement in XML based technologies is very fast UML diagram of the measurement class

  16. Implementation Distributed Database Architecture portal & dataprovider XML aware RDBMS or search engine metadata XML,or references Metadata XMLData XML Metadata WEB service gif, jpgshp identifiersgeometry Data Files Relational DB Portal Data provider

  17. Implementation Services – Open Source portal & Intranet solution Metadata RDBMS or search engine browser GGDMRDBMS or search engine HTML WMS shp XMLhttp javascript XSL WFS AJAX client applicationmapbuilder, openLayers, GoogleMaps API WMS, WFS server Geoserver

  18. Implementation Data Flow in Geomind Data order Distributor(authority) data Data download WAF Geomind Server MD Metadata upload, and harvesting Data provider Html maps,rendered metadata, search data MD User Data provider

  19. Standardization in Geophysics Conclusions • With the contribution of the EC eContentplus programme, an international geophysical information service, the GEOMIND portal is being set up. • As distributed systems require standardized data structures, geophysical standards were developed for metada and detailed data exchange. • The metadata standard, called the Geomind Profile, is an extension of the ISO19115 standard. • The detailed data standard is the schema based XML implementation of the General Geophysical Data Model (GGDM), developed by the consortium. • Using the new standards developing advanced geophysical information systems is more efficient and easier

  20. Thank You for your attention!Köszönöm a figyelmet!

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