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Explore cohort dynamics and generational inequalities in welfare regimes. Analyze the impact of transitional socialization on birth cohorts' life chances and the scarring effects. Develop an understanding of the future of inequalities and welfare regimes.
Welfare regimes, social fluctuationsand the generational gap • Compared cohort dynamics in France, Europe and the United states • Louis ChauvelSciences-Po Paris • Site : http://louis.chauvel.free.fr • chauvel@sciences-po.fr
Intentions • Developing aspects of my book in cohort dynamics of inequality “Destiny of Generations” • Answering to this paradox : economic growth, but no sign of it in my “generational neighbourhood” • Analyzing a non-acknowledged source of inequality : a mix between inter- and intra- generational inequalities • Insisting on “scarring effects” (French : effet de scarification) linked to “transitional socialization” on birth cohorts’ objective life chances • Interrogating future of inequalities and welfare regimes: we are socializing the pensioners of 2050…
Plan • Definitions of generations • The Long term generational progress hypothesis • Collective socialization and social history • Lexis diagram and cohort lines • Seven generational fractures in France • International hypothesis on generational brakes
Definitions of « generation » • Anglo-Saxon tradition: generation = kinship • European tradition : three degrees of generations :
Cultural or objective generations?... • Karl Mannheim and a symbolic-culturalist theory of generations « The contains <of consciousness> are important (sociologically speaking), not only because of their signification, but also because they melt separate individuals into one group, they have an effect of socialization». (…dass sie die Einzelnen zur Gruppe verbinden, „sozialisierend“ wirken) (K. Mannheim, Das Problem der Generationen, 1929) • Mannheim acknowledges also the existence of a Generationenlage = objective generational situations • QUESTION: do the conditions of entry of a cohort in adulthood have an effect on future life chances? Do they have effects of socialization?
QUESTION : are there long term consequences of collective difficulties when entering labor market ? Risks of unemployment 12 months after living school (%) 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% Male Female 20% 15% Cohorte 1959 10% 5% Cohorte 1953 0% 1970 1980 1990 2000 Source : Enquêtes emploi INSEE 1969-2002, archives Lasmas
The long term generational progress hypothesis • Kant and the intergenerational progress :“The previous generations seem to have worked because of the following ones, to prepare the level from which the followers will be about to build the edifice of which Nature has the project, and of which the former generations will be the only ones to benefit from. Their ancestors (may be with no intention), have worked with no possibility to enjoy the felicity they prepared” Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Intent (1784) • Medical progress = longer life expectancy in better conditions • Progress in education = better integration of newer generations • Economic growth = increased consumption • Pacification of intergenerational relations = intergenerational solidarity (and economic transmission/reproduction of wealthy social classes) • QUESTION : Is that Kantian hypothesis really true?
Socialization versus individual and collective history • Life cycle and socialization • Primary and secondary socialization (Berger et Luckmann) • The « transitionnal socialization » • Long term impact of the « transitionnal socialization » : « scar effect » • History and the constitution of a Generationengeist and of a Generationenlage 16-18 y.o. • 25-30 y.o.
Seven generational fractures in France • 1. Income distribution by cohort • 2. Progress of the occupational structure • 3. Effect of « rémanence » = Scar effect • 4. Downward mobility • 5. Risks of dyssocialisation • 6. Disequilibrium in the political representation • 7. Problems of transmission of our social model to the next generations
130% 125% 120% 115% 25-29 y 110% 30-39 y 105% 40-49 y 100% 50-59 y 95% 90% 85% 80% 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 DECLINE OF EARNING LEVEL : Relative wages of 4 age groups Level of wage (100= french average) • Sources : Déclarations annuelles de données sociales–INSEE
2. Progress of the occupational structure • Proportion of higher white collars for two age groups and French average • Source : Enquêtes Emploi 1969-2000 et Formation-qualification-professionnelle 1964 et 1977, INSEE ; archives LASMAS-Quételet • Note : Les jeunes salariés ont connu un quasi doublement des emplois qualifiés entre 1964 et 1980, puis un arrêt de la croissance. Le pourcentage est calculé par rapport à la classe d'âge. Sont considérés comme cadres et professions intermédiaires ceux qui exercent effectivement un emploi correspondant à cette catégorie. Jr : classe d'âge 30 à 34 ans ; Sr : classe d'âge 50 à 54 ans. Les enquêtes FQP surestiment la part des cadres chez les 50-54 ans en excluant de l'enquête les femmes définitivement en retrait de la population active.
3. Scar effect • Proportion of higher white collars 1971-2000
4. The newer generations know no more improvement, when compared to their own parents • Intergenerational upward and downward mobility rate(male age 30-34 y.o.) • Source : Enquêtes Emploi 1982-2000, INSEE ; archives LASMAS-Quételet 60 50 down 40 immobile 30 up 20 10 0 • Sources : Enquêtes Emploi 1982-2002 – INSEE (origine : LASMAS IDL – CNRS) 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
5. A major risk of dyssocialization • Evolution of relative suicide risk for two age groups (1965 and 1995) (per 100.000) • Source : Chauvel, 1997a²
5. A major risk of dyssocialization • Evolution of relative suicide risk for two age groups (1950 to 2000) (100= average national rate for 15 to 84 yo) • Source : Chauvel, 1997a pour 1950-1995 et Service d'Information sur les Causes Médicales de Décès (SC8 de l'INSERM) pour 1990-1999. • Note : Depuis 1985, le taux de suicide des 35-44 ans a fortement progressé, à l'inverse de celui des 55-64 ans. Population masculine.
6. Desequilibrium in political representation • Age distribution of French Députés (National Parliament) 1981-1997-2002 • Source : Trombinoscopes de l’Assemblée Nationale.
Daily newspaper reading ( %) (diagramme cohortal) Note : answer « everyday » to the question : « abour how often do you read the news in daily newspapers » Participation to political discussions in two age groups Note : answer : “ frequently ” to the question : « when you get together wth friends, would you say you discuss political matters frequently, occasionally or never » • Source : Mannheim Eurobarometer Trend File 1970-1999, MZES-ZUMA-ZEUS ; données fournies par la BDSP-Grenoble..
7. Transmission of our social model to the next generation • Lexisdiagram and the illusion of age Age Death 1910 Retirement 1930 1950 80 1970 End of stable employment 60 “Old good times”… Access to stable employment 40 End of school 20 0 Period 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010
What about comparisons? • French specificity? Homogeneity Centralization Excesses (and backlashes…) • A universal evolution in « post industrialized countries » facing slow growth? • Role of history / role of welfare models (Esping-Andersen)
Poverty rates by adult age groups (Census years 1960-2000) in the US Source: US Censuses accessed at www.ipums.org Note: the definition of poverty threshold is based on the European relative definition: people with standardized equivalent income adjusted for family size below 50% of the national median are poor. Since 1980, each new generation enters with a stronger poverty rate, which increases progressively at any later age. Clue 1
30% 25% 20% 1985 15% 2000 10% 5% 0% 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Clue 2 • “Consumption” relative poverty rates by adult age groups (family budget 1985-2000) in France • Source: INSEE family budgets • Note: the definition of “consumption” poverty threshold is based on the European relative definition: people with standardized equivalent consumption adjusted for family size below 50% of the national median are poor. Each new generation enters with a stronger poverty rate, which increases progressively at any later age.
Interpreting the French case: • Esping-Andersen Typology of Welfare states: France = “corporatist-conservative” « welfare mix », stabilization of social relationsProtection of insiders (protected male workers) against outsiders • In case of economic brake : « Insiderisation » of insiders, already in the stable labor force and « outsiderisation » of new entrants • In France, young people can wait … decades Increasing poverty rates for young people, stable intracohort inequalities (after taxes and welfare reallocations) • Are other intergenerational compromise possible ?
Three modalities Esping-Andersen Typology of Welfare states : • Conservative model» (Continental Europe) : Preservation of (old) social equilibria, with social insurance excluding unemployed • Liberal model : (Anglo-saxon world) : Market as a central institution, residual welfare state against market failures HL0 : more intracohort inequalities HL1 : less intercohort inequality (competition between generations) • « Social-democrat » Model (Nordic Europe) : Citizenship and broad participation to discussions and bargaining around social reforms between social groups (gender, generations, etc.) for a long-term development HD0 : less intracohort inequalities HD1 : residual intercohort inequalities (compromise between generations)
International variations : • Three great models of evolution : • Continental and Mediterranean Europe (+ Japon) : protection of insiders against outsiders (new generations are facing major difficulties) • United States and anglo-saxon countries : the new generations, in the average, face difficulties, but higher inequalities imply a divergence between lowest and highest income groups and social classes • Northern Europe : Closer to a universalistic egalitarian equilibrium between age groups, genders and social classes (lower intra- and inter- cohort inequalities) • Emerging countries : • in fast growth countries (China, Taiwan ?, India, Central-Easter Europe) : new opportunities for newer cohorts, and higher inter- and intra-cohort inequalities to the benefit to young university graduates • in stagnation countries (Argentina, Northern Africa) : intergenerational inequalities and generational destabilization (inflation of diplomas and declining return to education)
Conclusions • Kant law of long term generational progress is false for short-middle term • The future of Welfare state in France is highly uncertain • In many countries, a better equilibrium between generations is ned • Problem : the social inertia (« scaring effect ») imply a long term impact if nowadays difficulties; sacrificed generations do not easily catch up • This catch up dynamics of sacrificed generations is not spontaneously effective : it can become an object of negotiation for a new Welfare state in Europe
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