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Three religions chart

Three religions chart. God: Christianity. God. God: Islam. Allah (Mohammed is the prophet). God: Judaism. God, Adonai. Holy Book: Christianity. Bible consists of Old Testament and New Testament. Holy Book: Islam. Quran/Koran – contains parts of the Old Testament. Holy Book: Judaism.

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Three religions chart

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  1. Three religions chart

  2. God: Christianity • God

  3. God: Islam • Allah (Mohammed is the prophet)

  4. God: Judaism • God, Adonai

  5. Holy Book: Christianity • Bible consists of Old Testament and New Testament

  6. Holy Book: Islam • Quran/Koran – contains parts of the Old Testament

  7. Holy Book: Judaism • Torah – contains 1st five books of Old Testament

  8. Key Beliefs: Christianity • Abraham patriarch/1st prophet • They are God’s chosen people • Monotheistic • Jerusalem Holiest City • Achieve salvation through belief in Jesus Christ • The Resurrection • Jesus both human and divine

  9. Key Beliefs: Islam • Abraham patriarch/1st prophet • They are God’s chosen people • Monotheistic • Mecca Holiest City/Jerusalem 3rd Holiest City

  10. Key Beliefs: Judaism • Abraham patriarch/1st prophet • They are God’s chosen people • Monotheistic • Jerusalem Holiest City • The Covenant – pact between God to favor Jews and Jews to follow God

  11. Practices and Rituals: Christianity • Sacraments – acts performed during the life of Jesus that Christians also perform • Communion • Confession • Give to the poor • prayer • Major Holidays • Christmas – birth of Jesus • Easter – Jesus’ resurrection

  12. Practices and Rituals: Islam • No pork • No alcohol • Wash hands and face before worship • Sharia – Islamic law • No images of Allah allowed • prayer • Major Holiday • Ramadan – the month Allah revealed the Quran to Mohammed

  13. Practices and rituals: Islam • The Five Pillars of Islam • Declaration of Faith – “there is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet” • Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca • Give money to the poor • Fast during Ramadan • Hajj – take a pilgrimage to Mecca once during your life if you are able

  14. Practices and Rituals: Judaism • Kosher – dietary laws, the most recognizable is no pork • Talmud – oral laws • Give to the poor • prayer • Major Holidays • Yom Kippur – day of atonement • Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year

  15. Worship Services: Christianity • Main day of worship is Sunday • Worship occurs in a Church • Worship lead by a priest or minister • Holiest city is Jerusalem and Las Vegas

  16. Worship Services: Islam • Main day of worship is Friday • Worship occurs in a Mosque • Worship lead by an Imam • Holiest city is Mecca (2nd holiest – Medina; 3rd – Jerusalem; 4th – Detroit)

  17. Worship Services: Judaism • Main day of worship is the Shabbat which lasts from Friday evening until Saturday evening (Saturday is most common) • Worship occurs in a Synagogue or Temple • Worship lead by a Rabbi • Holiest city is Jerusalem and Lubbock

  18. Sects: Christianity • Roman Catholic – Pope (Mary important figure) • Orthodox – no Pope; original language Greek • Protestant – no Pope

  19. Sects: Islam • Sunni – 85% of all Muslims • Shia • Original split based on who the legitimate caliphs (religious leader) were after the death of Mohammed • Shiasbelieve the “Madhi” (rightly guided one) has come and will return • Sunnis believe the Madhi has yet to come

  20. Sects: Judaism • Orthodox – strict following of Judaism • Conservative – less strict • Reform – least strict

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