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P.6 Interview Skills

P.6 Interview Skills. Aims. To share strategies to develop students interview skills. Things to consider:. Appearance Body Language Posture Eye Contact Voice Coping with Nerves and Stress. Appearance. Uniform or Casual Wear Clean, tidy and comfortable Hair should be combed.

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P.6 Interview Skills

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  1. P.6 Interview Skills

  2. Aims • To share strategies to develop students interview skills

  3. Things to consider: • Appearance • Body Language • Posture • Eye Contact • Voice • Coping with Nerves and Stress

  4. Appearance • Uniform or Casual Wear • Clean, tidy and comfortable • Hair should be combed

  5. Body Language First impression • Be polite to everyone you meet • Walk into the room confidently • Keep smiling

  6. Posture • Sit down with your back straight. Don’t lean back in the chair in an over-relaxed way. • Put your hands in the lap even though there is a desk in front of you. Never put your hands in your pockets. • Put your bag on the floor next to you rather than on your lap or on the desk.

  7. Eye contact • When you talk to the interviewer, look at his/her eyes or his/her face.

  8. Voice • Talk to the interviewer using a ‘hearable’ voice – loud and clear.

  9. Coping with nerves and stress • Think positive • Well-prepared • Keep a good posture. Avoid bad manners, e.g. placing your fingers in your mouth.

  10. English Interviews Do’s and Don’ts

  11. At the Interview…… • Click here to watch video

  12. Don’t • Sit down until the examiner asks you to • Speak too softly • Wait too long to answer • Use too many one-word answers • Say ‘Uh’ or ‘Mm’ too much

  13. At the Interview……. • Click here to watch movie

  14. Do’s If you didn’t hear the question, say: “I’m sorry, could you please repeat what you said?” “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said” “I beg your pardon.” If you didn’t understand the question say: “I’m sorry, could you please repeat what you said?” “I’m sorry, I don’t understand” If you don’t know how to say the answer in English say: “I’m sorry, I don’t know how to say it in English”

  15. Prepare well beforehand • Prepare a 5-min presentation of yourself • Prepare some hot issues ( e.g. Avian Flu, Earthquakes, Olympics 2008 in Beijing)

  16. My introduction My name isXXX. I am 12 years old and attend XXX Primary School in Shatin. I live with my parents and a brother. I enjoy reading books, playing piano, drawing and dancing at home. My favourite subjects at school are English and Visual Art. I play the piano and the recorder, but enjoy the piano the most. I think I am hard-working and sporty because I like to work hard at school, and also like to try all kinds of sports. I think playing sports is beneficial to me because it can help me to stay fit and healthy, so I have joined the ping pong ball school team. I really like playing table tennis and I am also good at it. Besides, I have joined many different extra-curricular activities in school, they are Jazz and Hip-Hop dancing class, Chinese dancing class , Art club , English speaking class and Creative thinking group .

  17. I also feel I am polite and helpful, because my teacher said I am always willing to do things for her and I am never rude to others. Therefore, I was selected to be a Class Monitress in Primary 3,librarian in Primary 4 and School Prefect in Primary 6. As I am an outgoing person, I like traveling a lot. I have visited many countries such as Korean, Thailand, Taiwan, Canada and United States .My plan for the future is to study and go to University. I would also like to travel when I finish all my studies.

  18. Letter of Recommendation By the Parents of (student’s Name) 23rd January, 2006. The Principal, _________________ SECONDARY SCHOOL Dear Madam, It gives me great honour to write to you. _________________ Secondary School is a prestige school in the territory. We strongly agree with the mission of your school. We are very much impressed with your school’s aims, use of IT, innovative teaching methods and academic excellence. Besides, the commitment and consideration of the teachers in your school, also makes us feel that we can count on your school to nurture wholesome development of our child. Such nourishing environment has confirmed our decision to apply to your school. We strongly believe that your school is an ideal place for our daughter Wing Hang to study and she would make a good addition to your school.

  19. It’s our pleasure to introduce our beloved daughter, (student’s Name)to you. Our daughter, (student’s Name) is a cheerful, creative and talented child. She is well-mannered, polite and rather mature at her age. At home, she is an obedient child. She can manage most of her personal affairs independently and take care of her younger brother. In leisure, She likes reading books, playing piano, drawing and dancing. At school, (student’s Name) is an enthusiastic and co-operative pupil. She is willing to learn and she has good observations. Many teachers praised her for her active participation in class discussions and her courage to express her own opinions. Moreover, she is a reliable person who always tries her best to fulfill her duties. She is also active in school activities. She has joined many different extra-curricular activities. In addition, she always shows her ability in leadership. Therefore teachers appointed her to be class monitress, librarian and school prefect. As she gets on well with other children, she is often elected by his classmates to be a leader in group activities.

  20. We know that child is a gift from our God. It is our responsibility to teach children all good deeds and bible. Therefore (student’s Name)goes to Church every week. She has joined the Awana class at Shatin Baptist Church. She enjoys a lot in church’s life and tutors there also appreciate her pleasant and outgoing character. Her performance and participation are also very good. Being her parents, we certainly do our best to support her. I am sure she will develop her character and her potentials fully under the high-quality teaching and care provided by your School. I strongly recommend her to your School for she will surely try her best to achieve progress and contribute her best to your School. We have enclosed (student’s Name)’s achievement portfolio which you would know more about her. Thank you for your kind attention. Yours faithfully, _________________ (Parent’s name )

  21. Dear Mrs. Wong, It gives me great honour to write to you. We met last month at your school Open Day, and at the time, my daughter, XXX, and I were impressed by the virtues your pupils presented and the academic excellence they maintained. I also agree with your adoption of the cross-curriculum methodology to broaden pupils' horizon. Such nourishing environment has confirmed our decision to apply to your school. XXX shares the same view with full enthusiasm. She actively joins an array of enlightening courses that can equip her with essential knowledge, thus build up her confidence. I believe this initiative is the main reason that your pupils are always outstanding. More encouragingly, my husband and I find my daughter has potent language ability, especially in reading English literature. This trait is exceptionally suited to your school's emphasis on language training.

  22. We also recognize that your school is one of the few pioneers in establishing a parents' association, in which teachers coordinate seasonable activities to foster a harmonious relationship between the school board and parents. Their commitment and consideration again makes us feel that we can count on your school to nurture wholesome development of our children. We are now more convinced than ever that (school name) is our ultimate choice. In the meantime, I am enclosing XXX's achievement portfolio, which explains further why her qualities would make a good addition to your school. Thank you for letting us know that primary school life can be that fruitful and enjoyable. Yours faithfully, (Parent's name)

  23. Application for Form One Discretionary Places(2007-2008) Personal Information Name (in English) : (in Chinese): HK I.D. card no : Sex : Date of birth : Address : Present School : Religion : Christianity Church attending : Contact no :

  24. XXX小學校長﹕ 素聞 貴校校風淳樸,辦學嚴謹,懷作育英才之抱負,致力推動德智體群四育,學生表現出類拔萃,在社會及學界備受稱譽。本人十分欽佩。 上月適值 貴校開放日,本人偕小女XXX到校參觀,感 貴校學生知書達禮,才藝兼備,教師教導有方。小女將於明年九月升讀小學, 貴校為秉持崇高教學理念之優良學府,本人冀盼小女能入讀 貴校,接受全人教育。小女年幼時已參加XXX幼兒園舉辦之學前輔導課程,得以增進知識,培養自信及合群性格。小女聰敏好學,對語言、藝術尤具天分,學業成績一直名列前茅。而 貴校一向重發展多元教學,培訓學生兩文三語能力﹔跨學科教學更有助學生發展潛能。倘若小女有幸在 貴校接受啟蒙訓練,定必獲益良多。 貴校早年已成立家長會。本人認同子女之成長發展,有賴家長與學校攜手合作。如小女獲 貴校取錄,本人樂意參與家校活動,與學校共同肩負孩子成長發展之責任。 隨函附上小女就讀幼稚園之成績單及個人資料,懇請 察閱。如蒙 貴校給予入讀機會,小女定當勤奮向學,謹遵校長與老師之諄諄教誨,日後貢獻社會,為 貴校爭光,以報 悉心栽培之恩。   敬頌 道安 家長XXX敬上

  25. The End

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