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Engaging Kids in Social Studies Learning

Explore the importance of Social Studies education for Grades 1-5 focusing on interactions, relationships, power, resources, and citizenship. Learn about goals, themes, outcomes, and indigenous perspectives.

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Engaging Kids in Social Studies Learning

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  1. Social Studies Grades 1 - 5

  2. What is Social Studies? • “Social Studies provides coordinated, systematic study drawing on such disciplines as anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology, as well as appropriate content from the humanities, mathematics and natural sciences.” National Council of Social Studies Position Statement, February 2008

  3. Aim of Social Studies • The purpose of Kindergarten to Grade 12 Social Studies is: - to help students know and appreciate the past, understand the present, influence the future and make connections between events and issues of the past, the present and the future - to make students aware that, just as contemporary events have been shaped by actions taken bypeople in the past, they have the opportunity to shape the future. • The ultimate aim is for students who have a sense of themselves as active participants and citizens in an inclusive, culturally diverse, interdependent world.

  4. Goals of Social Studies • Goals are broad statements identifying what students are expected to know and be able to do upon completion of the learning in a particular area of study. • The four K-12 goals of Social Studies and Social Sciences education are to:

  5. Interactions and Interdependence • examine the local, indigenous, and global interactions and interdependence of individuals, societies, cultures, and nations (IN) This goal recognizes and encompasses the disciplines of anthropology, archaeology, philosophy, psychology, and sociology within the Social Studies and Social Sciences.

  6. Dynamic Relationships • analyse the dynamic relationships of people with land, environments, events, and ideas as they have affected the past, shape the present, and influence the future (DR) This goal recognizes and encompasses the disciplines of geography and historywithin the Social Studies and Social Sciences.

  7. Power and Authority • investigate the processes and structures of power and authority, and the implications for individuals, communities, and nations (PA) • This goal recognizes and encompasses the disciplines ofpolitical scienceandlaw.

  8. Resources and Wealth • examine various worldviews about the use and distribution of resources and wealth in relation to the needs of individuals, communities, nations, and the natural environment (RW). This goal recognizes and encompasses the disciplines of economics and environmental studieswithin the Social Studies and Social Sciences.

  9. Themes: Grades 1 - 5 Social Studies • Grade 1 - Families • Grade 2 - Communities • Grade 3 – Community Comparisons • Grade 4 – Saskatchewan • Grade 5 - Canada

  10. Outcomes • Describe what students will know or be able to do in a particular discipline by the end of the grade or course. • Are unique from grade to grade, but may build on or expand on outcomes from previous grades

  11. Indicators • Are a representative sample of evidence that students would be able to demonstrate or produce if they have achieved the outcome • Define the breadth and depth of the outcome

  12. Connections to Big Picture • There will be identifiable connections from the Broad Areas of Learning, to the Cross-curricular Competencies, to the subject specific goals, and to the outcomes and indicators

  13. First Nations, Métis, and Inuit • Outcomes and indicators have been written to make First Nations, Métis, and Inuit ways of knowing, knowledge, and perspectives foundational in the curriculum • Resources are evaluated and recommended with a conscious effort to be inclusive and reflect this foundation

  14. Origin of Goals, Outcomes and Indicators • WNCP Social Studies Framework • Curriculum Standards for Social Studies - National Council for Social Studies • Canadian National Standards for Geography - Canadian Council for Geographic Education • Previously existing Social Studies curricula in Saskatchewan and other jurisdictions

  15. Inquiry in Social Studies • pose new questions or explore existing issues or problems • make connections to prior knowledge (constructivism) • plan the inquiry process • access information using a variety of sources and considering diverse perspectives • evaluate alternative decisions and their consequences • make a decision or plan a course of action • take appropriate action

  16. Citizenship and Social Studies • The development of values and attitudes, knowledge and understanding, and skills and processes that support active and responsible citizenship is fundamental to Social Studies learning. • As active and responsible citizens, students engage in discussions and take action as members of communities locally, nationally, and globally.

  17. Sustainable Development • Education for and about sustainable development permeates the courses in Social Studies. • The focus is broad, including environmental, economic, and social sustainability. • The desire is to develop a disposition toward sustainability within society.

  18. Controversial Issues: • form the basis of Social Studies inquiry • provide real world applications of skills development • require understanding of family and community standards and values. The renewed CELs of Critical and Creative Thinking and Personal and Social Development provide support to teachers.

  19. Current Issues vs. Current Events • Current issues provide opportunity for integration of real world with curriculum outcomes. • Current events instruction yields artifacting, rather than understanding. • Connection to outcomes is essential.

  20. Worldview in Social Studies • In Social Studies and Social Sciences curricula, students investigate the worldviews of various societies and cultures in their inquiry to enable the achievement of the curricular goals and outcomes.

  21. A Worldview : • is a description of reality providing natural and believable knowledge which is generally accepted by the members of a cultural group, because it meets their needs, creates order and coherence, and provides a basis for predictions. • acts as a template providing people with a set of beliefs about the reality in which they find themselves. Critical attributes include: • spiritual beliefs defining the meaning and purpose of existence • moral beliefs about people's rights and obligations • social beliefs about the organization of individuals into a society • intellectual beliefs about determining truth and beauty • economic beliefs about creating and distributing wealth • political beliefs about making and enforcing decisions within society.

  22. The Concept of Worldview is: • central to understanding diverse perspectives and inclusion • an essential element of multiple ways of knowing • a significant aspect of understanding Treaty relationship. Recognition of diverse worldviews is common throughout all renewed curricula.

  23. Treaty Education “Treaty education is an important part of forging new ties. There must be an appreciation in the minds of the general public that Treaties are living, breathing documents that continue to bind us to promises made generations ago. This is why…government is committed to making mandatory instruction in history and content of the Treaties in the K-12 curriculum.” Speech from the Throne, 2007

  24. Treaty Education • is included throughout the Social Studies • will be incorporated where possible and practical in other subject areas • includes more than learning about specific numbered treaties, including: • historical considerations • socio-cultural considerations • geographic considerations

  25. Time Allotments • The time required for Social Studies at the elementary level ( Grades 1 - 5 ) is 150 minutes per week. Core Curriculum Principles, Times Allocations, and Credit Policy ( Aug. 2007)

  26. Questions and Comments Brent Toles Social Sciences Consultant Saskatchewan Ministry of Education Tel. (306) 787 1417 Email: brent.toles@gov.sk.ca

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