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Senior Health. Mrs. Hensch Mr. Washington Ms. Barg. WELCOME!.
Senior Health Mrs. Hensch Mr. Washington Ms. Barg
WELCOME! • This class will give you an opportunity to examine some of the “adult” concerns that you have and/or will face shortly. The choices you make today will effect your future either in a positive way or a negative way. In this class, we will examine the possible choices individuals can make and discuss the possible consequences of those choices. • Marriage and parenting is not in the near future for most of you, however this is our last chance to expose you to concepts and ideas that will be helpful later in life. Keep an open mind. Be willing to share your ideas in class, and be willing to give other people the same right.
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES • Come to class prepared to learn and participate. Bring your Health folder, pen and/or pencil. • You must be on time or you will be marked late. 3 tardies will result in DETENTION. You must arrive on time to begin working. I will dismiss the class at the end of the period. • All personal questions (missed assignments, lav request, etc) will be taken care at the beginning or end of class. If you have missed class a copy of assignments will be on my webpage. (It is your responsibility to check with me of what you missed during your absence). • Class discussions are very important. All questions and comments must be kept school appropriate. • You are responsible for your grade in this class, make sure you keep up with all assignments and hand everything in on time. Senior Health is a required course, if you do not pass this class, you will not graduate.
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES CONT. 6. Projects and participation are important. Late assignments will be marked down 10 percentage points each day the assignment is late. 7. You are responsible for completing all work that is missed due to your absence from class. All missed work must be made up after returning from an absence. Failure to complete work will result in a grade of 0% for that assignment. If you are absent on the date project is due, it will be turned in on the day you return. If you have a scheduled absence on the day an assignment is due, it is to be turned in before you leave.
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES CONT. • Every student will have a notebook. The notebook will be your textbook for this class. Everything that is handed out in class is to go into your notebook, along with any additional notes given by your instructor. A one subject notebook with folder works best. You may be given an open notebook quiz once a week, usually on Mondays, to help keep you on track with what material will be needed to know for the final.
SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS • The following projects are all MAJOR TEST GRADES. Failure to complete one of these projects will result in a failing grade for the quarter. This means you may not graduate with the rest of your class at the end of the school year. Please plan accordingly, and get these projects in on time!
SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS Marking Period 1 • IDENTITY BOX:This project will let us discover a little bit about each other. • PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENT: This assignment will give you an opportunity to clarify the purpose of your life and identify what is really important to you. • LIFE PROJECT: This is a constantly evolving project. Each year this project changes a little. You will explore LIFE MANAGEMENT SKILLS necessary to “make it” in the real world. You will be working with a partner for this project
SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS Marking Period 2 • MARRIAGE EXPECTATION PAPER: This paper will take some time and thought. Begin your research for the paper by interviewing people who are newly married, divorced, and married for several years to develop some ideas for your paper. Ask them about their expectations of marriage and how they have been fulfilled or changed. This should be fun and enlightening to write. • BABY PROJECT: In this project you must write about your expectations as a parent and what you experienced during the ten days you were responsible for your own baby. Developing a clearer awareness of your parenting expectations is an important aspect of this assignment. Committing yourself to this project makes it a real learning experience. • THEME SONG:This project will let you share with the class your philosophy of life. You will be choosing a song that you think represents you.
WELLNESS • Health related and long-term wellness is included in the course. There will be days set aside for fitness and recreational activities in which you will dress as if you were in physical education class. We will cover the various concepts of wellness in class and learn how to apply them in our everyday lives. This will also include fitness testing.
GRADING • Projects----------------------------------50 % • Test/Quizzes----------------------------30% 3. Participation (Fitness, Team Building activities & Class Interaction)--------20 %
REMEMBER • BE AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF OUR CLASS • Come prepared for class Dressing out for activity or Bring pencil/pen and notebook • GET Projects done ON TIME