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Teen Pregnancy. By: Danisha Diaz. What is Teen Pregnancy?. Teen Pregnancy is a teenaged or underage female (ages 13-19) being pregnant.
Teen Pregnancy By: Danisha Diaz
What is Teen Pregnancy? • Teen Pregnancy is a teenaged or underage female (ages 13-19) being pregnant. • A pregnancy can take place as early as two weeks before menarche (the first menstrual period), which signals the possibility of fertility, but usually occurs after menarche. In healthy, well-nourished girls, menarche normally takes place around the ages 12 or 13.
Teen Pregnancy between Races • Whites reported lower rates of current sexual activity (23.4%) than blacks (35.4%) or Hispanics (32.7%), and had lower predicted pregnancy risk (PRI=5.4% vs. 9.0% and 10.5%, respectively). Among sexually active females, hormonal contraception use rates were low in all groups (11.6% among whites, 7.8% among blacks, and 7.5% among Hispanics).
Does the Media affect Teen Pregnancy? • Some experts agree that there can be no relevant cause-and-effect relationship attached to the MTV reality shows and the short-term spike in teenage pregnancy rates registered in 2006 and 2007. Bill Albert, chief program officer of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy in Washington, D.C., offered, “As far as I'm concerned, they are among the most effective teen pregnancy prevention PSAs ever made. Anyone who has watched the show knows it shows a very gritty reality of teen pregnancy…There's nothing glamorous about those young people's lives”. • The good news is that teenage pregnancy rates have been dropping. According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, teen birth rates in the U.S. dropped last year to the lowest they have been in about seventy years (McMahon). According to the latest teenage pregnancy data, birth rates have steadily decreased from 2008 to 2010, with 34.3 births per 1,000 teenagers and young adults ages fifteen to nineteen recorded in 2010 according to a Nov. 17 Reuters article.
Teen Pregnancy in the Past • Teen Pregnancy in the U.S. is higher than in any other country. Teen pregnancy specifically emerged as a term in the early 1960s but did not become popular until the 1970s Teen birth rates were higher than ever in the 1960’s than in the present. In fact teen pregnancy in the age of 18 and 19 are double what they were before than what they are today. • Trends in teen births and birth rates since 1960 have been affected by a variety of factors. These include an increase in the number of female teenagers, declines in marriage among older teens, falling birth rates for married teens with rapidly rising birth rates for unmarried teens, and an increase in sexual activity among teens that have abated recently, according to the National Center for Health Statistics National Survey of Family Growth.
Teen Pregnancy in the Present • From this super peer, teens have more careless attitudes toward sexual behavior, especially since most of the shows on television don’t mention the risks of the sexual behaviors they present. The impact of the media’s sexual influence on today’s adolescents is dramatic. Studies have shown that teens who watch a high level of sex and sexual behavior on TV are more likely to experience a teenage pregnancy. Many studies have found that a teen pregnancy negatively affects the grandmothers own parenting skills. Younger siblings of teen moms can also be affected by the pregnancy.
Teen Pregnancy in the Future • In this generation, there is a small population of teen virgins. People always look up to their elders so once they go through that stage they will follow their parents’ footsteps and try to experiment at a very young age. Teen Pregnancy needs to decrease so in the future there will be many ways and ideas to stop teen pregnancy. • Many people predict that teen pregnancy will increase. Honestly, virgins are like an endangered species in this century. Teens are very easily influenced by what they see now in days. Parents need to talk to their children more about things that can possibly happen at their age. Parents also need to build a trust worthy bond with their children so that teens won’t always be afraid to ask.
Start by thinking it through carefully yourself. Are you ready to have sex? Are you going to wait? Though there are a variety of ways to avoid pregnancy, they can be boiled down to two basic strategies: Delay Sex : Not having sex at all is the only 100% effective method of preventing pregnancy and STDs. Use Protection : If you do choose to have sex, you need to make sure that you use protection correctly every single time you have sex. There are a variety of types of contraception, so do some research and figure out which method is right for you.
The Consequences of Teen Motherhood • Less Likely to complete High School and missing college. • Dependence on welfare. • Instead of enjoying parties, pep rallies, etc you will probably be spending your time working to pay for food/medical bills, etc. • Not being able to chase your own dream.
Risks to Chilren of Teen Mothers • Most Likely to grow up without a father. • School Failure. • Abuse and negect • Poverty and welfare dependence • Possible diseases. • Females more likely to be teen moms themselves. • Males more likely to be high school dropouts, drug attics, or alchoholics.