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Questionnaire results & trends

Questionnaire results & trends. Wim Verhaest Bruno De Nys Belgian Federal Parliament. 2nd gen. parl . websites: mainly technical / legal content and require knowledge of parliamentary procedures 3rd gen. parl . websites add less-technical information :

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Questionnaire results & trends

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Questionnaire results & trends Wim Verhaest Bruno De Nys BelgianFederalParliament

  2. 2nd gen. parl. websites: mainlytechnical/legal content and requireknowledge of parliamentary procedures 3rd gen. parl. websites addless-technicalinformation: • Translate technical content (editorial teams) • Reachnewaudiences (socialnetworks) • Addnewnon-technical content (blogs) • Filter content forspecificgroups (subsites)

  3. Eurofeature festival

  4. Feat 7 : Virtual Tours

  5. Feat 8 : Sub- and microsites

  6. Feat 9 : My Parliament (portal)

  7. Feat 10 : Editorialblogs

  8. Feat 11 : Active social media

  9. Eurofeature festival • SortbyEffort IT, EffortComm • SortbyAddedValue • Sortbyprogress (adoption) rate

  10. Eurofeature festival • SortbyEffort IT

  11. Eurofeature festival • SortbyEffortComm

  12. Eurofeature festival • SortbyAddedValue

  13. Eurofeature festival • SortbyProgress

  14. Question: Which (missing) patterns/features/solutions wouldyousuggest to lower the treshold and attractcitizens to a parliamentary website who are lessfamiliarwithparliamentary procedures?

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