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Lesson 16 Slideshow

Lesson 16 Slideshow. By: Gabriela Acebal Julia Toro Clarianne Moscoso Christopher Arnold. arbitration. Definition: T he process in which parties involved in a dispute allow an impartial party to settle their differences. Attaché. Definition:

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Lesson 16 Slideshow

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lesson 16 Slideshow By: Gabriela Acebal Julia Toro Clarianne Moscoso Christopher Arnold

  2. arbitration • Definition: • The process in whichpartiesinvolved in a dispute allowanimpartial party tosettletheirdifferences.

  3. Attaché • Definition: • Apersonassignedtoserve in a specificcapacityon a diplomaticmission.

  4. Consul • Definition: • Adiplomaticofficialwhorepresentshisor her owngovernment’seconomicinterests in a foreign country and assitsfellowcitizens living ortravelingthere.

  5. covenant • Definition: • Abindingagreement; a legal contract.

  6. Discretion • Definition: • The quality of usinggoodjudgement and self-restraint; the quality of actingwiselybasedonawareness of the potentialconsequences of one’sactions.

  7. entente • Definition: • Anunderstandingoragreementbetweentwoor more politicalpowers, providingfor a commoncourseofaction.

  8. insular • Definition: • Suggestive of the isolatedlifeonanisland; having a narrowviewpoint.

  9. Machiavellian • Definition: • Cunning, deceitful, andunderhanded in businessorpolitics; aimingtomaintainpower by whatevermeansnecessary.

  10. Protocol • Definition: • Acode of correctconduct.

  11. Status quo • Definition: • The existingconditionorstate of affairs.

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