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"Liberty® herbicide provides unsurpassed weed control through unique chemistry and a novel mode of action with no known resistance in row crops, providing growers nonselective post-emergence control of even the toughest weeds, includng Palmer amaranth, giant ragweed, waterhemp, and marestail.The LibertyLink® trait provides growers better weed management options and yields competitive to the Roundup Ready system. LibertyLink®: http://www.bayercropscience.us/products/traits/libertylink/ Liberty®: http://www.bayercropscience.us/products/herbicides/liberty/"
GlyTol LibertyLink Cotton Trait • First-ever stacked cotton with full tolerance to both Liberty and glyphosate herbicides • Revolutionary tool for both weed control and resistance management • Option to rotate two herbicide modes of action to effectively control weeds and reduce potential for weed resistance issues • Use full-labeled rates of Liberty without crop safety or performance issues • Use any brand of glyphosate herbicide registered for use on cotton over the top • Improved ability to tankmix residuals • Available in high-yielding FiberMax and Stoneville varieties across U.S. cotton geographies. • Stacked with Bollgard II trait • Stacked with double pest-resistant cotton varieties (TwinLink)
GlyTol LibertyLink Bollgard II Cotton Trait • GlyTol LibertyLink Bollgard II varieties offer the highest level of protection of any trait technology package on the market today. • Current stacked (HT + IR) platforms
TwinLink Cotton Trait • When stacked with GlyTol and LibertyLink, provides double herbicide tolerance to glyphosate and Liberty for effective crop and resistance management • Flexibility for growers to choose best herbicide and system for their operations • Rotate herbicide modes of action to control weeds effectively • Reduce potential for weed resistance • Wide application window for over-the-top applications • Two-gene Bt protection against worm pests for season-long protection • Cry1Ab & Cry2Ae • Broad-spectrum lepidopteran insect control • Excellent bollworm protection • Excellent fall armyworm and beet armyworm control
GlyTol LibertyLink TwinLink Cotton Trait • Offers the highest level of protection of any trait technology package on the market.
GlyTol LibertyLink TwinLink Cotton Trait • GlyTol LibertyLink TwinLink is a powerful weed and pest management tool • High performing, powerful cotton traits with multiple insect resistance and multiple herbicide tolerance • Broad spectrum weed and worm control • Helps maximize yield potential • Combines herbicide stacked technology of GlyTol and LibertyLink with two Bt genes (Cry1Ab & Cry2Ae) • Received EPA registration in January 2012 • Commercialized for U.S. cotton in 2014 • The first varieties with TwinLink are available in both FiberMax and Stoneville brands
TwinLink Field Trial Locations 7. Lex Tyson, BCS, Albany, GA 8. R. Leonard, LSU, Winnsboro, LA 9. S. Miscinski, LSU, Shreveport, LA 10. Angus Catchot, Miss. St. 11. Jeff Gore, Miss. St. 12. Ryan Jackson, USDA 18. Jeremy Greene, Clemson Elko, SC 19. S. Baker, BCS, Memphis, TN 20. Scott Stewart, Univ. of Tenn. 21. J. Adamczyk, USDA, Weslaco, TX 22. G. Henniger, BCS, Lubbock, TX 23. David Kerns, Texas A&M • 1. Peter Ellsworth, Univ. of Ariz. • 2. Scott Akin, Univ. of Ark. • 3. Gus Lorenz, Univ. of Ark. • 4. R. Humphries, BCS, Shafter, CA • Phillip Roberts, UGA, Tifton, GA • 6. Ron Smith, UGA 13. D. Hughes, BCS 14. J. Bacheler, NCSU 15. JR Bradley/VanDuyn/Rinehardt, Chemtrol, Edenton, NC 16. D. Reisig, NCSU 17. McCarty/Crooks, Carolina Ag-Research
TwinLink Cotton Trait IRM • Cotton growers are required to comply with EPA refuge requirements for TwinLink cotton.