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Graduation Project 2 Mechanical Systems For Al-Zakah Hospital Students: Mohammed Sawalhi ( 10840740) Mohammed Younis ( 10824906 ) Mohammed Hannon (10822899) Nedal Al-Masri ( 10823665) Aya Nairat (10821417) Supervisor: Dr. Iyad Assaf. Introduction:.
Graduation Project 2 Mechanical Systems For Al-Zakah Hospital Students: Mohammed Sawalhi (10840740) Mohammed Younis (10824906) Mohammed Hannon (10822899) Nedal Al-Masri (10823665) AyaNairat(10821417) Supervisor: Dr. Iyad Assaf
Introduction: In our project, we are going to Design the following Mechanical systems for Al Zakah hospital in Palestine-Tulkarm which consists of 7 floors two of them under the ground : 1- HVAC System “Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning” 2- Plumbing System 3- Fire Fighting System 4- Medical Gases System.
Building’s Description • Country : Palestine / West bank . • City: Tulkarm. • Street Al-Montaza street . • Latitude: 31.9 • Building face sits at south orientation. • The wind speed is greater than 5 m/s
Heating load Equations • Qs,cond= U A (Ti – To) . • Q s,vent = 1.2 Vvent (Ti – To). • Q L,vent = 3 Vvent (Wi- Wo). • Qtotal = Qs,cond+ Qs,vent+Ql,vent
Boiler selection • Boiler capacity = (Q building + Q domestic hot water) * 1.1 = (209.137 + 232) * 1.1 = 485.25 KW • we select boiler model: FM500 that gives power = 500 KW
Cooling Equations: • Qs = U * A * CLTD corc. For Wall And Ceiling. • CLTD corr = ( CLTD + LM ) K + ( Tin -25.5 ) + ( To – 29.4 ). • Qs|transmitted = A * SHG * SC * CLF . From glass • Qs| convection = U * A * ( CLTD ) correction. From glass • Qs|vent = 1.2 *A * ( To – T in ) . • QL = 3 * A ( W o –W in ) • Qs| people = qs * n * CLF • QL| people= ql* n • Qs| lighting = W * CLF • Qs| equipment = qs * CLF • Ql| equipment = ql
Chiller Selection • Q chiller = Q cooling for building * 1.1 = 515.6891 KW = 147.34 Ton Refr. • From the Petra catalogue according to the following data: • Ambient temperature = 95 (Fo) • Leaving chiller water temperature = 45 (Fo) • Q chiller = 147.34 Ton Ref. • Frequency = 50Hz
Air Handling Units Selection From Petra catalogue:
Fan coil selection: From Petra catalogue As example: Doctor Room1 at ground floor
Pumps selection: Chiller Pump From Salsmon catalogues: m pump = 20.56 (L/s ) & ΔH = 7.8m >> ΔP = 76518 Pa L total= L to the farthest diffuser * 2 * 1.5 = 204 m (ΔP/L) = 375 (Pa/m) Where 200 < (ΔP/L) < 550 Model No. 80-160 from Salsmon catalogues Boiler Pump From Salsmon catalogues: m pump = (Qs)/(Cp * ΔT) = 3.75 (L/s) m pump = 3.75 (L/s) , ΔH = 7.1m >> ΔP = 69651 Pa L total = 204 m (ΔP/L) = 341.1 (Pa/m) Where200 < (ΔP/L) < 550 Model No. 40-160 from Salmson catalogues
Plumbing Results Potable water Sizing “Steel Pipes”:As an Example for 3rd Floor:
Potable Pump Head (ΔP) pump = (ΔP) friction + fitting ± (ΔP) head + (ΔP) flow • Where: - (ΔP) friction + fitting = 1.8 * (ΔP) friction > (ΔP) friction = (ΔP/L) AB * LAB + (ΔP/L) BC * LBC + (ΔP/L) CD * LCD - (ΔP) friction + fitting = 12.726 kpa - (ΔP) head = ρ * g * H = -29.4 Kpa - (ΔP) flow = 15*6.8 = 102 Kpa (ΔP) pump = 85.32 Kpa Flow rate |Pump = 8.94 L/s
Drainage System: • At each number of fixtures we find the diameter size from tables. Main Results :Horizontal branch diameter: 4" Riser diameter: 4" Building drain diameter: 4" Building drain slope: 1%
Fire Fighting System . In this project, we used 1 landing valve and 1 cabinet for each floor: • Cabinet: Residual pressure = 65 PSI Size = 1½" • Landing valve: Residual pressure = 100 PSI Size = 2½" • Stand pipe diameter = 4" • Pump flow rate = 500 g.p.m • Tank volume = ((Flow rate * 3.8 * t) / (1000)) = ((500*3.8*120)/ (1000)) = 228 m3
Fire Fighting Pump head (ΔP) pump = (ΔP) friction + fitting ± (ΔP) head + (ΔP) flow Where: - (ΔP) friction + fitting = 1.5 * (ΔP) friction > (ΔP) friction = (ΔP/L) AB * LAB + (ΔP/L) BC * LBC + (ΔP/L) CD * LCD… - (ΔP) friction + fitting = 33.289548 kpa - (ΔP) head = ρ * g * H = 1000* 9.81* 3 = -29 Kpa - (ΔP) flow = 100*6.8 Kpa = 680 kpa (ΔP) pump = 684.289 Kpa Jockey Pump Flow rate = (5 – 10) g.p.m (ΔP)Jockey pump = (ΔP) pump + (10 PSI* 6.8) = 500.6175 kpa
FM-200 system: • Mass of clean agent: M = (V/S) [C / (100 – C)] • Leakage rate: Leakage rate = 0.608 * Pc (8.7) > Pc = g * Ho * (rm – ra) • Results :
Volume of FM-200 Cylinder: • Weight = (ρ * g * Volume) • Total mass * g = (ρ * g * Volume) • Volume = (Total mass/ ρ) = (398.682/100) = 3.98 m3
Medical Gases Results As an Example for 3rd floor:
Medical Gases Volume of cylinders for each gas: 1- Oxygen gas: 54.5 SCFM >> 24.77 (L/s) >> 0.02477 (m3/s) 2- Medical vacuum: 92.5 SCFM >> 42 (L/s) >> 0.042 (m3/s) 3- Medical air: 7 SCFM >> 3.1 (L/s) >> 0.0031 (m3/s)