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Chapter 18 . Renewing the Sectional Struggle 1848-1854. ______ Presidential Election. ________________________( did not run) ________________ ( Veteran of the War of 1812 / Dem-Rep.) *_______________________ Official position on slavery: __________________
Chapter 18 Renewing the Sectional Struggle 1848-1854
______ Presidential Election ________________________(did not run) ________________(Veteran of the War of 1812 / Dem-Rep.) • *_______________________ • Official position on slavery: __________________ • Democrats love him: ______________________(republic) • Def: (W) _________________(_______ (final battle of Mexican-American War) - Official position on slavery: ______________ Domestic issue in 1848 presidential election: Presidential hopefuls = no official position for slavery / ___________ *Northerners are upset and form the _____________________ Platform: AGAINST THE _____________________________ Later: the “NEW” Republican Party of 1856 supports the same idea under Horace Greeley Major Outcome of 1848 election: ___________________________
1848 – Free Soil Party GOALS and Culture: • favored ______________for internal improvements and free land for settlers out west. • _________________ • The party attracted a wide mix of people: • people _______________________________, • people who didn't want slavery in the new lands • northern abolitionists / _______________supporters *Why did Free-Soilers hate slavery • ________________ • __________________________________________
“Californy Gold”Golden State • ____________________– 1848 on The American River (9 days before the end of the Mex-Am. War) Effects: • Gold-Rush = _______________(not just domestic culture) • _______ - 49ers flooded the area in hopes of becoming rich (worldwide) LATIN AMERICAN INTEREST - British (disrespecting the __________________________) US – British tension over Latin America in 1849 ******** ______________________________******** - eased the growing tension between US and Britain by claiming _________ could “______” _________ (_________________) - Nicaragua owned by Colombia (South America) without the other’s consent *COMPLETE NEUTRALITY* Later: “____________” _______________________________________ (3) Economic prosperity: lumberyards, general stores, barber shops – washed clothes in Hawaii *(4) _____________________________ (5) Applied to Congress for statehood, all the requirements were skipped (NOTE), and the South was furious. * Straw that broke the camel’s back
Slavocracy • ___________________________________________________________________(spreading slavery) LATIN AMERICA: • Clayton-Bulwer Treaty / Nicaragua ________________________– tried to imperialize Nicaragua (in complete opposition to the enforcement of the C-B Treaty) PURPOSE: ____________________________________ Named himself president Legalized slavery Wanted America to annex Nicaragua Nicaraguan locals reclaimed the area and killed Walker CUBA: - Southerners wanted to spread slavocracy to CUBA FRANKLIN PIERCE (1952-1956) Involved with: (1) ____________________________ (2) __________________ (Ostend Manifesto) (3) ____________________________ ALL designed to sympathize with the South!
____________________(1854) Location: ____________________ Delegates: American ministers in (1) ______ (2) _______ and (3)______ to draw up a top secret initiative to _______________________ Issue: Southerners looked to Cuba as a possible site for American slavery's expansion. Advising: Offer ______________________– if Spain refused…the U.S. is justified in “wrestling” for Cuba. Issue: Northern opposition What killed the manifesto: ___________________________________(stealing thunder) Effect: (1) Pierce did not run because of the Manifesto and _________________WON in a landslide victory in 1856 (2) Split the ______________________ Party
The South in 1850 Loving Life: • Taylor is from __________ (VA Dynasty) • Majority in the _______________________ • ________________were expanding (barely in the West) and cotton profits were _______ *PROBLEMS: *_________________________________________________________________________________________(16 to 15) *Abolition ________________________________________ *Lost fugitive slaves to North and Canada (Underground Railroad) - “Stations” – antislavery homes - “Passengers” – runaway slaves - “Conductors” – white and African American abolitionists MOST FAMOUS: Harriet Tubman (MOSES)
North in the Compromise of 1850 North: • ______________________(Note: skipped state requirement – why?) *Result: tipped the balance of the Senate to the North (2) _______________________________. was banned, but slavery was still legal. The U.S. Capital “took a stance” against slavery. *Problem / Catch Trade: Illegal Slavery: legal (3) ____________________________________________
South in Compromise of 1850 South: (1) Much more “_____________” ________________“BLOODHOUND BILL”– first Fugitive Slave Law was passed in 1793 (Constitutional protection – but not largely enforced) 1,000 +/- a year were lost - most controversial issue of the Compromise of 1850 Reasons: Northern options (1) __________________________________ (2) _____________________for $10 to the South When returned: ____________________________________ Northern response: _______________________– Northerners DID NOT have to chase down fugitive slaves and return them (2) Texas will give up “______________” claims ___________ AREA: ___________________
West in the Compromise of 1850 West / Territories: __________________________ ______________________________ Overall Goal of compromise of 1850: Who benefited the most: __________________!!!!!! Reasons (1) tipped the balance of free and slave states toward the “free” side (2) fugitive slave law was largely ______________________turns into threats of ___________________ (3) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Compromise of 1850 NORTHERN BENEFIT: (1) California admitted as a free state. This tipped the balance to the free side, permanently. (2)The slave trade in Washington, D.C. was banned, but slavery was still legal. The U.S. Capital “took a stance” against slavery. *Problem / Catch Trade: Illegal Slavery: legal
___________________________ • Henry Clay (BOTH): “The Great Compromiser ” (2) _______________________(South): NO SLAVERY Famous Speech: “__________________________” Secession: Peaceful Secession! Sir, Your eyes and mine are never destined to see that miracle. - Daniel Webster Senate Speech, 1850 *Slavery is EVIL (______) but _______________________ Goal: Get the NORTH to compromise *_______________________ (3) _________________(SOUTH) “__________________” : Enforced Fugitive Slave Act and States’ Rights *1848 Congress: ________________________________ William________: Slavery issue = people must follow a “_________” (God), and that law is above the Constitution Later to be Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson
Railroads and Gadsden Purchase • California and Oregon are annexed – Americans want a transcontinental railroad that connects the East and West coast • Where to build???? North or South? Chosen path: South (GADSDEN PURCHASE) Beginning: ________________ End: ____________________________ Problem: Part of Mexico - $15 million *Secretary of War (__________________) = future Confederate President appoints ____________________from South Carolina to direct the mission in Mexico Why the South: • ____________________________ - any Native American attack will be addressed by the U.S. Army (2) _______________________________ (3) _______________________________
____________________ • “_______________” – 5’4” Illinois Senator / Steered the Comp. of 1850 through Congress Reaction to Southern Railroad: _____________________!!!!!!!(wanted it up north and have Chicago as a major terminus) Reaction: introduced the _______________________(introduced in 1854 and ratified in 1856) Purpose: organization so the railroad could possibly move from ________________________FINAL OUTCOME OF KANSAS-NEBRASKA ACT: (1) NORTHERN BENEFIT: ____________________________________(NEBRASKA TERRITORY) (2) UNION / AMERICAN BENEFIT: __________________________________________________ (3) SOUTHERN BENEFIT: _________________________________________________________ Why would the South like Popular sovereignty? BIG PROBLEM What about the _______________________________________________ (4) ANSWER: it is now repealed (taken out of discussion) NOTE: Slavocracy theorists reaction: There goes the South again, making more land for the extension of slavery = “Nebrascals” ***POLITICAL OUTCOME*** northern abolitionists and Free-Soilers created a newly revamped REPUBLICAN PARTY in 1854