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Disease Prevention

Glencoe Teen Health Chapter 13, Lesson 4 - Preventing the Spread of Disease (pp. 418-421) Chapter 13, Lesson 5 - Sexually Transmitted Diseases (pp. 422-426) Chapter 13, Lesson 6 - HIV/AIDS (pp. 427-431). Disease Prevention. Disease Prevention. Description

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Disease Prevention

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  1. Glencoe Teen Health Chapter 13, Lesson 4 - Preventing the Spread of Disease (pp. 418-421) Chapter 13, Lesson 5 - Sexually Transmitted Diseases (pp. 422-426) Chapter 13, Lesson 6 - HIV/AIDS (pp. 427-431) Disease Prevention

  2. Disease Prevention • Description • In this unit students will learn about the symptoms, spread, and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.  Discussions will include HIV/AIDS and how it attacks the immune system. 

  3. Disease Prevention • Essential Questions • How do I protect myself against disease?

  4. Disease Prevention • Enduring Understanding • Sexually transmitted diseases are infections spread through sexual contact. • Abstinence from sexual activity is the only way to avoid STDs. • HIV causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a deadly disease that interferes with the body's immune system.

  5. Disease Prevention • Vocabulary • Hygiene • Pathogens • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) • T Cell • Syphilis • Chlamydia • Genital Herpes • Genital Warts • Gonorrhea

  6. Disease Prevention • Day 16 • Handout “Disease Notes” packet and fill in the answers as we go

  7. Any condition that interferes with the normal or proper functioning of the body or mind • disease A disease that can be spread to a person from another person, an animal, or an object • communicabledisease Organisms that are so small they can only be seen through a microscope • germs

  8. Germs that cause disease • pathogens A condition that happens when pathogens enter the body, multiply, and cause harm • infection The smallest and simplest pathogens • viruses

  9. Simple one-celled organisms • bacteria Organisms that are more complex than bacteriabut cannot make their own food • fungi One-celled organisms that are more complex than bacteria • protozoa

  10. In this lesson, you will learn to • identifytypes of germs that can cause disease. • describewhat an infection is. • explainhow germs are spread. • accessinformation on communicable diseases.

  11. Germs and Disease A disease such as the common cold is a communicable disease. disease Any condition that interferes with the normal or proper functioning of the body or mind communicable disease A disease that can be spread to a person from another person, an animal, or an object

  12. Germs and Disease Communicable diseases are spread by germs. germs Organisms that are so small they can only be seen through a microscope

  13. Germs and Disease Pathogens are harmful germs. pathogens Germs that cause disease

  14. Germs and Disease When the body cannot fight of an infection, a disease develops. infection A condition that happens when pathogens enter the body, multiply, and cause harm

  15. Kinds of Pathogens Viruses are not alive. viruses The smallest and simplest pathogens Viruses are usually made of genetic material and protein.

  16. Kinds of Pathogens Bacteria exist in every environment on earth. bacteria Simple one-celled organisms Most kinds of bacteria are not only harmless, but actually helpful.

  17. Kinds of Pathogens Examples of fungi include molds, yeast, and mushrooms. fungi Organisms that are more complex than bacteria but cannot make their own food Fungi thrive in warm, moist environments.

  18. Kinds of Pathogens Many protozoa are harmless, but some can causedisease. protozoa One-celled organisms that are more complex than bacteria

  19. Kinds of Pathogens

  20. Direct contactwith others Indirect contactwith others HowPathogensSpread Contact withanimals orinsects Contact withsomeoneelse’s blood Contact withcontaminatedfood or water Sexual contact

  21. Mosquitoes can infect humans with West Nile Virus. Controlling mosquito populations is one way to help control the spread of West Nile Virus.

  22. Lesson 1 Review What I Learned VocabularyDefine communicable disease andpathogen. Write a sentence using both terms.

  23. Keeping Pathogens Out The Body’s Five Major Barriers to Block Pathogens Tears Saliva Skin MucousMembranes Stomach Acid

  24. Keeping Pathogens from Spreading Good personal hygiene helps limit the number of pathogens you encounter. hygiene Cleanliness

  25. Protecting Yourself from Pathogens Avoid close contact with people who have a communicable disease. Never share eating utensils. Wash yourself thoroughly and often, especially before preparing foods. Keep your fingers and hands away from your mouth, nose, and eyes.

  26. Protecting Yourself from Pathogens Handle and prepare food safely. Wipe counters thoroughly. Empty the trash can often. Keeps pets clean and healthy.

  27. Protecting Others from Pathogens If you feel sick, tell a parent or guardian. If you are ill, stay home from school and other public places. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. If a medical professional has told you to take medicine, follow the directions on the label exactly.

  28. A Healthful Lifestyle Eat a balanced diet. Bathe or shower regularly using soap and shampoo. Avoid all tobacco products, alcohol, and other drugs. Get 8–9 hours of sleep every day.

  29. A Healthful Lifestyle Rest when you are sick. Ask a parent or guardian to make sure your immunizations are up to date. Learn to manage stress. Visit the doctor for regular checkups and follow the advice of your doctor.

  30. Lesson 4 Review What I Learned DescribeHow can staying home when you are sickhelp keep others healthy?

  31. Lesson 4 Review What I Learned IdentifyWhat are three strategies for protectingyourself from pathogens?

  32. Lesson 4 Review Thinking Critically ExplainWhy do you think you should keep yourtrash can clean?

  33. Lesson 4 Review Thinking Critically ApplyTurtles and other reptiles carry salmonella.This bacteria often makes people sick if they ingest it.What would be a good way to make sure you don’t getsick from your friend’s pet turtle?

  34. sexuallytransmitteddiseases Infections that are spread from person to person through sexual contact A bacterial STD that may affect the reproductive organs, urethra, and anus • chlamydia Growths or bumps in the genital area cased by certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV) • genitalwarts A viral STD that produces painful blisters on the genital area • genitalherpes

  35. An STD caused by the protozoanTrichomonas vaginalis • trichomoniasis A bacterial STD that affects the mucous membranes of the body, particularly the genital area • gonorrhea A bacterial STD that can affect many parts of the body • syphilis A disease caused by the hepatitis B virus that affects the liver • hepatitis B

  36. STD Symptoms and Effects Prevention Finding the Main Idea Create a three-column table like the one shown below. As you go through the lesson, complete the table.

  37. What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are also called sexually transmitted infections (STIs) hygiene Infections that are spread from person to person through sexual contact

  38. What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? The STD Fact File Someone who has an STD may not have visible symptoms, or may have symptoms that come and go. However, such a person may be contagious even when there are no symptoms.

  39. What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? The STD Fact File STDs can be prevented by saying no to high-risk behaviors, such as sexual activity.

  40. What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? The STD Fact File STDs can make a person sterileor infertile.

  41. What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? The STD Fact File Not all STDs are curable, andsome are even fatal.

  42. What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? The STD Fact File A person who suspects that he or she is infected with an STDmust see a doctor.

  43. What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? The STD Fact File Vaccines are not available for most STDs.

  44. What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? Chlamydia is often referred to as a “silent” disease because in many cases there are no symptoms. chlamydia A bacterial STD that may affect the reproductive organs, urethra, and anus Left untreated, chlamydia can cause infections in the body and infertility.

  45. What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections like genital warts are the most common type of STD. genital warts Growths or bumps in the genital area caused by certain types of human papillomavirus Like chlamydia, HPV is often a silent disease, causing no symptoms until many years after the initial infection.

  46. What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? Even when the symptoms of genital herpes go away, the virus and the disease remain in the body. genital herpes A viral STD that produces painful blisters on the genital area There is no known cure for genital herpes.

  47. What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? Trichomoniasis can be treated and cured with medications. trichomoniasis An STD caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis Symptoms include vaginal discharge, discomfort during urination, and irritation or itching in the genital area.

  48. What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? Gonorrhea can be treated with antibiotics. gonorrhea A bacterial STD that affect the mucous membranes of the body, particularly in the genital area Symptoms include a thick yellowish discharge from the genitals and burning sensation when urinating.

  49. What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? If diagnosed and treated in the first or second stage, syphilis can be cured with antibiotics. syphilis A bacterial STD that can affect many parts of the body If left untreated, syphilis can eventually cause mental disorders, heart problems, and death.

  50. What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? Hepatitis B can be transmitted by sexual contact or through contaminated needles. hepatitis B A disease caused by the hepatitis B virus that affects the liver There is a vaccine available for hepatitis B.

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