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PERKEMBANGAN HORISON TANAH. PERKEMBANGAN HORISON TANAH. A-Horizon development Accumulation of organic matter Clumping of individual soil particles Distinct from parent material and other layers B and C horizon development

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  2. PERKEMBANGAN HORISON TANAH • A-Horizon development • Accumulation of organic matter • Clumping of individual soil particles • Distinct from parent material and other layers • B and C horizon development • Carbonic and organic acids are carried by water into soil where dissolve various minerals (transformations) • Soluble materials (ions –Ca2+, CO32-, SO42-, etc) are carried by water and precipitate in the soil from upper to lower horizons (translocation) • Weathering of primary minerals into secondary minerals • Wetting and drying cracks soils and makes structures. DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013

  3. PERKEMBANGAN HORISON TANAH DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013

  4. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Adsorption – Adsorpsi - Penjerapan: Prosesiniterjadikalaugaya-gayatarikantarapermukaanpadatan-tanah (adsorbent) dankomponenlarutan-tanah (adsorbat ) lebihbesardibandingkangaya-gayatarikantarakomponenterlarutdanlarutantanah (solvent), sertagayatolakantarapermukaantanahdanspesies yang dijerap. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013

  5. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Aggregation - Agregasi: Partikel-partikeldiikat (dipegang) bersamamenjadi unit-unit yang ukurannyaberagam, bentuknyabebreda-beda, denganbvantuanproses-prosesfisika, kimiawidanbiologis. SuatuAgregatdipisahkandariagregatlainnyamelaluibidangpermukaan yang lemah. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013

  6. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Alkalization - Alkalisasi: Akumulasikation Na; pembentukanHorisonnatrik.. Audification - Pengasaman: Akumulasi ion-ion H+. Carbonation – Karbonasi (calcification): Akumulasikalsiumkarbonat; pembentukanHorisonKalsikatauHorisonPetrokalsik. Chelation- Khelasi – Peng-khelat-an: Pembentukansenyawakomplekslogamdenganagenorganik. Logaldijebakdalamstrukturcincin, sehinggamenjadisangatstabil. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2014

  7. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Compaction – Kompaksi - Pemadatan: Reduksifisikkandunganuadartanah yang mengakibatkanmeningkatnyaBobotIsi. Cryoturbation: Pencampirantanahakibatdarisuhurendah, mis. Untukmerusakhorison, memasukkanbahanorganikkedalamhorisonbawah, danuntukmenatabatu-batu. Dealkalization (solodization): Pergerakan ion Na keluardaribagiantertentuprofiltanah. Decarbonation (decalcification): Pergerakankalsiumkarbonatkeluardaribagiantertentuprofiltanah. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013

  8. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Decomposition - Dekomposisi: Penghancuranbahan mineral danbahanorganiksecarabiokimiawi. Dehydration - Dehidrasi: Kehilangan air yang mengakibatkansuatusenyawakembalikekeadaanorisinalnya. Depositionmerupakansedimentasibahan yang terangkut: Akumulasipartikeltanah / colluvium Akumulasiunsurhara / Peningkatan KTK Pengkayaanpartikelberukuran medium. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013

  9. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Desalinization - Desalinisasi: Pergerakangaram-garamlarutkeluardaribagiantertentuprofiltanah. Desilication - Desilikasi: Pergerakansilikakeluardaribagiantertentuprofiltanah. Diffusion (into and out of the soil): Pertukaranudaraantaraatmosfirdantanahkarenapengaruhtekanan partial gerakanmassa. Disaggregation - Disagregasi: Hancurnyaagregatatanah. Dispersion - Dispersi: Proseshancurnyastrukturtanahdalam air danmemisahmenjadiseparatkomponen-komponennya.

  10. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Eluviation - Eluviasi: Gerakan material keluardari lapisanprofil tanah (secara harfiah “pencucianmaterial”); menghilangnya material yang tercucikeluar(misalnya sequioxides, mineral liat, bahan organiktanah) Energy influx / outflux: Radiation absorption / reflection: Temperatur Tanah Microbiological activity -> humification , decomposition, mineralization Evaporasi Air tanah

  11. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Erosi adalah pengangkutan partikel tanah (dan bahan organiktanah) oleh air atau angin. Pukulantetes air hujanmenghancurkanagregattanah Soil movement / removal of the A horizon Smoothing or levelling of the soil surface Loss of nutrients / decrease of CEC Selective particle transport results in the relative enrichment of coarse and fine particles and depletion of medium-sized particles Reduced infiltration / increase in surface runoff / reduced soil moisture Penyumbatanpermukaantanah. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013

  12. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Ferrugination: Development of brown, reddish brown, and reddish soil colors. Flocculation: It is a process where the individual particles of clay are coagulated to form floccular aggregates. Gleization: It involves the reduction of iron and its segregation into redoximorphic features, or its removal by leaching form the gleyed horizon; process occuring in poorly drained soil. Humification - Humifikasi: Pembentukan HUMUS daribahanorganiksegar. Hydration: Absorption of water to form a new compound which differs only slightly from the original state DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013

  13. Humification Describes the addition of organic matter to, and its chemical decomposition into humus and organic acids HUMUS is the dark material that makes soils black or brown Breakdown of the humus and organic acids also produces high CO2 concentrations in the soil, leading to carbonic acid and another form of chemical weathering. DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013

  14. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Hydrolysis: The replacement of cations in a mineral structure .by hydrogen ions from the soil solution. Illuviation: Movement of material into a section of the soil profile (literally washing into or towards); accumulation of material washed into (e.g. sequioxides, clay minerals, organic material)  Induration: Hardening of a section of the profile produced in association with iron pans and plinthite, and with other cementing agents (Si or Ca). Infiltration: The entry of water into the soil surface Rainwater infiltrates in the soil with soluble and suspended matter. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013

  15. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Interflow(Subsurface flow, through flow, seepage): Lateral subsurface flow. Lessivage: Physical downward movement of clay minerals. Leucinization (decoloration): Lightening the color in a section of the profile - formation of an albic horizon. Melanization: Darkening the color of light-colored mineral initial unconsolidated material by mixture and accumulation of organic matter; formation of a mollic horizon due to incorporation of organic matter. Mineralization: Release of minerals in various forms during the decomposition of organic matter. Neutralization: Counteraction of the H+ ions. Outflow: Loss of water from the pedosphere to the groundwater.Loss of water and soluble and suspended matter from the system, i.e. loss from the soil zone (unsaturated and saturated zone) into the groundwater. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013

  16. Lessivage Physical transport of clay-sized material downward from surface horizon (Translocation) Leads to reddish coloration and clay-rich subsurface horizons Seasonally wet climates Modern California Argentina, 225 Million Year old rocks DIUNDUH DARI: smu.edu/earthsciences/academics/courses/geol3472/Lecture%202.ppt ……. 10/2/2013

  17. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Oxidation-Oksidasi: Formation of an oxide or the release of electrons. Pedoturbation: The churning and disruption of horizon formation by biological, physical and to some extent chemical activity, such as wetting and drying, swelling and contraction, freezing and thawing, root pressures, animal burrowing, acitivty of man. Podzolization - PODSOLISASI: Proses translokasi SESQUIOKSIDA dalam profil tanah. Bentuk besi ferrolarut beradapada zone eluviation, dan besiferritidak larut pada zone illuviation. Podsolisasiadalah proses pembentukan tanah yang menghasilkantanahPodsol. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013

  18. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Precipitation: Separation and deposition of a substance in a solid form from a solution. Reduction: Loss of oxygen ions or acceptance of electrons. Salinization: Accumulation of soluble salts such as chlorides and sulphates of Ca, Mg, Na, or K. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013

  19. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Silication: Accumulation of silica. Solifluction: Slow flow of saturated soil on a permanent frozen soil (permafrost table). Solution: Dissolving of minerals into solution (e.g. calcium carbonate into bicarbonate). Surface crusting (soil sealing): A process which results in the formation of soil crusts on the soil surface, ranging in thickness from a few mm to perhaps as much as 3 cm, that is much mor compact, hard and brittle, when dry, than the material immediately beneath. Surface runoff (overland flow): Discharge of rainwater over the surface of the land. Surface runoff is composed of unconcentrated and concentrated flow.

  20. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Suspension: The floating of dispersed particles in a medium like water. It is one of the states of particle transport of eroded sediments, especially for the smaller and lighter particles such as clay. Synthesis: The biochemical formation of a new compound by combination of elements or constituents.

  21. PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Upward movement – PERGERAKAN KE ATAS: Movement of dissolved or suspended matter by capillarity. Weathering - PELAPUKAN: All physical and chemical changes produced in rocks, at or near the earth's surface, by atmospheric agents.

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