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iWD Genesys intelligent Workload Distribution Overview and Troubleshooting

iWD Genesys intelligent Workload Distribution Overview and Troubleshooting . Alan Ball August 2010. Agenda. Overview / Architecture App Configuration / Installation Components / Services Tasks HA Reporting Troubleshooting QA. Overview / Architecture. What is iWD ?. Introduction.

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iWD Genesys intelligent Workload Distribution Overview and Troubleshooting

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  1. iWD Genesys intelligent Workload Distribution Overview and Troubleshooting Alan Ball August 2010

  2. Agenda • Overview/ Architecture • App Configuration / Installation • Components / Services • Tasks • HA • Reporting • Troubleshooting • QA

  3. Overview / Architecture What is iWD?

  4. Introduction Automates the prioritization and distribution of work tasks to the people best suited for the service delivery

  5. Architecture Centralized Service Management Sample “Physical” Layout Tomcat, JBoss, Webshpere, Weblogic or other Server 1 iWD Manager Runtime Node 1 ... Service 1 Service 2 ... Webservice Server 2 Runtime DB Datamart DB Runtime Node 2 Service 3 Service 4 ... Config DB Datamart Node Maestro Node Runtime Node

  6. Business User Interface User interface designed specifically for the business user SLAs defined using business rules: • Business Value • Due Dates • Task Priority Configure in minutes versus hours, or days Extensive templates to tailor SLA to business requirements

  7. # App Configuration / Installation iWD solution

  8. Getting started • Open iWD Manager • Shortcut on desktop, • Or look in IE Favorites • Login • User: system • Password: evo • Navigation • Much like Outlook – menus on the bottom • Tenant drop-down list • Tree list

  9. Configuration • Solution Instances • Deployable Entity • Solution Instances contain • Runtime Node(s) – a single solution can be deployed across one or more runtime node. • Deployment Management • Change History • Services • Business Configuration & Logic: • Examples: • Test Instance (test new configs) • Staging (prior to loading into production) • Production (live environment) • Archive (tasks will expire to a solution)

  10. Business Configuration Enterprise Division Line of business Tenant Archive Solution Instance Primary Contract Department Back Office Cust Svc Order Process Process Cancel Svc Tasks

  11. Technical Configuration

  12. Components / Services

  13. Service overview Rules Service Prioritization Service Runtime DB Audit Service Classification Service MQ Service XML Capture Point DB Service MQ Capture Point Broker Service Logging Service Webservice Capture Point Simulation DP Assigner Simulation DP Completer Simulation DP Genesys Sync. Service Genesys CS connector Genesys IXN connector Genesys DP

  14. Rule Phases • Important to ensure your SLA rules are set to the appropriate phase • Classify will only run once • Priority will run throughout the life of the task • Archive only when task has expired Scripts Capture Transform Tasks Attributes • Standard • Extended • Custom Rules Rules Archive Classify Audit (History) Rules Prioritize Distribute

  15. Tasks Lifecycle – Capture, Calculate, Distribute

  16. Task Flow. Another look.

  17. Task Capture • Capture Services • Webservice Capture point • Provides SOAP interface (client-server) for external systems to submit tasks • Originating system can query task status using capture ID or broker ID • XML Capture point • Repeatedly checks configured directory for new XML files • Parses XML and creates, updates, modifies tasks, according to the information in XML file, supports task batches • Supports message transformation • IBM Websphere MQ Capture point • Connects to MQ manager on a specified host • Listens for incoming messages in one queue, puts outgoing messages into another queue • Supports message transformation • DB Capture point • Captures tasks from source DB and manipulates them using plain SQL

  18. Distribution Genesys Configuration server connector Genesys Synchronization service #1 Genesys Configuration server Genesys Interaction server connector #1 Genesys Interaction server Genesys Distribution point #3 Genesys URS Genesys Interaction server connector #2 Genesys Distribution point #6 Agent Agent Genesys Synchronization service #2 Agent

  19. Business Process - URS

  20. Archiving • Archiving Service • Purpose – to reduce / optimize the runtime DB • Task, its audit information and attributes are removed from runtime DB • Criteria for task removal • Task is expired • Task is completed or canceled • If task belongs to XML Batch, all batch tasks need to match this criteria • Archiving destinations • Remove from DB • Export to XML • Archive to Solution • Will cover later, but full task details are available in iWD Datamart, so not a major issue to simply “remove” from runtime database

  21. HA Components that support HA in the iWD suite

  22. HA • Primary and backup services for key services: • Classification • Prioritization • Genesys Distribution Point • XML Capture Point • MQ Capture Point • DB Capture Point • If primary node goes down, secondary takes over • When primary node is back online, it takes over, secondary goes to standby mode High Availability via hot standby

  23. Redundancy

  24. Reporting Datamart / CCPulse

  25. Historical Reporting • Access to information

  26. Datamart • Datamart DB structure and Datamart Jobs • Aggregated fact tables • Initialized by “Aggregate Intraday” and “Aggregate Historical” jobs • *_15min, *_day

  27. Troubleshooting

  28. Possible issues that may arise “Database Runtime” connection pool size - Ext Statistics Service Synchronization Task Re-prioritisation Distribution point configuration option :distributionThreshold Archive

  29. Cannot deploy the solution • Possible causes • Runtime nodes are not configured correctly • Runtime nodes are not started properly • System complains about missing properties • Most likely may happen after upgrades in service property sets • Solution is deployed, but broker service and dependent services are not running • Possible causes • Problems in db connection properties or missing DB

  30. All tasks end up in ErrorHeld state • Possible causes (check task audit history and task data for error messages) • Process is not assigned during Capture phase • Due date/time is not set • Business calendar is not set and BC-related functions are used in rules • Genesys distribution point is configured to use unavailable inbound queue • Tasks are not visible in iWD manager under Contract and Process • Possible causes • Tasks have not passed capture rules for some reason (e.g. Process is not set)

  31. Genesys IXN connector cannot connect • Possible causes • Check hosts.They should contain fully qualified host name, including domain • Can’t create a particular service • Possible causes • Module is not added to the tenant and solution • Max amount of services of particular type within a solution has been reached • Service is not available in dependencies • Possible causes • If the service exists – runtime node configuration may not be right • Solution does not appear under Contract/Process • Possible causes • Solution does not contain broker service

  32. Information gathering • Information • Log files for failing services (probably Debug Level) • Log files for broker service (regardless of the failing service) • Application server logs • Exports of Configuration (System/Tenant configuration exports) • Configuration/Runtime DB Dumps (if it is possible) • Tasks which are causing the errors • Deployed configurations • runtime_application/WEB-INF/config/*.* • iWD logging levels • None – no logging • Error – only errors are reported • Warn – errors + warnings • Info – “everyday news” from iWD + errors + warnings • Debug/Trace – debug level (lots of information)

  33. Logging

  34. Other resources

  35. Other resourcesCourses offered through Genesys University • Troubleshooting Workshops • T-Server,and URS Troubleshooting Workshop • Outbound Contact Solution Troubleshooting Workshop • For more details on these and other classes offered by Genesys University, go to: • http://www.genesyslab.com/about/training/

  36. Other ResourcesTech Support Knowledgebase • Tech Support Knowledgebase • Product Advisories • Release Notes and Information • Product Manuals • White Papers • Tech Support Solution Search • Over 30,000 Service Request Solutions for you to reference • Weekly Notifications about new or updated Product Advisories and Release Notes • Request on the subscriptions tab of your TS Website Profile

  37. Other ResourcesFuture Tech Tutorial Webinars Register for these and other sessions on the Tech Tutorials page of the Genesys Tech Support Website. http://genesyslab.com/support/tutorials/

  38. Other ResourcesTech TutorialComments • If you would like to comment on: • Usefulness of the Tech Tutorial content • Presenter's knowledge of the subject • Future Tech Tutorial topics • Please send email to support.webadmin@genesyslab.com

  39. Thank you Question time

  40. www.genesyslab.com www.alcatel-lucent.com

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