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Equity at Park View. Types of students present in Park View High School.
Types of students present in Park View High School. There are many different types of students at Park View. They hang out in different spots and do different activities. Some people will say that Park View has very little equity. I think that a lot better then most other places because even though groups are defined, they stay to themselves and don’t harass other groups. This slide show will show some groups where they hangout and what kind of power they portray or have.
Smokers Smokers are a general group in Park View. Most of the time they spend there time in the smoking section or there is some that go to the road and smoke.
Smokers Smokers group is made up of all kinds of different types of people. This group seems to take in anyone and its such a large group there is even sub- cultures within the group. During school you can look out and see it is sectioned off. These students have the ability to make other students nervous when going to their cars or walking outside on that side of the building.
Band students Band students are a smaller group in Park View. They occupy mostly the space in the music room. They don’t seem to bother anyone and no one really bothers them.
Music Freaks Music freaks are people who love to play music and listen to music and devote most of there time and life to it. They are in all places around the school amongst other groups.
Music Freaks Because of odd ways of dressing some music freaks may scare other students. With other students fearing them because of appearance it may give them slight power over those individuals who fear them and if they were approached may feel intimidated.
Athletes Athletes are a very large group at Park View. Once again this group is sometimes combined but most often it is divided into sub- cultures according to different sports. Most of the time the athletes are in the gym, weight room or walking around just mingling.
Athletes Because of athletes physical appearance of being in very good condition they tend to be more popular. Also because they are in shape people my fear them because of size. Athletes tend to get benefits from teachers more then other students because they are representing the school and teachers think that’s great.
Artsy Artsy students tend to be mostly in the art rooms or outside. Because of the different ways of dressing and wanting to be unique they are often looked at different from most other people. They usually are the group that are intimidated by most other groups.
Car Junkies Car Junkies are really sub-culture of smokers. They are smokers who like cars and park them in the smoking section. This Group is not usually bothered by anyone but because they have cars people are somewhat intimidated by that fact.
IB and Smart kids IB and kids with high averages are usually in classrooms getting help from teachers or in the library talking and helping each other.
IB and Smart kids They spend a lot of time on school so they don’t have much of social life outside of school. They tend to be more isolated at school and are nervous around most of the other groups. Teachers treat them a significant amount better because they see them a lot compared to the other kids in Park View.
Couples Couples are in every group. They tend to be more powerful amongst the groups well for the main reason of two against one. Although sometimes powerful sometimes they spend so much time alone they can be left out and ignored.
Summary As seen in the slide show Park View is a diverse school and has lots of groups. But I believe that even though there is a lot of social groups, the groups interact and get along a lot better then many other places in our culture. Our school yes does have equity but I don’t believe it has an equity problem because it will always exist and here its quite mediated and moderate compared to even other schools and especially to other countries.