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Using Technology to Create Authentic Task-based Curriculum Liz Miller Roxana Han

Using Technology to Create Authentic Task-based Curriculum Liz Miller Roxana Han. Why are we here?. HOW do we change? And WHY? Past Present Future Q & A. Where we were…. “ I took 4 years of Spanish in high school. Don ’ t remember any of it! ” --??. Old School.

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Using Technology to Create Authentic Task-based Curriculum Liz Miller Roxana Han

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  1. Using Technology to Create Authentic Task-based Curriculum Liz Miller Roxana Han

  2. Why are we here?

  3. HOW do we change?And WHY?PastPresentFutureQ & A

  4. Where we were… “I took 4 years of Spanish in high school. Don’t remember any of it!” --?? Old School

  5. Lessons: vocabulary practicegrammar notesmaterials created for learners (“Communicative” activities)Testing: grammatical knowledgevocabulary recall

  6. "If we always do what we've always done, we will get what we've always got." -Adam Urbanski

  7. Where we are now… I liked the hotel project where we emailed an actual hotel manager about rooms during our festival month. I felt that it was really cool to use Spanish in a real life situation and prove that my Spanish was indeed improving. It was especially cool that I received an email back in Spanish. --Current student Current state

  8. Lessons: vocabulary practicegrammar discoverymaterials created for native speakers communicative tasksTesting: real-world tasks w/rubric

  9. A form of assessment in which students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills. -- Jon Mueller

  10. The tasks are either replicas of or analogous to the kinds of problems faced by adult citizens and consumers or professionals in the field." -- Grant Wiggins

  11. 1. A school's mission is to develop productive citizens.
2. To be a productive citizen, an individual must be capable of performing meaningful tasks in the real world.
3. Therefore, schools must help students become proficient at performing the tasks they will encounter when they graduate.
4. To determine if it is successful, the school must then ask students to perform meaningful tasks that replicate real world challenges to see if students are capable of doing so. (Mueller) Authentic Assessment

  12. Thus, in AA, assessment drives the curriculum.  That is, teachers first determine the tasks that students will perform to demonstrate their mastery, and then a curriculum is developed that will enable students to perform those tasks well, which would include the acquisition of essential knowledge and skills.  This has been referred to as planning backwards. (Mueller)

  13. ACTFL • MI WL Standards • Common Core • IB • AP

  14. We have to go from what is essentially an industrial model of education, a manufacturing model, which is based on linearity and conformity and batching people. ― Ken Robinson Where we want to be… Future state Changing Education Paradigms

  15. Lessons:learner centeredinquiry or project-based lessons Testing: proficiency & standards-based periodic assessment of progress

  16. How can we use technology to revolutionize our curriculum and our practice Choose task How to assess Find authentic resources Tools needed Guide learner

  17. Task: Make a reservation for lodging in the target culture Hotel reservation Call or email Hotel websites, travel review sites, guidebooks, etc. Inquiries & polite requests Practice w/resources

  18. Ideas: -Explore and identify cognates -Explore & choose which lodge you prefer and explain why -Compare & contrast 2 of the lodging types described on the site -Compare & contrast with a hotel you’ve been to in the U.S. -Call your teacher’s Google Voice & leave a message for the hotel manager requesting more information www.huilohuilo.com Hotel in Chilean Patagonia

  19. What kind of curriculum is relevant for our learners? • Real world tasks • Interdisciplinary connections • ACTFL 21st Century Skills http://youtu.be/CXurDF0IbuQ • Authentic audience • Globalcultural issues (even at Novice Level!!)

  20. Connect w/the target culture Ask yourself where you’d find the task in real life & look there… • Youtube • Twitter • Facebook • Infographics • Mobile apps • Pinterest • Yelp • Wikipedia • Company websites

  21. Sources of authentic material

  22. Sources of authentic material Introducing yourself to others Songs

  23. Sources of authentic material EXAMPLE

  24. Sources of authentic material

  25. Sources of authentic material Weather forecast

  26. Sources of authentic material News

  27. Sources of authentic material Kiosko.net

  28. Sources of authentic material www.languageguide.org

  29. Sources of authentic material www.quick.fr

  30. Sources of authentic material EXAMPLE

  31. Sources of authentic material

  32. Sources of authentic material EXAMPLE

  33. Connect w/other classrooms • Edmodo http://www.edmodo.com • Epals http://www.epals.com • Skype https://education.skype.com Authentic audience!!

  34. Connect w/other educators • This is not new!! Remember FLTEACH?? • Twitter (#Langchat, #flteach) • Blogs • Edmodo groups • Pinterest • International organization of teachers of your language (ELE)

  35. Create your own: -Pinterest board for language teaching sites and resources -Edmodo support group -Twitter account for language teacher networking -Blog Blogueros unite! Click Here To Add Text.

  36. Create your own: -Pinterest board for language teaching sites and resources -Edmodo support group -Twitter account for language teacher networking -Blog Blogueros unite! Click Here To Add Text. https://sites.google.comsitetaskbasedspanishresource/

  37. Click Here To Add Text.

  38. Training needs • How to use authentic sources w/novice learners http://lauraterrill.wikispaces.com/Presentations • How to add cultural depth w/novice learners http://wendybrownell.wikispaces.com/Conference+Presentation+Handouts

  39. Training needs • Project/inquiry-based design http://www.edutopia.org/blog/world-language-project-based-learning-education-curriculum-don-doehla http://lisalilley.wikispaces.com • Proficiency assessment http://larc.sdsu.edu/malonewebinar/

  40. Training needs • Task design http://books.google.com/books/about/Designing_Tasks_for_the_Communicative_Cl.html?id=NSlMZp9XkHoC • Webinars (ACTFL, Edmodo, etc.)

  41. Additional resources Language Resource Centers (LRCs) • CARLA http://www.carla.umn.edu/about/lrc/index.html

  42. Curriculum: Deciding on the tasks Many already available online https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=28f7c805d5a3213d&id=28F7C805D5A3213D%21154 http://www2.ku.edu/~spanish/acceso/ Use your traditional textbook’s themes as a guide Ask the learners! Create as a department

  43. What does this change entail? Desire to do what’s best for the learner Vision Fearlessness TIME!!!!!

  44. Bibliography American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012. Pdf. 26 Jan. 2013. <http://www.actfl.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/public/ACTFLProficiencyGuidelines2012_FINAL.pdf> Brownell, Wendy. Conference Presentation Handouts. Wiki. 26 Jan. 2013. <http://wendybrownell.wikispaces.com/Conference+Presentation+Handouts> Cottrell, Sara-Elizabeth. Musicuentos. Website. 26 Jan. 2013. <musicuentos.com> Doehla, Don. Using Project-based Learning to Teach World Languages. Online article. 26 Jan. 2013. <http:// www.edutopia.org/blog/world-language-project-based-learning-education-curriculum-don-doehla> Johnston, Megan. The Creative Language Class. Blog. 26 Jan. 2013. <creativelanguageclass.wordpress.com> Miller, Elizabeth. Task-based Spanish Resource. Wiki. 26 Jan. 2103. <https://sites.google.com/site/ taskbasedspanishresource/> Mueller, Jon. Authentic Assessment. North Central College. Website. 26 Jan. 2013.<http://jfmueller.faculty.noctrl.edu/toolbox/index.htm> Terrill, Laura. Presentations. Wiki. 26 Jan. 2013. <http://lauraterrill.wikispaces.com/Presentations>

  45. Contact information: Liz Miller Harrison High School elizabeth.miller@farmington.k12.mi.us Roxana Han North Farmington High School roxana.han@farmington.k12.mi.us

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