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A.A./GEN ED PROGRAM REVIEW. Karen Borglum, Ed.D. Assistant Vice President Curriculum and Articulation. Purpose . Florida Statute 1001.03

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  1. A.A./GEN ED PROGRAM REVIEW Karen Borglum, Ed.D. Assistant Vice President Curriculum and Articulation

  2. Purpose • Florida Statute 1001.03 • (13) Cyclic review of postsecondary academic programs- The State Board of Education shall provide for the cyclic review of all academic programs in community colleges at least every 7 years. Program reviews shall document how individual academic programs are achieving state student learning and program objectives within the context of the institution’s mission. The results of the program reviews shall inform strategic planning, program development, and budgeting decisions at the institution level.

  3. Committee • Karen Borglum- Collegewide • Kurt Ewen- Collegewide • Cheryl Robinson-Winter Park • Melissa Pedone- Osceola, Math/Science • Russell Takashima-West, Math • David Sutton-East, Humanities • Bob Gessner- West, Science • Rob McCaffery-East, Incoming FC President • Chris Borglum- Winter Park, Communications • Bonnie Oliver- East, Social Science • John Niss-Winter Park, Math

  4. Process • Look at where there are “no” or “needs further study.” • Went to CLC, FC, CCC, IAC, SALT • Gather data prior to the discussion • Any group decides that something is “no” or “needs further study” will need to write up explanation • Establish a repository to house information as we go through process • Go back to group after the justification has back up data • Recommend actions

  5. Timeline • February- Review tool and data needed • March- Sort through data • April/May- Get on agenda • June/July-review responses and next steps • August-Highlights for academic assembly • September-Gather more information • October – Go back to councils with results • November final document

  6. Results Core Requirement 2.8 • FT Faculty adequacy • 4 groups indicated “Needs further study”; Faculty Council said “No.” • Comments • Humanities numbers are high; how are we breaking it down? • A.A. in Art; there are no full-time faculty in PGY courses • There are disturbing numbers of FT faculty in developmental math • We are not meeting demand which means we don’t hire part-time faculty and then full-time ratio gets inflated

  7. Results Core Requirement 2.9 • Adequate library collection • 4 groups said “Needs Further Study;” CCC said “Yes.” • Comments • Concern over Lake Nona, but we have 2 librarians now • We need to update our affiliations • We have outdated resources

  8. Results Core Requirement 2.11.2 • Adequate physical resources • 4 groups said “Yes;” Faculty Council said “No.” • Comments • Osceola students have no quiet place to study or for Student Affairs • Osceola doubles up on faculty office space, no privacy • Winter Park needs offices so faculty can confer with students privately

  9. Results Comprehensive Standard 3.2.9 • Policies on appointment and employment of faculty and staff • 4 groups said “Yes;” Faculty Council said “No.” • Comments • There isn’t a definition of insubordination, and we need a policy to differentiate between professor and instructor

  10. Results Comprehensive Standard • Identifies outcomes, assesses the extent of achievement and provides evidence of improvement • 3 groups said “Yes;” CCC said “No;” and IAC said “Needs Further Study.” • Comments • The learning outcomes are done, but assessment is not • We have not used the assessment plans as part of IE • We are missing departmental action plans

  11. Results Comprehensive Standard 3.4.6 • Practices for determining the amount and level of credit awarded • 3 groups said “Yes;” CCC and Faculty Council said “No.” • Comments • We need to explore contact to credit hours ratio

  12. Results Comprehensive Standard 3.5.1 • College-level competencies within in Gen Ed, evidence of attainment • 5 groups said “No” • Comments • We need to add Assessment Day information • There is no data on how students are actually doing • The map of Gen Ed is not completed

  13. Results Comprehensive Standard 3.8.3 • Sufficient number of qualified staff in library and other learning resources • 4 groups said “Needs Further Study;” CCC said “Yes.” • Comments • Needs further study due to Lake Nona • We need a definition of learning support, tutoring, testing, and labs

  14. Results Federal Requirement 4.1 • Institution evaluates success with respect to student achievement • 4 groups said “Yes;” CLC said “Needs Further Study.” • Comments • Degree completion data is good, but we need success by course • We should add the UCF success data of our students

  15. Results Federal Requirement 4.4.1 • Program Length • 4 groups said “Yes;” Faculty Council said “Needs Further Study.” • Comments • We should do a study to investigate the “other core requirements” that add to program length

  16. Results Federal Requirement 4.9.1 • Policies and procedures for determining credit hours awarded for courses and programs • 4 groups said “Yes;” CCC said “Needs Further Study.” • Comments • We don’t have a policy/procedure for contact to credit hour ratio

  17. Recommendations • Core Requirement 2.8 FT Faculty adequacy • Looked at from student perspective, maybe we should answer by discipline perspective? • Need breakdown by campus for staffing discussions • CLC in consultation with the Campus Presidents establish a task force to look at this area more closely • Comprehensive Standard • Work with the Academic Deans to create Departmental Action Plans

  18. Recommendations Continued • Comprehensive Standard 3.4.6 Contact Hours • CLC asks CCC to review practices and establish some principles and guidelines in conjunction with academic departments • Comprehensive Standard 3.8.3 Learning Resources • CLC assigns task force to include Deans of Learning Support and Library Directors to create definitions and responsibilities of learning resources areas

  19. Recommendations for 2017 • This review will inform our reaffirmation visit • What are the thoughts from the CLC as to how we conduct this review in 2017?

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