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The influence of Apprenticeship Systems on professionalization. Findings of a qualitative comparative study of the VET in England and Germany. Erika E. Gericke, M.A. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany. Content. Changes of the Working World and its Effects on European VET Systems
The influence of Apprenticeship Systems on professionalization. Findings of a qualitative comparative study of the VET in England and Germany. Erika E. Gericke, M.A. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany
Content • Changes of the Working World and its Effects on European VET Systems • Research Questions • Methodology and Qualitative Research Design • Findings • Three Patterns of biographical orientations towards occupation • The Role of the English and German VET System • Conclusion and Discussion
1. Changes of the Working World and its Effects on European VET Policy • Macro-societal change: • Increased individualization • Increased globalisation • European VET policy: • Bruge/Copenhagen process • In Germany discussion and reform of the occupation principle (Berufsprinzip)
2. Research Questions • Which biographical orientations towards occupation do English and German car mechatronics develop? • How do a fragmented (i.e. England) VET system and a holistic (i.e. Germany) VET system influence the development of the biographical orientations towards occupation ? • Term biographical orientations towards occupation • A concept which captures the process character • A concept which links both levels: structure and action
3. Methodology and Qualitative Research Design (I) • Grounded Theory methodology (cf. Strauss/ Corbin 1990) • Survey instrument: autobiographic-narrative interview (cf. Schütze 1981, 1983) • Analysis instruments: • Narrative analyses (cf. Schütze 1983) for 1st question • Grounded theory (cf. Strauss/ Corbin 1990) for 2nd research question
3. Methodology and Qualitative Research Design (II) • Sample in general: • Automobile industry • Car mechatronic • Sample in specific: • Informant have been working in their occupation for at least 3 years • German informants have completed their apprenticeship successfully • Informants aged between 30 and 67 years old
4. Findings 4.1 Three Patterns • Question: Which biographical orientations towards occupation do English and German car mechatronics develop? • Reconstruction of three patterns of biographical orientations towards occupation, valid for both English and German car mechatronics: • ‘strategic use of VET institutions’ • ‘drawing border regarding the work field’ • ‘passionate handling’
4. Findings 4.2 Influence of the national VET System (I) • Question: How do a fragmented (i.e. England) VET system and a holistic (i.e. Germany) VET system influence the development of the biographical orientations towards occupation? • Reconstruction of the subjective perception of the VET system having • certain institutional conditions have to exist in order to choose the ‘right’ occupation thus completing the apprenticeship successfully & having a smooth transition to the labour market.
4. Findings 4.2 Influence of the national VET System (II) • These institutional conditions which are given in the German but surprisingly not in the English context are: • family addressing/ discussing the issue of choosing an occupation • school curriculum which includes the issue of vocational training by • providing information about occupations or organizing a trip to the information centre and • by providing the opportunity to get to know occupations hands-on via work-placements • up-to-date teachers, trainers and college equipment as well as a balanced theoretical and practical input.
4. Findings 4.2 Influence of the national VET System (III) • Transition school-VET • Direct entry & family-related gatekeeper • Period of unemployment & choosing occupation arbitrarily • Subjective Perception of the VET • Dual System, good • Different types of VET, improvable • Subjective Perception of the national technical culture • Automobile as a quasi-organism; workshop industry: all-rounder • Automobile as a quasi-organism; workshop industry: single units
5. Conclusion and Discussion • English and German car mechatronics follow one of the three reconstructed patterns of biographical orientations towards occupation • In spite of the different national institutional conditions. • The difference is that it takes the English car mechatronics longer and with personal costs to ‘arrive’ at one of the three patterns. • The VET system influences the development process of biographical orientations toward occupation. • However, the concern of some German scientists that replacing broad vocational qualifications with partial qualifications will hinder the development of a holistic occupational self-conception has been refuted with this study.
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