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Enhancing Gas Connectivity: Addressing Iberian Peninsula's Energy Challenges

Explore how connection deficiencies in Spain and Portugal impact industrial gas competitiveness, economic growth, and EU integration. Learn about the need for improved interconnections with Central Europe and the potential solutions offered by utilizing existing regasification plants.

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Enhancing Gas Connectivity: Addressing Iberian Peninsula's Energy Challenges

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  1. Meeting of TEN-E Regional Groupfor North-South Gas Interconnections in Western Europe November 8, 2016 ConnectionDeficiencies in theIberianPeninsula Presentedby Juan Vila, President of GasINDUSTRIAL Theassociationfor a competitive industrial gas

  2. Spain and Portugal continue to be non integratedwith Central European gas markets. 57 millionpeoplestill do nothaveaccess to the gas marketsavailable to allother continental EU countries. ItisevidentthatIberian gas connectivity has been of littleconcerntotheEU Commissioneventothisday • Spain and Portugal are forcedtorelyon pipeline Algerian gas (50 %), Norwegian gas from France (10 %) and LNG (40 %) at thehighestrate of any of theEU countries • Examplesof total connectioncapacitywithneighbouringcountries • France (66,0 millionpeople) 54,4 bn m3/a • Italy (59,8 millionpeople) 65,6 bn m3/a • Denmark (5,6 millionpeople) 6,1 bn m3/a • Spain and Portugal (57,0 millionpeople) 7,3 bn m3/a

  3. To equal France’s connection volume per capita, Spain and Portugal need to have 47 bn m3/a. We now have 7,3 bn m3/a • Spanish industry is forced to pay approximately 3,0 €/MWh higher gas prices • Additionally, the toll charge for the gas entering Spain from France is 3,15 €/MWh in winter, which makes interconnection extremely expensive

  4. Gas toll charges in Spain and Portugal are the highest in Europe. This could be mitigated by using our regasification plants as an entry point for Europe, thus avoiding the construction of new regasification plants in Central Europe. With proper pipeline connections, Spain could the the EU regasifier • The current connection deficiencies make Spanish industry energy uncompetitive with its European counterparts. Consequently, it is very difficult for Spain to lower the high unemployment rate, and meet the EU Commission target of industry reaching 20 % of GDP from the present 13 % by year 2020

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