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Teen Pregnancy Among Latinos. Monterey County Health Department Administration Yesenia Avina Psychology Major CSU Monterey Bay. Intro.
Teen Pregnancy Among Latinos Monterey County Health Department Administration YeseniaAvina Psychology Major CSU Monterey Bay
Intro The Latino population has been the population with the highest birth rate among adolescents in California, culturally relevant methods need to be developed to identify the best techniques to promote sexual health.
* Have less social support from family and friends with regard to contraceptive use *religion plays a big role in family values, abstinence and anti-abortion beliefs are usually enforced*Machismo: the cultural characteristics of masculinity found in many different communities and cultures*Less access to healthcare *Lack of programs targeting Latinos
School performance ( higher school dropout rates) Children of teens: less likely to succeed in school greater risk of poverty more likely to have health problems Effects
Solutions *Reach out to younger children and inform the importance of continuing their education * More parent teen communication* Form programs targeting Latino Teens involving their parents similar to....
*Offers family planning education and monitors contraceptive use* Develops leadership skills and self-esteem through peer education * Links teens with mentors and tutors* Lowers school drop-out rates*Provides prevention education on HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs),* Presents substance abuse prevention education*Targeted for Latino teens Mary’s Center for Maternal and Child Care Innovative Practice
Synthesis • Help reduce the number of teen pregnancy among Latinos in Monterey County.
ReferenceSangi-Haghpeykar, H., Ali, N., Posner, S., & Poindexter, A. N. (2006). Disparities in contraceptive knowledge, attitude and use between Hispanic and non-Hispanic whites. Contraception, 74, 125-132. Hoffman, S. (2006). By the numbers: the public costs of teen childbearing. Washington, DC: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.