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SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY History: • Ongoing meetings beginning in April through Aug 2005 between Office on the Status of Women, the Commission on Gender Equality, the DOH’s Men in Partnership Against AIDS Initiative, the South African Men’s Forum and the Men as Partners Network. Authors: Commissioner Bafana Khumalo-CGE, Pethu Serote-GETNET, Councillor Rabi Gobind-EthekwiniMunicipality, Ayanda Nabe-SALGA, Dumisani Rebombo & Dean Peacock-Menas Partners, Mbuyiselo Botha-SAMF.
SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY Rationale: • Women make up 77% of the 10% of South African youth between the ages of 15-24 who are infected with HIV/AIDS. • Almost one-third of sexually experienced women (31%) reported that they did not want to have their first sexual encounter and that they were coerced into sex. • A recent study of over 1,500 women in South Africa indicates that “women with violent or controlling male partners are at increased risk of HIV infection”.
SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY Rationale: • Traditional men’s gender roles lead to “more negative condom attitudes and less consistent condom use” and promote “beliefs that sexual relationships are adversarial (Noar & Morokoff, 2001) • Women accessing ARVs outnumber men by a ratio of at least 2 to 1 and VCT by 3 to 1. • Women’s CD4 count at initiation of treatment n clinics in Johannesburg and Cape Town was also significantly higher than men’s.
SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY Rationale: • South African ratification of UN CSW 2004 deliberations on the “role of men and boys in achieving gender equality. • ICPD and Beijing Platforms of Action encourage work with men to promote gender equality. • Many initiatives at National, Provincial and Local levels-Departments of Social Development, MIPAA, CGE, SAMF, MAP, SACC, House of Traditional Leaders etc.
SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY Objectives: • The NGM Men and Gender Equality Programme will form a part of the National Gender Machinery (NGM) and will assist the NGM to engage men at all levels of government and civil society in efforts to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. • The NGM Men and Gender Equality Programme will work to strengthen, enable and facilitate greater coordination and collaboration amongst government departments and between government departments and civil society example between institutions such as OSW, CGE and civil society initiatives (including labour, business and the NGO sector).
SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY Objectives: The NGM Men and Gender Equality Programme • Work with the NGM in its efforts to mainstream men’s constructive involvement within the national gender mainstreaming programme including: research, policy and programme work. • Integrate work with men into the National Action Plan on Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality 2005-2015 • Increase efforts to mobilize men and boys in the service of promoting gender equality. • Make the work of organisations engaging men to promote gender equality visible nationally.
SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Assist National, Provincial and Local government to implement and integrate strategies that encourage men to promote gender equality. • Carry out an environmental scan to identify gaps and assistance needed within government departments and civil society. • Conduct an audit of existing initiatives currently in place across the country and develop and/or (use existing) database of organisations that are involved in these. • Help coordinate a calendar of events involving the sector. • Help develop a support mechanism for the initiatives through an effective media PROGRAMME and other means.
SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY Roles and Responsibilities (continued): • Play an enabling and facilitation role in supporting civil society in working with men to promote gender equality • Help coordinate an annual strategic planning process to streamline activities. • Liaise with all private sector initiatives that support efforts to engage men in promoting gender equality. • Support work already being undertaken in the sector through exploring financial and other resources available, and disseminating information to the stakeholders.
SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY COORDINATING STRUCTURE • The NGM Men and Gender Equality Programme will constitute a sub-committee of the NGM and be accountable to it. • The NGM Men and Gender Equality Programme shall represent government and civil society with representation from each of the five government clusters, the CGE, the HRC, the Youth Commission, the CRL, SALGA, the Joint Monitoring Committee and elected representatives from civil society organizations.
SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY COORDINATING STRUCTURE (continued) • Civil Society representatives to the NGM Men and Gender Equality Programme shall be elected from a representative national general meeting composed of all civil society stakeholders in the sector. • The NGM Programme on Men and Gender Equality will seek to ensure that diversity is taken into account in all its structures using the Government’s framework for sectoral representivity. • The OSW will finance the convening of initial NGM Men and Gender Equality Programme meetings and cover the costs of venue.
SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY Plenary Body: • The plenary body is made up of representatives from Cabinet, OSW, CGE, SALGA, Joint Parliamentary Monitoring Committee, Gender Focal Persons from all National Departments, SANAC, the Private Sector and representatives from key civil society organizations including: Women’s Advocacy Organizations, Trade Unions, Traditional Leaders and Healers, Faith Based Organizations, the Academic Sector and NGO’s/CBO’s. • The Plenary Body will meet twice per year to receive reports from working committee and give mandates for the work to be done.
SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY Working Group • This body is elected by at the annual Plenary Body meeting and is responsible for implementing recommendations made by the Plenary Body. • The Chair of the Working Committee shall give a report at each NGM meeting and report to plenary twice per year. • The Working Group shall from time to time appoint task teams to address specific themes / projects with specific timeframes. • The Working Group has a secretariat jointly appointed by government and civil society. • Funding for the Secretariat will be secured through contributions made by NGM bodies such as the Government Clusters, the CGE, the OSW and by proposals submitted to the private sector and grant making bodies.
SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY Timeframe The timeframes and activities of the NGM Programme on men and gender equality should be linked to those of the NGM Forum, the essential activities defined by their roles and responsibilities as well as existing annual activities such as the men’s marches in the different provinces. The programme shall enable and facilitate the creation of provincial and local structures to be reported on at the end of the first year.
SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY Next Steps (continued): • Present revised document to next NGM • Recruit Men & Gender Equality Ambassadors • Secure funding from Government, Private Sector & Donors for Secretariat and for twice yearly plenary meetings • Funding from CGE, OSW, EngenderHealth, the Private Sector • Develop business plan, budget and pursue donor support • CGE will pursue private sector and parastatal support • OSW will convene briefing (and audience) with Minister Pahad or advisor • OSW will pursue broader government funding through GFP’s.
SOUTH AFRICAN NGM PROGRAMME ON CONSTRUCTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF MEN IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY Next Steps: • Convene the first Plenary meeting during 16 Days of Activism on December 9th and 10th with the President, former President and other ambassadors supporting the launch of the programme. • Elect Working Group and formalize secretariat. • Launch coincides with a major public event demonstrating men’s support for gender equality such as a march and a commitment to action on December 10th in support of the launch of the National Action Plan.
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