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Karsilastirmali Saglik Sistemleri

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Karsilastirmali Saglik Sistemleri

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    1. Karsilastirmali Saglik Sistemleri Duydugum seyler Saglik sistemleri temel kategorileri Saglik reformu kavramlari Örnekler Birlesik Devletler Ingiltere Almanya In this section we will present an approach for comparing different national health systems and drawing lessons from the comparisons. First we will think about the logic of making comparisons and learning lessons. Then we will discuss a basic typology for categorizing health systems. We will then examine some of the key concepts and health system reform, and the specific policy instruments which countries have attempted to use to alter their health systems in response to various external and internal pressures. Finally, we will apply the logic, categories and understanding of policy instruments to three specific country examples: The United States, the United Kingdom and Germany.In this section we will present an approach for comparing different national health systems and drawing lessons from the comparisons. First we will think about the logic of making comparisons and learning lessons. Then we will discuss a basic typology for categorizing health systems. We will then examine some of the key concepts and health system reform, and the specific policy instruments which countries have attempted to use to alter their health systems in response to various external and internal pressures. Finally, we will apply the logic, categories and understanding of policy instruments to three specific country examples: The United States, the United Kingdom and Germany.

    2. Uluslararasi karsilastirmalar ile ilgili duyduklarim Baskalarindan ögrenebiliriz Baskalarindan ögrenemeyiz Orada ise yaradi,burada da yarar Orada basarisiz oldu burada da olacak Ögrenmenin en iyi yolu ziyaret etmektir o zaman beni gönderin

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