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Developing Number Sense and Early Number Concepts

Developing Number Sense and Early Number Concepts . EDN 322. Number Sense.

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Developing Number Sense and Early Number Concepts

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  1. Developing Number Sense and Early Number Concepts EDN 322

  2. Number Sense A “good intuition about numbers and their relationships. It develops gradually as a result of exploring numbers, visualizing them in a variety of contexts, and relating them in ways that are not limited by traditional algorithms” (Howden, 1989).

  3. Number and Operations StandardGrades Pre-K-12 • Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems • Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another • Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates Principles and Standards for School Mathematics National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2000

  4. Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems • Count with understanding and recognize “how many” in sets of objects • Develop understanding of the relative position and magnitude of whole numbers and of ordinal and cardinal numbers and their connections. • Connect number words and numerals to the quantities they represent, using various physical models and representations

  5. The meanings for the number five suggested by young children…

  6. Prenumber Concepts • Patterning • Sorting • Classifying

  7. Counting Principles • One-to-one correspondence • Stable order rule • Order irrelevance rule • Cardinality rule

  8. Counting Stages • Rote Counting

  9. Counting Stages • Rational Counting

  10. Counting Strategies • Counting On • Counting Back • Skip Counting

  11. Relationships Among Numbers • Spatial Relationships • One and Two More, One and Two Less • Number Benchmarks • Part-part-whole Relationships

  12. Writing Numerals • Start with very clear, very strong models. • Focus on one number at a time. • Provide maximum guidance at first. • Be accepting of initial efforts. • Gently reduce the amount of guidance. • Reward correct performance. • Review previously-learned material at regular intervals.

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