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The Authorship Debate: Homer and the Odyssey

Explore the complex issues surrounding the authorship of Homer and his epic, The Odyssey, delving into historical debates and critical analyses.

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The Authorship Debate: Homer and the Odyssey

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  1. Humanities 10112 October 2016 The Odyssey, “by”“Homer” Matthew Gumpert

  2. Lewis and Short: An Elementary Latin Dictionary Author: from the Latin, auctor: father, founder; producer, progenitor; authority; guarantor.

  3. Michel Foucault, “What is an Author?” If . . . Pierre Dupont does not have blue eyes, or was not born in Paris, or is not a doctor, the name Pierre Dupont will still always refer to the same person, such things do not modify the link of designation. The problems raised by the author's name are much more complex, however. If . . . we proved that Shakespeare did not write those sonnets which pass for his, that would constitute a significant change and affect the manner in which the author's name functions . . . To say that Pierre Dupont does not exist is not at all the same as saying that Homer . . . did not exist. In the first case, it means that no one has the name Pierre Dupont; in the second, it means that several people were mixed together under one name, or that the true author had none of the traits traditionally ascribed to the persona . . . of Homer . . .

  4. The Odyssey, by Homer

  5. Homer: Genealogy of a Text 1 Homer. Odyssey. Translatedby Robert Fagles. New York, Penguin, 1996. Homer. TheIliad of Homer. TranslatedbyRichmondLattimore. Chicago: Chicago UniversityPress, 1951.

  6. Homer: Genealogy of a Text 2 Homer. Odyssey. Edited by David Monro and Thomas Allen. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1908.

  7. Homer: Genealogy of a Text 3 The editioprincepsof the Odyssey = first printed edition: Demetrius Chalcondyles, Florence, 1488

  8. Homer: Genealogy of a Text 4 Iliad: Venetus A, Biblioteca Marciana, Venice (10th century) Odyssey: Laurentianus, Laurentian Library, Florence (10th century)

  9. Homer: Genealogy of a Text 5 Alphabet After 9th century: miniscule cursive = divisions between words; diacritical marks) Before 9thcentury: capital block letters = uncials: no division between words, Physical Form After 5th century: codex = book form Betwteen2ndand 5thcenturies AD: shift from codex to papyrus. Earliest extant Homeric papyri fragments: 3rdcentury BC. Division of Homeric epics into 24 books: 3rd-2nd centuries B.C., Alexandria (Hellenistic period)

  10. Homer: Genealogy of a Text 6 Earliest evidence of Homer: “some ancient quotations” (The Homer Multitext Project, www.homermultitext.org); citations in lyric poetry as early as 7th BC. Earliest probable reference to Homeric epic: vase inscription, Ischia, ca. 740 BC.

  11. Homer: Genealogy of a Text 7 The Peisistratid Recension:written version of Iliad and Odyssey commissioned in Athens, 6th century BC, under rule of Peisastratos

  12. The Homeric Question The Homeric Question: the 19th-20th century debate over the historicity of Homer.

  13. The Homeridae The Homeridae: a guild of poets claiming Homer as their genealogical ancestor (see Plato, Ion)

  14. The Blind Homer “It is a blind man, and he dwells in Chios, a rugged land.” Homeric Hymn to Apollo 166-176. Translated by Gregory Nagy

  15. German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, Mycenae, 1876: “I have gazed upon the face of Agamemnon”

  16. An Illiterate Homer Robert Wood, Essay on the Original Genius of Homer (1769) F. A. Wolf, Prolegomena ad Homerum (1795)

  17. The Homer Question: Two Schools of Thought • The Analysts: Homeric epics as product of multiple poets • The Unitarians: Homeric epics as product of a a single, individual poet

  18. Odyssey1.174-80: Phemius They reached out for the good things that lay at hand, and when they’d put aside desire for food and drink the suitors set their minds on other pleasures, song and dancing, all that crowns a feast. A herald placed an ornate lyre in Phemius’ hands, the bard who always performed among them there; they forced the man to sing.

  19. Odyssey1.373-75: Phemius . . . Amidst them still the famous bard sang on, and they sat in silence, listening, as he performed The Achaeans’ Journey Home from Troy . . .

  20. Iliad 9.186-89: Achilles the Poet . . . delighting his heart in a lyre, clear- sounding . . . With this he was pleasuring his heart, and singing of men’s fame . . .

  21. Odyssey 8.72-89: Demodocus . . . the faithful bard the Muse adored above all others . . . the Muse inspired the bard to sing the famous deeds of fighting heroes- the song whose fame had reached the skies those days: The Strife Between Odysseus and Achilles . . .

  22. Odyssey 8.552-86: Odysseus “Sing of the wooden horse . . . . . . the cunning trap that good Odysseus brought one day to the heights of Troy” . . . That was the song the famous harper sang but great Odysseus melted into tears . . .

  23. Odyssey 9.11-16: Odysseus the Poet Now let me begin by telling you my name . . . so you may know it well and I in times to come, if I can escape the fatal day, will be your host, your sworn friend, though my home is far from here. I am Odysseus, son of Laertes, known to the world for every kind of craft — my fame has reached the skies. Sunny Ithaca is my home.

  24. Odyssey 364-67: Odysseus as Nobody 'So, you ask me the name I'm known by, Cyclops? I will tell you. But you must give me a guest-gift as you've promised. Nobody — that's my name. Nobody — so my mother and father call me, all my friends.' But he boomed back at me from his ruthless heart, 'Nobody? I'll eat Nobody last of all his friends — I'll eat the others first! That's my gift to you!'

  25. Odyssey 9.500-505: Odysseus as Odysseus 'Cyclops — if any man on the face of the earth should ask you who blinded you, shamed you so — say Odysseus, raider of cities, he gouged out your eye, Laertes' son who makes his home in Ithaca!'

  26. Odyssey 9.528-35: The Cyclops’ Curse 'Hear me — Poseidon, god of the sea-blue mane who rocks the earth! If I really am your son and you claim to be my father — come, grant that Odysseus, raider of cities, Laertes' son who makes his home in Ithaca, never reaches home. Or if he's fated to see his people once again and reach his well-built house and his own native country, let him come home late and come a broken man — all shipmates lost, alone in a stranger's ship — and let him find a world of pain at home!'

  27. Dactylic Hexameter dactylic hexameter: six feet of dactyls (— u u) or spondees (— —): — u u (or — — )| — u u | — u u | — u u | — u u | — — | (See Greek Hexameter Analysis at http://www.thesaurus.flf.vu.lt/eiledara/index.php)

  28. Greek Hexameter Analysis To parse any line of Homer into dactylic hexameter: http://www.thesaurus.flf.vu.lt/eiledara/index.php

  29. Odyssey 1.1 Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns āndră moĭ | ēnněpě, | moūsă, pŏ|lūtrŏpŏn, | hōs mălă |pōllā

  30. Iliad 3.67-75 Now though, if you wish me to fight it out and do battle, make the rest of the Trojans sit down, and all the Achaians, and set me in the middle with Menelaos the warlike to fight together for the sake of Helen and all her possessions. That one of us who wins and is proved stronger, let him take the possessions fairly and the woman, and lead her homeward. But the rest of you, having cut your oaths of faith and friendship dwell, you in Troy where the soil is rich, while those others return home to horse-pasturing Argos, and Achaia the land of fair women.

  31. The constitutive condition of oral poetry In oral poetry, composition and performance take place simultaneously.

  32. Epithets Epithets: the same adjectives repeatedly employed to modify the same names or nouns grey-eyed Athene much-enduring, brilliant Odysseus horse-pasturing Argos Menelaosthe warlike)

  33. Epithets and Metrical Constraints much-enduring, brilliant Odysseus = polutlas dios Odusseus = half a line of dactylic hexameter: So she spoke and he shuddered, much enduring, brilliant Odysseus hōs phătŏ |rīgē|sēn dĕ pŏ|lūtlās |dīŏs Ŏ|dūssēus Odysseus, a man of many schemes: and in answer he addressed her, a man of many schemes tēn d’ăpŏ|mēibŏmě|nōs prŏsĕ|phē pŏlŭ|mētĭs Ŏ|dūssēus

  34. Repetition and Formulae Formulae: any repeating element of text 1.Epithets 2.Entire lines Son of Laertes and seed of Zeus, resourceful Odysseus He fell, thunderously, and his arrow clattered upon him 3.Whole passages Agamemnon’s speech, Iliad 9.17-28 and 2.110-41 Agamemnon weeps, Iliad 9. 14-15; Patroclus weeps, Iliad 16.3-4 4.Type scenes The banquet, the sacrifice, the debate, the preparation for battle

  35. Repetition in Oral Poetry “All repeats are founded on the principle that a thing once said in the right way should be said again in the same way when occasion demands” Lattimore, introduction to his translation of the Iliad (38)

  36. Early Forms of Greek Writing Linear B: 87 distinct signs for different combinations of consonants and vowels; Mycenae, before 12th century The earliest examples of writing in the Greek alphabet: 8th century BC; based on a Phoenician syllabary

  37. Homer, and Writing: 3 Hypotheses • The transcription hypothesis: Homer = an illiterate bard who dictated the Odyssey to a literate scribe • The ballad hypothesis: Homer = a folk-poet of short ballads; ballads were later combined • The oral + written hypothesis: Homer = a poet trained in oral tradition& versed in new art of writing

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