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Academic Performance of U.S. Schools

Academic Performance of U.S. Schools. Teresa Meyer SOC 1020-042 Deidre Tyler, Professor. Table of Contents. U.S. scores compared to other industrialized nations PISA results chart What makes a school successful? . U.S. Schools vs. Other Nations.

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Academic Performance of U.S. Schools

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  1. Academic Performance of U.S. Schools Teresa Meyer SOC 1020-042 Deidre Tyler, Professor

  2. Table of Contents U.S. scores compared to other industrialized nations PISA results chart What makes a school successful?

  3. U.S. Schools vs. Other Nations U.S. schools fall below other industrialized nations Math, Reading, and Science scores are all lower than China, Korea, and Finland China and Finland lead the world in education http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/features/us/july-dec10/education_12-10.html

  4. U. S. Schools Vs. Other Nations * 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment Results (PISA) - U. S. scores lower http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/54/12/46643496.pdf

  5. Research article and chart

  6. What makes schools successful? http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/34/60/46619703.pdf

  7. Private, Public, and Charter SchoolsWhich is best? There is much debate because data doesn’t compare apples to apples The demographics and location make a difference in the data Private and charter school can hand-pick their students so data Raw data scores of private schools scoring higher does NOT take in socio-economic factors http://www.projectappleseed.org/public-private.html

  8. U. S. Report Card by School TypeRaw Scores http://www.ncspe.org/publications_files/OP111.pdf

  9. U. S. Report Card by School TypeDemographic and location controls http://www.ncspe.org/publications_files/OP111.pdf

  10. Top 10 High Schools in the U.S.Newsweek

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