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Annual. REPORT. 2012-13. a year of highlights. May 2012 The council advertised a further 52 apprenticeship opportunities. This was in addition to the 152 apprenticeship opportunities that had been taken on previously. May 2012
Annual REPORT 2012-13
May 2012 The council advertised a further 52 apprenticeship opportunities. This was in addition to the 152 apprenticeship opportunities that had been taken on previously. May 2012 Ladywell Fields took the runner-up position in the ‘community’ category of this year’s waterway renaissance awards. May 2012 May 2012 July 2012 July 2012 July 2012 Catford Broadway hosted a new monthly Sunday market on 1 July. The new market saw producers selling cakes, cheeses and chutneys alongside street food stalls offering everything from homemade sausages to quesadillas. As well as food there were also antiques, arts, crafts and flowers. August 2012 In August 2012 Lewisham welcomed the Olympic Torch to the borough. 2012-13 a year of highlights
August 2012 The mayor Sir Steve Bullock approved the building of 250 new council homes, the first social housing to be built by the council in the borough for 30 years. August 2012 August 2012 August 2012 There were many successes across the borough, with schools and colleges reporting record A-Level results and higher numbers of students getting into one of the 24 top universities in the country – known as the Russell Group. Prendergast Hillyfields College and Sydenham School both made clean sweeps with 100 per cent pass rates. August 2012 August 2012 Lewisham welcomed the Torch Relay for the Paralympic Games. 2012-13 a year of highlights
September 2012 September 2012 September 2012 Deptford Green School celebrated the opening of their brand new £32 million building. September 2012 Forest Hill Pools opened in September 2012. Amongst other facilities the refurbished site boasts a 25 metre swimming pool, a 16.7 metre learner pool and a state of the art fitness centre. November 2012 February 2013 February 2013 The winners of the 2012 Lewisham ‘sport awards’ were announced. The awards recognise and celebrate the sporting achievements of those individuals, teams, clubs and schools in Lewisham who have made an outstanding contribution to sport. November 2012 Jamel Higgins became the ninth young mayor of Lewisham. 2012-13 a year of highlights
in just over 10 years Lewisham’s population hasincreased by more than32,000 248,922 2001 Census 281,556 2012 Mid-year Estimate our population
Wandsworth pop: 308,312 Newham pop: 314,084 Lambeth pop: 310,200 Southwark pop: 293,530 Lewisham has the 5th largest population in Inner London Lewisham pop: 281,556 Lewisham in Inner London
Lewishamhas the 11th largest population of London’s 32 boroughs Nearly 3.5 per cent of London’s 8.3 million residents live inLewisham Southwark Source: Office for National Statistics Lewisham in London
community leadership and empowerment • Lewisham achieved the most accurate result in London for the Greater London Assembly Election 2012; • over 4,700 people attended local assemblies across all 18 wards (an average of 77 people for each meeting). By comparison, attendance at local assemblies is up 6 per cent compared to 2011-12 and is at a record high since the inception of the programme; • an estimated 80,000 people lined Lewisham’s streets for the Olympic Torch Relay in August 2012; • during the Cultural Olympiad 12 new choirs were established as part of the ‘sing out’ project; 11,000 people attended three ‘big dance’ picnics; the ‘take part fund’ supported 14 projects that delivered 160 events reaching over 10,000 people and training was delivered to 12 arts organisations to improve access to the arts for disabled people.
young peoples achievement and involvement • Lewisham pupils’ reading, writing and maths results continue to improve at both key stage 1 and key stage 2; • some 450 local voluntary and community organisations are signed up to help young people access education, employment and training opportunities; • the mayor’s not in education training or employment (NEET) programme continues to achieve high success rates and Lewisham has met its target for reducing the number of NEET young people; • the 2012 ‘young mayor’ election had the highest levels of participation so far in the life of the project; • looked after children in Lewisham have been actively engaged in the young mayor’s project and involved in shaping budget priorities and the ‘young mayor’s’ elections. They also continue to actively broaden their horizons through their involvement in international volunteering activities; • schools are helping to support pupil’s emotional and mental wellbeing through the ‘place2be’ programme and with the support of designated workers; • the Building Schools for the Future programme delivered four new schools - Deptford Green; Addey & Stanhope; Prendergast Vale and Bonus Pastor (Phase 1).
clean, green and liveable • the council worked with partners and stakeholders to obtain 13 prestigious ‘green flag awards’ and three ‘community green flag awards’; • in 2012, residents satisfaction with parks increased by 24 percentage points (compared to 2010) to reach 89 per cent; • a new conservation area was designated at Deptford Creekside; • a borough-wide insulation programme with 4,000 loft and cavity walls insulation brought in over £1million of external funding; • the council received a clutch of prestigious awards (and recognition) for open and green spaces including; • Ladywell Fields – ‘best new public space’, London Planning Awards 2012/13 and ’urban green space’ Local Government News ‘street design awards’ 2012 • Margaret McMillan Park – ’best New Public Space’, London Planning Awards 2012 • Fordham Park – Landscape Institute ‘design awards’ 2012 (shortlisted).
the council, working with the police, has successfully secured the temporary closure of premises on the parade on Upper Brockley Road on grounds of anti-social behaviour. The police and council officers involved in this work have been awarded a ‘borough commander’s commendation’; through initiatives and awareness raising led by the council, its partners and young people, Lewisham has seen a 66 per cent reduction (against a target of 30 per cent) in reported incidents of ‘skitching’ (skaters holding on to moving motor vehicles). This work has been nominated for the final of the London ‘problem orientated partnerships awards’ for 2013; as a result of targeted drug and alcohol awareness campaigns and talks to over 500 people, an additional 650 people made contact with council services and those of our voluntary & community sector partners. safety, security and visible presence
strengthening the local economy • Lewisham was the first local authority to achieve ‘living wage’ accreditation; • the local labour and business scheme achieved: 16 jobs and 18 apprenticeships; 33 work placements and 96 training places; and £2.86 million of contracts were secured by Lewisham businesses; • the business advisory service helped 26 businesses to start up, with a further 83 businesses ‘fit to supply’ and 12 small and medium sized enterprises secured over £3.3 million of new work; • as a result of the council’s apprenticeship programme, 78 per cent of apprentices are currently in employment. The programme secured £5,000 in grant from London Councils and won the 2012 best partnership project (national award).
decent homes for all • the council exceeded Lewisham’s London Plan target for housing delivery by completing 1,188 new homes; • the council worked with its partners to secure 640 new homes, the highest level of new affordable homes in London; • the council modernised 1,600 homes; • a total of £9 million was successfully negotiated from the decent homes programme. This had previously been agreed as provisional funding for 2013/14 onwards
by intervening earlier and more effectively, the number of looked after children has decreased as has the number of children subject to a child protection plan; Lewisham has successfully recruited more local foster carers, helping looked after children to live locally and keep in contact with their friends and families; Lewisham’s multi-agency safeguarding hub has been recognised as one of the best in London; Lewisham’s children centres have worked with over 2,000 families in need or at risk of being is crisis. By the end of the financial year this will have increased to over 5,000. protection of children
caring for adults and older people • the council’s enablement service currently provides a 7 day 12 hour provision for a maximum of up to six weeks ensuring that there is a responsive flexible service to meet the needs of Lewisham residents and their families and carers; • about 65 per cent of those who have been through the council’s enablement service required no ongoing support. This is above the national average of 50 per cent and represents savings to the taxpayer of up to 60 per cent; • Lewisham’s admission avoidance service has been recommended as a service of high standards by the National Health Service England due to its streamlined processes and achievements in ensuring minimal hospital admission and its health and social care integrated working.
active, healthy citizens • in 2012 resident satisfaction with the libraries increased by 12 percentage points (compared to 2010) to reach 74 per cent; • visits to libraries increased by 3.8 per cent and book issues increased by 6.1 per cent; • leisure participation at Fusion managed leisure centres increased by 24 per cent during 2012-13; • free swimming is available for all residents aged 16 and under and 60 and over (via a Lewisham library card). Across the Fusion contract there were over 38,000 free swims during 2012-13; • in Downham the number of ‘be active’ members grows month by month with 1,700 users making 5,700 visits to the centre since it started; • Forest Hill pools opened in September 2012. Over 1,200 people came through the doors on its opening weekend; • community education Lewisham successfully ran 152 courses in sport, drama, acting, dancing, music, singing, gardening and healthy eating and food in 2012/13 with 1,607 enrolments (an average of 10 per class). Success rates across the service are at 87 per cent.
inspiring, efficiency, effectiveness and equity • the council maintained Lewisham’s top quartile performance to ensure that residents in receipt of benefits receive amongst the best service in London; • the closure of Lewisham Town Hall involved relocating 1,600 employees within the Catford complex and realised a significant contribution to the asset rationalisation budget saving; • subscribers to the Lewisham Life e-newsletter more than doubled over the past year; • by March 2013 the Council had agreed £20.9m in savings for 2013-14. Thelatest budget monitoring position shows that 90 per cent has been delivered.
council • consists of 54 elected councillors, three for each of the 18 wards • appoints the overview& scrutiny committee and other committees • approves the policy framework and budget statutory committee standards committee promotes and maintains high standards of conduct within the Council. • mayor and cabinet • The mayor • is elected by the • whole borough to lead • and speak up for the • whole borough; • chooses up to nine • councillors to form the • cabinet with specific • areas of responsibility; • sets out major decisions • to be taken in a Forward • Plan published monthly; • proposes budget and • key policy proposals to • council; • takes decisions to • implement policy • within agreed policy • framework; • considers • recommendations for • actions with officer • advice • The cabinet • provide advice to • the mayor; • jointly with the mayor • take decisions relating • to contracts • overview and scrutiny • meets at least once a year and is ultimately responsible for overview • and scrutiny; • delegates work to other scrutiny bodies - five select committees, two • business panels and time limited committees, all of which are formally • sub committees of overview and scrutiny; • the business panel co-ordinates the work programmes of select • committees; • the five standing select committees and the time limited select • committee draw up work programmes each year to hold the Mayor • and senior officers to account for decisions; check performance; • examine issues in depth and make recommendations for policy • development; • responsibility for scrutinising health services and health issues with the • healthier communities select committee, which makes suggestions to • the local health trusts for action and improvements; • the safer stronger communities select committee has responsibility • for fulfilling the overview and scrutiny functions in relation to crime • reduction and equality of opportunity; business panel regulatory committees licensing (x2). These committees are responsible for all entertainment licensing and the provision of late night refreshment. planning (x4). The planning committees consider planning matters across the whole borough. The Strategic Committee only considers strategic regeneration proposals. other committees audit panel appointments elections health & safety pensions investment working parties constitution working party children & young people select committee healthier communities select committee public accounts select committee safer stronger communities select committee sustainable development select committee housing select committee (fixed term)
cllr Alan Smith deputy mayor & cabinet member for regeneration cllr Helen Klier cabinet Member for children & young people cllr Crada Onuegbu cabinet Member for young people Sir Steve Bullock (Lab) mayor of Lewisham cllr Susan Wise cabinet member for customer services cllr Janet Daby cabinet member for community safety cllr Chris Best cabinet member for community services cllr Joan Millbank cabinet member for the third sector cllr Damien Egan cabinet member for strategy & communications cllr Paul Maslin cabinet member for resources mayor and cabinet
cllr Alan Hall (Lab); chair overview & scrutiny business panel cllr Kevin Bonavia (Lab); vice chair cllr Obajimi Adefiranye (Lab) chair of council cllr John Paschoud (Lab); chair children & young people select committee cllr John Muldoon (Lab); chair healthier communities select committee cllr Alex Feake (LD); chair public accounts select committee cllr Pauline Morrison (Lab); chair safer, stronger communities select committee cllr Liam Curran (Lab); chair sustainable development select committee cllr Carl Handley (Lab); chair housing select committee overview & scrutiny business panel council
Janet Senior executive director for resources & regeneration Frankie Sulke executive director for children & young people Barry Quirk CBE chief executive officer of Lewisham council Kevin Sheehan executive director for customer services Aileen Buckton executive director for community services executive management team
gender workforce 38 per cent of council employees are male 62 per cent of council employees are female The council employs about 3,066 full-time staff ethnicity age disability 62 per cent of council staff are White and 38 per cent are Black and Minority Ethnic 68 per cent of the workforce are over 40. This compares tp 32 per cent who are under 40. About 3.5 per cent of council staff describe themselves as disabled workforce profile* *excluding schools
Levels of sickness absence have fallen from an average of 7.63 days per employee in 2010-11 to an average of 7.23 days per employee in 2012-13. *This figure excludes schools employees sickness absence
in 2012-13 the council’s revenue budget was £268.5m in 2012-13 the council’s revenue budget was under-spent by £3.5m expenditure
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