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Spring Allergies and Your Immune System or Say “Good-bye” to Flonase Dr Steve Chaney

Spring Allergies and Your Immune System or Say “Good-bye” to Flonase Dr Steve Chaney Barbara Lagoni Hannah Sharapan. What You Need to Know About Allergies. Cause of allergies Medical approaches (medications side effects & cost)

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Spring Allergies and Your Immune System or Say “Good-bye” to Flonase Dr Steve Chaney

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  1. Spring Allergies and Your Immune System orSay “Good-bye” to Flonase Dr Steve Chaney Barbara Lagoni Hannah Sharapan

  2. What You Need to Know About Allergies • Cause of allergies • Medical approaches (medications side effects & cost) • Shaklee product collection for normalizing the immune system • Dietary recommendations barb

  3. Allergy Facts • An allergy is an over-reaction of the human immune system to a foreign protein substance (allergen). • 60 million people have asthma and allergies (1 out of 4) and incidence is increasing. • 18% increase over past 10 years barb

  4. Allergies Is the most frequently reported chronic condition in children, limiting activities for more than 40% of kids • 8 million kids have respiratory allergies • 7 million have non-respiratory allergies • 400 Americans die each year due to drug allergies from penicillin. (200 from food allergies) Annual cost of allergies -- $7 Billion • Nearly $6 Billion in medications • Major cause of job absenteeism • 4 million lost work days/year hannah • resulting in cost of $700 million in lost productivity

  5. Asthma • 20 million Americans suffer from asthma • Asthma in children has quadrupled over last 30 years • 1 out of 13 children in U.S. have asthma barb

  6. Allergy Medications Side Effects • Corticosteroids– used to prevent and treat inflammation • Side effects: cataracts, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, delayed growth in children • Antihistamines – block histamines, an inflammatory chemical produced by your immune system. e.g. Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra, Benadryl • Side effects: dry mouth, drowsiness, slow reaction time, according to Mayo Clinic “ these older sedating meds should not be given to children steve

  7. Antihistamines -- Benadryl Main ingredient: diphenhydramine Also marketed as Nytol, Sominex, Unisom Sleepgels as examples • Common side effects:sedation, drowsiness, dizziness, disturbed coordination, increased chest congestion, dry mouth, nose, and throat, may increase tooth decay, gum disease, and fungal infections; headache, muscle weakness, excitability, nervousness, loss of appetite, constipation, vomiting, nausea • Serious side effects: low blood pressure, palpitations, increased heart rate, confusion, nervousness, tremors, irritability, blurred vision, double vision, painful and difficult urination • Long Term Side Effects on the Brain: cognitive impairment, delirium, slowed thinking, Alzheimer’s steve

  8. Allergy Medication Side Effects • Singulair – blocks symptom-causing leukotrienes. • Side effects: upper respiratory infection in adults, headache, ear infection, and sore throat in children. FDA warns against possibly causing psychological symptoms, such as irritability, anxiousness, insomnia, hallucinations, aggression, depression, suicidal thinking and behavior. steve

  9. Allergy Medications Warning Mayo Clinic “Some allergy medications can cause confusion, urinary symptoms, or other side effects in older adults.” Food and Drug Administration “Over-the-counter cough and cold preparations commonly include nasal decongestants, antihistamines, cough suppressants, and expectorants… …these drugs can cause serious and potentially life-threatening adverse events in young children… (according to an alert sent from MedWatch, the FDA’s safety information and adverse event reporting program) …death, convulsion, rapid heart rates, and decreased levels of consciousness have been reported.” steve

  10. Never Be Sick Again …Raymond Francis One disease --Malfunctioning cells Two Causes: • Exposure to toxins(second hand smoke, toxic cleaners, air pollution, mold, etc ) • Lack of nutrients( stress, sugar and refined carbohydrates, caffeine, alcohol, medications deplete nutrients) barb

  11. Natural Approach to Allergies • Normalize the immune system • Restore health of digestive tract • Remove toxins from your environment barb

  12. Shaklee Products for the Immune System • Nutriferon • Shaklee Premium Alfalfa • Vitalizer/Vita-Lea/Incredivites • Vita C • Optiflora Capsules • Shaklee Premium Garlic Complex • Defend and Resist Echinacea Complex steve

  13. Alfalfa • Natural anti-histamine • Tiny tablets so take 3 or 4 at a time • Can be crushed for kids • Really works • Nutriferon • Naturally stimulates body’s production of interferon .. Key component of the immune system • 4 natural plant extracts developed by Nobel laureate who discovered interferon • Share stories of results steve

  14. To Normalize Immune System • Vita-Lea Multi-Vitamin/Mineral –or– Vitalizer –or- Incredivites • NutriFeron • Energizing Soy Protein and/or 180 Smoothees • Vita-C • Optiflora Capsules steve

  15. To Restore Digestive Health & Eliminate Candida Yeast • OptifloraProbiotic • Triple encapsulated to protect through stomach acids • Destroyed by antibiotics, some medications, etc • Shaklee Premium Garlic – • potency of fresh garlic without the odor • natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal • heart benefits as well barb

  16. Sustained Release Vita C 500 mg– • Sustains whole Vitamin C Complex in the blood stream over 5 hours ( water soluble ) • Depleted by stress, alcohol, smoking, birth control pills, infections, illness, pollution • Natural anti-histamine, frequently used in prevention and treatment of colds & viruses Other Benefits • Cataracts, ligaments and connective tissue , varicose veins, wound healing, nosebleeds and bruising hannah

  17. Defend & Resist Echinacea Complex- • Take at first signs of a cold, not daily.. Chew or suck, soothing • More than echinacea—elderberry, larch tree extracts, zinc • Speeds up white blood cells to gobble up viruses before they slip inside your cells where they are harder to find. • Our head-’em-off-at-the-pass cold formula 6 Defend and Resists 6 C 6 garlic 4 to 6 Nutriferon and go to bed .. VOILA!! Next morning we can breathe! barb

  18. Remove Toxins hannah

  19. Asthma Program.. An inflammatory Condition • Normalize immune system • Vita Lea Multi or Incredivites • Vita C • NutriFeron & Alfalfa • Optiflora • Reduce inflammation • OmegaGuard or Mighty Smarts • Vita C Vitalizer plus NutriFeron steve

  20. Make a Few Changes in the Diet • Avoid mucous producing foods • Sugar (and sugary soft drinks ) • Wheat and baked goods • Dairy • Work towards eating 6 to 9 vegetables a day hannah

  21. Summary of Allergy Prevention for Kids • Incredivites Multi Vitamin and Mineral • Alfalfa steve • NutriFeron • Optiflora Probiotics • Chewable C • Energizing Soy or 180 Smoothies • Mighty Smarts, especially for kids with asthma to reduce inflammation • Defend and Resist (Echinacea for short-term use)

  22. Immunity Formula I • Contains 6 nutrients essential for immune system • Vitamin A ( as Beta Carotene) • Vitamin C • Vitamin B6 • Vitamin B 12 • Folic Acid • Vitamin E • Minerals for immune system – copper, selenium, zinc steve

  23. Summary Prevention of Allergies • Vitalizer • NutriFeron • Alfalfa • Protein • Vita C • Optiflora • Garlic • Immunity Formula I • Get Clean Non-Toxic Cleaning Products steve

  24. Breathe Easy with Shaklee barb

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