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Lecture Lahore. Presentation of a book of the Promised Messiah a.s . By Dr. Saleem Rahman At 23 rd National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Classes 24-26 Oct. 2014. Introduction and Purpose. Lecture Lahore – read out in a public gathering in Lahore (3 September 1904)
Lecture Lahore Presentation of a book of the Promised Messiah a.s. By Dr. SaleemRahman At 23rd National Ta’limulQur’an Classes 24-26 Oct. 2014
Introduction and Purpose • Lecture Lahore – read out in a public gathering in Lahore (3 September 1904) • Comparison of the teachings of: • Islam • Hinduism, and • Christianity • Established the superiority of Islam’s teachings
Lack of True Knowledge/ Recognition of God Prevalence of Sin • Dialogue with God (through Divine Revelation) True Knowledge/ Recognition of God • Hinduism and Christianity both regard Divine Revelation as having been discontinued • Therefore, only Islam (through continued Divine Revelation) can True Knowledge/ Recognition of God Avoidance of Sin
(16:91) (76:9) (42:41) (49:12) (49:13-14) (22:31) (33:71) (3:104) Structure of the Book Prophesiesof the Promised Messiah a.s. which were already fulfilled
Identification of something its Vlaue / Love / Fear • Lack of true identification of God Increasing tendency to commit sins • Religious Extremism/ fanaticism is on the rise; • Spirituality is declining
Purpose of Religion: (1) Recognizing the True God, the Creator, and Increasing in His love to a point where love of everything, and everyone, else disappears (2) Compassion and Kind treatment of all of God's creation, and to color oneself, overall, in a lifestyle of purity
Sinful tendencies are like a high-degree of Flood that is raging on ... to destroy one's state of Faith • Thus, you need Perfect Level of Recognition of God Stemming the tide of a Perfectly Dangerous Level of the Flood of Sinful Tendencies Perfect Knowledge of something that is harmful for one's wealth/ life, is a deterrent against it: you don't need anyone's "Atonement" to desist from Sin
A "little bit of" Recognition of God, a "little bit of" Fear of God, and a "little bit of" Love of God Great blessings of God • One whom God grants Perfect Wisdomto recognize God, such a person is also granted Perfect Fear and Perfect Loveof God.
God grants "Fear of God" & "Love of God"Deliverance from Sins(which are committed due to Audacity) Mankind does not need any Atonement, or sacrifice of anyone's life --- except for one to sacrifice one's own life (i.e., remove one's own "self", one's ego, and make Allah's Commands supreme guidance for all one's actions). This "sacrifice of one's own self" is called ISLAM
The flesh (of your sacrificed animals) does not reach Allah, nor does their blood; but it is your righteousness that reaches Him ... (22:38) The spirit of all the Teachings/ Commandments of Islam is that one must achieve the core of what is meant by (and included in) the word ISLAM
But whoso is [spiritually] blind in this world, will [also] be blind in the Hereafter ... (17:73). The faculties of “seeing” God are granted (and achieved) in thisworld! This verse shows (1) What is the level of God’s expectation from humans, and (2) What high level humans are capable of achieving by following His Teachings
So let him who hopes to meet his Lord, do good deeds, and let him join no one in the worship of his Lord. (18:111) Good deeds: nothing in them to “corrupt” them; no showing-off to others; no personal pride; actions full of genuineness and loyalty to God.
To place a high degree of reliance of worldly means/ resources is also “Shirk”--- as is: relying only on your own efforts and determination. • Don’t be proud ofyour knowledge, nor smugly satisfied with your actions/ deed. • Draw God’s blessings through your humble Du’aa (supplications) to Him
Man's ability to create something is limited and it depends on (1)material to be used, and (2)time needed for creating. God's creativity is unlimited and does not depend on any material or time duration. This reflects “Tauheed”, taught by the Holy Qur’an
Indeed, Allah enjoins justice and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; ... (16:91). Example: A mother taking care of her infant due to selfless love; not due to hope of reward or benefit to her in the future. • ... and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and transgression
And they feed for the Love of Him, the poor, the orphan, and the prisoner. (Assuring them) "We feed you to win Allah's pleasure only; we desire no reward from you nor any thanks.” (76:9)
Remember that the recompense for an injury is an injury like thereof; but whoso forgives and thereby brings about an improvement, his reward is with Allah. (42:41)
And spy not, nor back-bite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his brother who is dead? (49:13) • O ye who believe! Let not one people deride another people who may be better than they ... nor taunt each other withnicknames. It is bad indeed to earn foul reputation after professing faith (49:12); • Verily the most honorable, in the sight of Allah, is one who is the most righteous among you. (49:14) • Shun, therefore, the abomination of idols and shun false speech (22:31) • O ye who believe! Fear Allah and say the right word. (33:71) • And hold fast, all together, the rope of Allah. (3:104)
Vying with one another to amass wealth made you oblivious of God. Till you reach the graves. Nay! You will soon come to know. Nay, again! You will soon come to know. Nay, were you to know the certain knowledge. You will surely see Hell in this very life. Aye you will surely see it with the eye of certainty. Then, on that day you shall be called to account about the worldly favours. (102: 2-9)
And for him, who is awed by the lofty station of his Lord, are two Gardens (55:47) A life of paradise, right here in this world: a change of Purity will be granted in their life in this world; God will take care of all his needs. An everlasting Paradise will be granted, after he dies.
Verily, We have prepared for the disbelievers, chains and iron-collars, and a blazing Fire. But the virtuous drink of a cup tempered with camphor. A spring from which the servants of Allah drink. They make it gush forth --- a forceful gushing forth (76:5-7) And in it (i.e. in Paradise) they will be given to drink a cuptempered with ginger. From a springin it (i.e. in Paradise) named Salsabeel.(76:18-19)
And by thesoul and it perfection --- And He revealed to it what is right for and what is wrong for it. Surely, he prospers who purifies/ augments it. And who corrupts it is ruined. (91: 10-11) • And when my servants ask you about Me, say:'I am near. I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to Me. So they should hearken to Me and believe in Me, so that they may follow the right way.' (2: 187)
Those who strive in Us, We surely guide them to paths leading toUs. • Seek the company of the righteous people.
All these Commandments of Allah/ Teachings of the Holy Qur'an the reality/ purpose of ISLAM: • Complete submission / obedience to the will of God • Remove all self-seeking behavior, personal ambition, and plans • Completely submerge yourself into God’s expectation from you, and seek His approval/ pleasure.
Losing oneself (completely) in God; • Obeying God purely due to one's passionate love for Him -- not for any other reason! • Reaching a point in this pursuit when one's heart and other faculties are completely attuned with the Will/ Purpose of God; • This is the point where all endeavors/ efforts come to an end, and all the bodily faculties have completed the true purpose of their creation • Now, God grants him a Spiritual Life, and He speaks to him. He gets very close to such a person: • We are closer to you than your jugular vein(SurahQaaf: 17) • Now, such a person discards his robe of material existence and wears a spiritual mantle. And, now he experiences the Life of Paradise in this World that begins for him!
Discussion in English to follow As forthose who say: 'Our Lord is Allah', and then remain steadfast, the angels descend on themsaying: 'Fear ye not, nor grieve; and rejoice in the Garden that you were promised. We are your friend in this life and in the Hereafter. ... (41: 31)
A heart is a dead heart if it does not have the burning desire to achieve, with certainty, the Communion/ Discourse with God • A religion which does not have the capability to lead its followers to achieve this level, such a religion is not from God • A prophet who does not lead his followers down this path, that they may desire to have Communion with God and want to achieve His true perception, such a prophet is not sent by God: he is an imposter. • True Religion is only the one which (1) creates the burning desire to achieve, with certainty, the Communion/ Discourse with God, and (2)can actually make it happen! And which can (3) create a spiritual power as a deterrent that keeps one away from sins. • Every other religion is a tool of deception!
Christians agree unanimously that Divine Revelation has stopped; it was a thing of the past, and there is no chance of its revival in future. • Thus, the "New Plan to achieve Salvation" is put together: Jesus died on the Cross and his death washed away the sins of mankind. • It is irrational to say that: Peter will break his head by hitting it with a rock, and it will cure Paul of his headache! • Christians possess nothing in the matter of "True Perception of God": • Revelation from God has already stopped(according to Christian belief) • Miracles of Jesus and his Disciples have also ended, in the past. • Rationality is also effectively thrown out of the window by Christians who accepted a man-born-of-a-woman as "God" and "Son of God".
Hinduism / Arya Faith: • Vedasreject the notion of (1) Divine Revelation/ Discourse with God, and (2) Heavenly Signs, in future. • So, it is futile to look for possibilities of achieving True Perception of God in this faith
Arya Faith has no hope to reach the real source of True Perception of God (i.e. Divine Revelation) • All matter/ material particles are self-created (God does not create them!). All souls are also self-created (God does not create them!). So, what kind of belief can Aryans have about God's existence and His attributes and powers? • This means "particles" and "souls" are their own Gods!